Steven Daigle Goes Straight-For-Pay

Former Big Brother 10 houseguest Steven Daigle has appeared in a scene for Straight Guys 4 Gay Eyes. Do we even need to explain why this is hilarious? Ever since his days on reality television, this guy has proudly stated that he’s gay, and he’s even romantically involved with fellow porn star Trent Locke. I mean, the idea that he’s “straight” is entirely laughable!

Thankfully, the site doesn’t even try to pretend he’s playing for the other team, and it’s established from the get-go that he’s a total ‘mo. As if things weren’t clear enough, he’s even wearing a Manhunt tank top! We swear we had nothing to do with this glorious moment of product placement. He just loves us that much.

In the scene, these two ladies attempt to teach Steven about the joys of heterosexual lovemaking. They coach him on how to lick and please their shaved pussies, and we have a feeling that his facial expressions will indicate how much he enjoyed the experience…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Straight Guys 4 Gay Eyes

To check out Steven Daigle in action, follow the JUMP:

33 thoughts on “Steven Daigle Goes Straight-For-Pay

  1. Disgusting. Why can’t a gay man just be gay and not try to have it both ways? Makes gay men look bad. Next thing you know he will declare he is straight and want to get married. This will totally disgust the conservative right gay population. Makes all gays look bad. Disgusting.

  2. Where are all the boys who declare that a hard-on determines sexual orientation (when discussing gay porn sites)? If we can imagine that this guy is “straight for pay,” erection and all, don’t we have to admit that gay for pay is an actual category?

  3. I don’t have any problem watching straight porn, I don’t have any problem watching bi porn but watching a gay guy have sex with women is just, I don’t even know what to say. Ick. The fact that the short one looks like one of those pencil topper trolls doesn’t really help either.

  4. Ha, I think this is great!
    As for him making gay’s look bad, I’d say that so many other facets of porn make them look just as bad, if not worse. So with all the fetishes out there, why can’t gay men who screw women be one.
    If gay-for-pay works, then so should straight-for-pay. Shame he didnt get better lookin girls though.

  5. So is this guy bi, or just a big queen desperate for cash? Sorry for not really knowing who this is, I prefer amateur. I’m just curious as to whether or not he’s 100% gay

  6. Ok…first he’s not attractive (and not exactly well-equipped) and those other two look like a single class above streetwalkers so I agree with the majority…EWWWWWWWWWW…LOL. Aren’t his 15 minutes up yet???

  7. For me, it isn’t so much that he’s a gay man fucking two women (someone once told me if I didn’t like I didn’t have to look at it). It’s the fact that he’s popping up on practically every gay site there is. He’s becoming a real Kim Kardashian – and by that I mean I wish he would just go away (for a little while anyway).

  8. Personally, I’m not sure why you’ve bothered posting this. He might be gay, but he’s engaging in heterosex, so what’s he doing on a blog dedicated to man-on-man action? You don’t cover gay-for-pay guys when they perform with women only, so why this guy?

  9. CAN YOU SAY DESPERATE! The stench of desperation is over the top with this attention whore.

  10. Whats with the double standard with safe sex? Bareback sex in gay porn is shunned, yet it’s perfectly acceptable in st8 porn. Often its the same guys in both. The risk is the same no matter which hole they are fucking.

  11. So now that he’s been photographed having sex with women, that makes him straight…right? It seems to be the logic most of us gay guys use when a straight guy sucks some cock or even gets fucked. It’s just sex not a lifestyle choice.

  12. Maybe we’re not in on the joke. (I like him; sorry.) It almost looks like a spoof of 70’s straight porn.

  13. I recently learned that the sensible way of viewing this is as follows:
    Steven Daigle is a SEX WORKER. That means he’ll have sex with anybody and everybody if the price is right!

    Whether it is Gay4Pay, Straight4Pay, Bi4Pay or Fetish4Pay, to a sex worker it really is all the same! Let’s not make it more important then it is. If you don’t like this particular genre he’s in, then don’t watch it and find something else that you DO like!

    We MUST NOT make the mistake to think because these sex workers have sex for our viewing pleasure and we read a bit about them in an article or an interview that we therefore have a personal relationship with these pornographic performers. We do NOT! It simply is their way of making a living and their efforts are only meant to visually titillate their audiences and allow them to inflate their escorting fees.

  14. it’s sort of hilarious everyone freaking out about this. He’s just trying to get paid like everyone else. Now if tomorrow he ALL OF A SUDDEN decides oh I’m straight then maybe we can have a freak out conversation. But I agree, if so many guys can do gay for pay what’s the big deal with a gay guy doing straight for pay. Is it you feel like he’s “betraying” the “team” whatever it is get over it. He hasn’t denounced his homosexuality so whatever.

  15. Thank U JG . It just seems so rediculious that everyone is getting so up N arms over this so what if he is doing straight 4 pay I seriously doubt if it changes anything . However I cannot understand how any of these guys can support safe sex N gay porn and yet not do so 4 there ( so called ) “straight” porn. I just do not get it a life is a life regardless of rather they have a SPLIT or a DICK between there legs !!

  16. 1. This guy is not attractive at all and with the many scenes he’s done you’d think he’d fix those busted teeth of his.

    2. Being on Big Brother for 2 weeks does not translate into being a celebrity.

    3. This ass is a bigot and a racist. I don’t really understand how people can want to see him and are not be repulsed by him. Once i know someone is a bigot or racist i am over them. I guess when it comes to porn then people don’t apply the same morality we would in everyday interactions.

  17. He’s an over rated piece of trailer trash. Not only is he ugly, but he keeps showing up all over the place. I find him uber trashe and just a plain old walking STD! They probably have ugly girls because no decent looking women wanted to be with a nasty skankey piece of used up dog cråp. Let him fade away PLEASE!! NO MORE Steve Dingleberry!!

  18. Rowin:

    I wholeheartedly agree with your comments about Daigle, being “sex workers”. But then you say if you don’t like it the the gay4pay’s, str84pay’s, etc., go look for something else.

    That’s where I have a problem with Gay For Pay – it’s practically everywhere. You got sites like Randy Blue, Sean Cody, the Next Door’s that celebrate it. As a matter of fact Next Door Males proudly proclaims “Our Guys are 100% Heterosexual” What’s the matter, we’re not good enough to jack off or take one up the ass on camera? And if that’s not bad enough, the veteran studios (Colt, Falcon, Raging Stallion) are starting to embrace it.

    Some Gay for Pay is good. Some of the guys really get into it – guys like Jeremy Bilding I’ll watch and not even think about it. However, you got the guys who refuse to do certain gay sex acts (not mentioning any names, Mr. Cummings). I’ve read where the producers coax these guys to perform by basically bribing them with extra money. Hey – “Gay For Pay” means you’re being paid for being GAY! If one of these guys doesn’t want to suck a dick (or even kiss); fine – except don’t pay him an extra grand to get him to do it, instead subtract a grand from his paycheck for not doing it and see how fast it takes him to start chowing down on a boner. If you or I went into work one day and told the boss “I’m not gonna do [fill in the blank].” You think your boss is gonna say “Oh please, I’ll pay you an extra 500 bucks to do it”? You say they’re Sex Workers, Rowin (and again I agree with you) – fine, then make them do their damn job!

    I’m sorry if I’m rambling, but I’m very confused these days. I’m in my 50’s and gay porn was so much simpler back in my day. You had Al Parker, Jack Wrangler, Casey Donovan, then the Catalina Boys of the 1980’s and then the Men of Titan in the 90’s. You always knew that one guy was going to stick his dick either into the other guy’s mouth or up his ass, and the other guy was going to like it. Nowadays, a guy starts sucking on another guy’s dick and the guy being sucked says “Wow – my girlfriend sure can’t suck like that – but man, she’s got such big tits.”

    I’m done. I’m sorry, I just had to vent.

  19. “If gay-for-pay works, then so should straight-for-pay. Shame he didnt get better lookin girls though.”

    I have to say no. The ONLY reason gay-for-pay exists is because straight men aren’t paid enough money in straight porn (and they do ALL the work). Also, gay-for-pay is intended for gay men and it’s completely overrated (how anyone can be turned on by a bored straight guy is beyond me).

    Straight-for-pay is, for some stupid reason, intended for gay men because some idiots think that we’ll enjoy anything with a dick in it and that we won’t be completely insulted by it.

    And yes I find it insulting (and I do realize that I should just ignore it, but I just wanted to say my “two-cents”). Why should gay porn stars fuck women and then rub it in our faces? It’s a complete turn-off to most gay men, so what’s the damn point of straight-for-pay!?

    “Nowadays, a guy starts sucking on another guy’s dick and the guy being sucked says ‘Wow – my girlfriend sure can’t suck like that – but man, she’s got such big tits.'”

    @ TopDownLB:
    I know what you mean. Before I learned about straight-for-pay, that was the biggest turn-off for me in a porno. I also hate it when there are posters of naked women in porn scenes. It’s like they’re trying to make the guys look straight or something…

    Gay porn companies should focus less on weird fetishes, that only a few guys will enjoy, and more on passionate fucking. There is nothing better than seeing two guys actually enjoy kissing and fucking each other.

    I’m sorry for the rant. It’s just that I don’t see why straight-for-pay should even exist, unless it’s meant to be some sort of “freak-show” to piss gay men off; I must admit that it’s working if that’s the case.

  20. He must be bisexual.

    So he finally got to bang some chicks on camera; he probably now feels all big and proud of himself.

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