How To Get A Date: Slum It With An Average Joe

Hey you! Yes, I’m talking to you. The guy complaining about how he can’t ever get a date. Aside from the fact that your incessant whining is totally annoying, we think we may have a solution to your problem–you’re not going after the right body type.

Sure, it sounds a little ridiculous. But we’ve crunched the numbers at Manhunt headquarters to compare those who marked the “dating” checkbox by body type, and our data shows that average and athletic men are much more likely to take you out for coffee before putting your dick in their mouth.

We’re not exactly sure what’s the deal with bears, twinks and those mysterious “other” men. Maybe they’re total sluts. Perhaps they’re already attached? Or maybe… well, let’s just pretend that they’re all sluts. It’s more fun that way!

– Dewitt

21 thoughts on “How To Get A Date: Slum It With An Average Joe

  1. From body type to limitations on the race question again. . . . seriously, has this guy been reading any of your blog suggestions?

  2. I think (hope) Atlas was making a comment about the images being used to indicate the different body types. None of them (with the exception of the ‘bears’ one) could be used to suggest an African American. The hair styles aren’t really possible for a black guy.

  3. Really atallywhacker? Because I’ve seen black guys with straight hair, spiked hair, fauxhaks, ect. You should get out a little more before you make dumb blanket comments.

    Anyway, who cares about race? I think this poll is sort of accurate, although I would have thought twinks would have a higher percentage.

  4. Guys, back in your kennels! Those are neither black, nor white, nor asian, nor latin…

    THEY’RE SMURFS! Didn’t you know this was a Smurf dating/cruising site?


  5. Do you all think race is still an issue in this day & age when it comes to dating & sex? As an Asian guy, I’ve experienced both positive & negative reactions by other guys of all body types.

  6. Interesting results. The bears I know are almost all partnered, whereas the more average and athletic guys are free agents.

  7. Ironically, as a “bear” here. I can rarely get guys to respond to emails I send to them – even just a compliment, I would suspect that manhunt just isn’t the site for bears.

    “Bears” don’t seem to be very popular on this site. Too many guys that are too stuck up on themselves (way too many that describe themselves as “hot” – shouldn’t that be in the eye of the beholder?) to bother responding to average guys.

  8. I believe that, I think twinks are all sluts. Ok not all, but 98%. Average guys is where its at!

  9. Here’s the thing: people who check “average” as their body type are overweight. So the little figure you have representing “average” with the nice arms and the preppy hairstyle… yeah, not manhunt “Average”. And THAT’S why I’m not optimistic about this study.

  10. Alex, it depends on your definition of overweight, I have an athletic figure, but i love a guy with a little bit of a belly, I think thats average and some guys would say thats “overweight”

  11. Gee Atlas, thanks for making it about race. Heaven knows that relevant to the topic. :-\

    Atallywhacker, I’ve seen black guys pull off the twink and average guy haircut to. 🙂

  12. Has anyone actually gotten proper “dates” from here? As an average guy i ticked that because I’m not overweight, not underweight, just average, hence why i ticked average…

  13. Like beauty… over/under weightness is also in the eye of the beholder. No one here is pathologically obese…just what one person considers as fat second considers average and yet a third thin.

  14. what, i was just making a joke considering previous topics. you guys try to look into shit too much.

  15. I agree with Astroguy,mt,Tim everyone has there own definition with regards 2 average and like mt said lets just leave it at that . BTW atlas ( LOL ) I remember the topic ( Black is not beautiful ) and so does Brandon !!!

  16. in my prfile i checked average as well since i’m not as cut as i would like to be but in reality i’m more of an athletic type with a baseball/football player type of a build with a little bit of a belly…not totally smooth but not extremely cut….hence average

  17. oops…that should have been “profile”….hey Dewitt and Andy bring back proofreading before posting!!!!

  18. Of course, there’s also the question of how many guys are using it to get more guys into their grips and who these guys are “willing” to date. I find even a lot of guys who say they’re just looking for friendship and want a response from you if they email you will not reply if they’re remotely not interested in you for whatever reason.

    And I’ll stop venting now.

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