Can we just assume that you’re all familiar with the story of Ted Haggard? The evangelical preacher was outed in 2006 for doing meth and sleeping with a hooker for three years. Shortly after, he resigned from all of his positions and went through therapy. He was said to be “completely heterosexual”. By 2009, he designated himself as a “heterosexual with issues”.
Now, as of February 2011, Haggard has come out as bisexual in an interview with GQ magazine. Well, sort of. “Here’s where I really am on this issue,” he told journalist Kevin Roose. “I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual.”
When Roose inquire’s why he doesn’t identify as bisexual now, Haggard replies, “I’m 54, with children, with a belief system, and I can have enforced boundaries in my life. Just like you’re a heterosexual but you don’t have sex with every woman that you’re attracted to, so I can be who I am and exclusively have sex with my wife and be perfectly satisfied.”
But what does it have to do with being fifty-four? Good question! Roose asked the same thing, and here is Haggard’s response: “Life! We live an ordinary life.” Um, huh? Is it wrong that we can believe in Reese Rideout‘s heterosexuality, yet we can’t help thinking this guy’s a total closet case?
– Dewitt
I’ve always said Bi now gay later! But as far as Ted Haggard goes… He disgusts me!
who cares as far as im concerned he can die a million deaths
who cares as far as im concerned he can die a million deaths
Certainly not the best image of him. I always thought that he was kinda attractive, in a messed up in the head sorta way… He has an interesting personality if he could live in honesty and integrity…
It’s too bad that he’s so trapped that he cannot be honest with himself and with the others around him. If he did that, then maybe some of the gay teens who are watching him and listening to him wouldn’t have to live lives of fear and of growing up hating themselves. And maybe they wouldn’t need to contemplate or take their own lives in desperation.
As a former married man with 3 sons who was involved in the church like for decades, I just wish that some of these preachers would be honest and open for once. The so called “Ex-gay” ministries will not change a gay man. They have a function of helping a man to cope if that’s what he wants. But call a spade a spade and call a gay man a gay man.
Come on Ted, let your hair color be what it is and allow yourself to be who and what you are! Unless of course, you believe that God DOES make junk, or mistakes.
And we are suppose to welcome a lying bigot? Come on, I am sick of being used for political bull when it’s on their terms! Get lost!
Sounds like he needs more therapy, of the not-religious “Pray the gay away” variety.
The Lord brought evil …, Job 42:11 and, then there’s Ted “Hag”gard, LOL
would you fuck the shit of his ass?????
In theory I could agree with what he is saying…except that having sex with his wife didn’t satisfy him or else he wouldn’t have been caught with a male hooker…he likes dick, what’s wrong with him just admitting to this? Ted, you can have a happy life with the man of your life but you choose to be miserable just to stick to your ideology…this is pathetic. Let’s hope that by the time he reaches 60 he’ll realize that lying to himself and his family is not the way God wants him to live his life.
He’s a freak.
Creepy guy anyhow, only a deranged religious woman, and a meth addict could have sex with this guy. I am guessing in the next 10 yrs he will resemble the old man from “Poltergeist”.
All he needs is a long weekend at Fort Troff being used and abused by all takers. He would need to be hooded for it so the leather daddies wouldn’t be too hard on him LOL
He’s just acknowledging the truth we all know, which is at 54, it’s better to live the life he already has rather than come out in the gay world and face the consequence of being a 54 year old man no one wants. At least he has companionship with his wife. Just because he’s thinking of someone else when/if he has sex doesn’t make his life worthless…who doesn’t think of someone else when they’re having sex. At least he’s not delusional enough to think everything would be great if he just came out. He’s 54… wouldn’t.
BI now GAY later!
What possible reason would any self-respecting gay man have to care what the hell Ted Haggard considers himself? The simple fact is he was willing to throw the LGBT community under the bus for money, which in my eyes makes him a cretin of the lowest degree. His mother should have aborted him and saved us the trouble of listening to his crap.