18 Year Old Poses as Girl on Facebook, Blackmails Classmates with Nude Photos

Anthony Stancl

An 18-year-old male high school student from Wisconsin is accused of posing as a girl on Facebook and tricking 31 classmates into sending him naked pictures of themselves. If that weren’t bad enough, he then blackmailed the guys into performing sexual acts on him by threatening to publish their pictures online.

Telegraph.co.uk reports, “Anthony Stancl, of New Berlin, west of Milwaukee, was charged on
Wednesday with five counts of child enticement, two counts of
second-degree sexual assault of a child, two counts of third-degree
sexual assault, possession of child pornography, repeated sexual
assault of the same child and making a bomb threat.” Wowza!

Because of those charges, and the fact that the victims were as young as 15, Stancl could face up to 300 years in prison.

What a crazy story, what do you guys think? He certainly is uh… resourceful. 

– Andy

UPDATE: Watch a video of CNN’s reporting with more details, after the JUMP:

68 thoughts on “18 Year Old Poses as Girl on Facebook, Blackmails Classmates with Nude Photos

  1. Wow, how deviant of him. 300 years seems VERY excessive, there are murderers who don’t serve a full life sentence…

  2. I truly believe that this sexual immature country of ours requires statutory law reform.
    In other countries, 15 is the age at which people get married and start families. This wasn’t untrue of our own country at one time either.
    So here we have an 18 year old operating in a consentingly sexual manner with his sexual peers, in that they willingly sent him pictures.
    The 2nd point is coercive sex. Using leverage to gain sexual favor has been the nature of mankind since the dawn of time. While some may find it distasteful, I see punishing someone for the act as on par with punishing someone for being part of the BDSM community.
    I believe Manhunt’s take on this article is “Would this happen to this guy if he was doing this to girls?” And I do believe that’s a compelling question.

  3. I know it’s wrong, but I think that’s deviously clever. And, hey, if the guys were stupid enough to go along with it (read: REPRESSED), then too bad for them 😛

  4. I think it’s ridiculous to try and compare the actions of this young man with being in the BDSM community. What goes on with BDSM is consensual. No one, especially a 15 year old, needs to have sex used as a weapon on them and i’m surprised to find such an ignorant perspective in the previous comment. “Using leverage to gain sexual favor has been the nature of mankind since the dawn of time” is just bad logic. Human beings are innately with out morals. It is human nature to steal, lie, and use violence but that doesn’t make those things right or acceptable.

  5. Many states hold to a 2 to 3 year age gap, especially for kids..And tho 18, he must be barely so, in high school..the sentence is way over the top…. probation, counselling,.. The money for his prison term is better served by supporting and counselling the boys he coerced, which won’t happen because of lack of funds for county psychological services, just jails.
    No justice is served, no one helped by this.

  6. If the accusations are proved:
    Truly, this young man has fraudulently obtained personal & private images, and subsequently sex acts from the other lads whilst they were under duress.
    However, it is then also clear that these lads did not consider themselves under age, victims, or immoral (without scruples) when proposing to engage a young person (in this case a female) for sexual acts. Are they angels?
    Nonetheless, the proposed sentence is not in-line with the crime (as the law is an ass).

  7. What he did is clearly wrong, and blackmailing someone to obtain coerced sex should indeed be deemed a crime, but certainly it is not as serious as murder or even violent assault, and thus shouldn’t carry prison terms of the same magnitude. The focus should be on counselling and rehabilitation, especially in the case of such a young guy (as disturbed and degenerate as he may seem). Also, stacking prison terms consecutively for multiple offenses is simply an outrageous travesty of justice and a demonstration of the exceptionally bloodthirsty nature of the American public, as compared to most other civilized societies. Add to that the crushing Victorian sexual mores that still weigh down on this country, and you have a perfect recipe for a lynchmob justice system whose brunt falls ever more on the youngest and the most vulnerable (see all the stories in recent years on “kids molesting kids”). What I believe is that all people, regardless of age, should be counselled and trained to be able to assert good limits with regard to sex, and if those aren’t respected (read “rape”), the legal system should give them every tool needed to punish the perpetrator(s) appropriately and be protected from them forthwith, but other than that, the state should just butt out of its citizens’ private sexual lives and choices.

  8. Yeah, like counseling or rehab is the answer for reform. These guys “play” the system, get good marks, and an early release for good behavior…then resume their criminal activities until they are caught. Check the high recidivism rate on criminals, which is what this guy is…an outright criminal.
    A crime is a crime, people. So whether he’s 18, 28 or 88…he’s an adult, and should be tried as such. He deserves what’s coming to him. Unless he planned it all along to go to prison for the sake of the butt buffet. His mama must be so proud of her little boy.

  9. The stacked prison sentences he may get are a bit excessive, however what he did seems to have been very well thought out & executed, and yes there is a lynch mob out there, but if I was one of those boys he tried blackmailing, I would want to see his head on a stick in the town square, with his cut-off genitals hanging out of his mouth. Barring that, and my zero-desire to go to prison, I’d turn the tables on him & post my own nude pics before he’d get the chance to, after all I would be under the age of 18 & thus the pics would have to be taken down immediately by the website administrators.

  10. Chances are that 300 years are concurrent, which means instead of serving 10 years for one crime and the 5 years after that for the next crime the sentences are served at the same time. He could be out in 10 years or less. Many of these cases are out on probation in less than half the time. Though being an adult at the time of the crime he will have to register as a sex offender. He totally gets what he deserves. He blackmailed people into having sex. That is not consensual. And if it where girls he was doing this to he should face the same charges.

  11. Hardly ethical, or moral. But I have to admit he’s quite the resourceful opportunist.
    While I am hardly saying what he did was right (far from it, in fact), maybe all the guys he made fools of will reconsider before they do something so trashy from now on.
    Both sides learn a lesson 🙂

  12. I feel what he did was terribly wrong. I just don’t think a 300 year prison sentence is the way to go. At 18, there is still a chance of treating him, rehabilitating him and putting him back out there as a productive member of society.
    I’ve worked with people who were guilty of far, far worse crimes. The majority continue to be hardworking members of the community who paid for their crimes and learned their lesson.

  13. There was deceit and misrepresentation as part of a pre-meditated plan and purpose. And he clearly knew what he was doing and how to go about it i.e he was no “child”.
    If proven as reported then I think some sort of punishment is appropriate.
    But hey – at this stage he has only just been charged. There is no conviction yet, much less any “penalty” imposd. Lets wait-n-see what the Court system does with it.

  14. Ever see the TV series “To Catch a Predator”?? Well, they got another one here. #00 years does seem pretty excessive… though if I were the judge, I would just lock him in a room with the parents of the children.

  15. This was an individual that calculated his actions and made the choice to exploit these other kids. How is that rehabilitated behavior. Sex criminals live all over this country and the laws in place to protect children aren’t followed since communities are never made aware as the laws are to be followed. Just because people may pay for their crime doesn’t mean they don’t have the urge or need to follow that behavioral path again. I do agree that 300yrs is excessive. Yet most of us as children know the difference between right and wrong it’s your choice on how you execute your decisions in the life and his choice was clear and he should serve time.

  16. disgusting. hope that stupid kid never gets out. this is the behavior that prevents gays from enjoying the same rights as straights. no excuse for this. hope i am am on the jury.

  17. I am saddened by what Anthony did, but even more saddened by the fact that he obviously did not have any contact with Milwaukee’s gay community. He was thought of as a nice guy by his classmates, but from comments broadcast on area television, there was some serious homophobia, not because of the incident, but because of his being “different”.
    There is a gay youth group out of the Milwaukee GLBTQ Community Center, and numerous other outreach opportunities for gay youth in almost every large community in the US. His poor judgment cost him his education, and any future for serious gay relationships and intimacy.

  18. I really doubt that contact with the gay community would have affected this predatory behavior. It’s one thing to try to scam pictures of cute guys–quite another to engage in coercive sex. I can see a normal pent up gay youth doing the former (scammy, but pretty harmless). But the blackmail and coercive sex thing is way, way beyond normal behavior.

  19. This makes me so angry. In fact I would love to…I can’t say what i would love to do to the people indicting him. I mean kids do these kind of things. Were you never 18? Well I’m right under 21. If these were heterosexual alligations this would be no big deal. I would love to get very involved in this. I think quite personally from the things i’ve gone through in high school gay kids should be aloud a few swings back at the straight kids. Great now they know how it feels. I hope that the conservatives involved suck cock in hell.

  20. The guys who sent their pics are dumb. They did it on their own free will. The kid who got them to send their pics is dumb, too, but it’s kind of a funny story in a way. He’s not the first older teen to be brought up on child porn charges, though; there were some girls who sent naked photos of themselves to their boyfriends’ cell phones (the guys were 18+) – the boys got charged for child porn even though they didn’t ask for the pics… Legal enforcement manipulates the rules regardless, I think. “Child porn” is a heavy offense (leads to registering as a sex offender), especially when those involved are right around the arbitrary age of consent. I mean, my boyfriend is 7 years older than me… 10 years ago he could have gotten in trouble… and he’s no pornographer, taking prepubecent boys into his basement (which is the point of the laws I would think). Hah!

  21. Really, Greg? “ugly as shit”? Really?? THAT’S what you find so objectionable about this kid????? How pathetically, gay-community-typical (before anyone starts skreeking, I’m a fag myself, so bite me).
    His actions aside, he’s actually kinda cute….too bad he’s such a perv.
    If he’d been on manhunt or some other hook up site, I’m sure he’d have found lots of guys that would have been willing to pleasure him just for the asking.

  22. He deserves to go to jail, but 300 years is a little much. Though I wouldn’t feel bad for him at all if he did get 300 years

  23. D’oh! Sorry Greg. The above was for Mitch.
    And one more thing, Mitch, boy. I hope you remember what a bitch Karma is when you turn buttugly later in life. I just wish I could be around to laugh at you when it happens.

  24. Wow thats some serious stuff, firstly i can understand him being attracted to guys around 16 as the youngest age, but forcing them to do sexual acts is taking it way to far, as well as posing as a girl…. personally i dont agree with it, but the guy is 18 and he might have learnt his lesson, i think 300 years though is a long time, but those kids he did that stuff to will never forget what has happened.
    Overall this dude was wrong to pose as a girl and wrong to do everything he did…

  25. Unfortunately for this kid and others his age, the law is totally blind when it comes to the issue of “child endangerment”. It doesn’t matter that the subject of this article is barely an adult himself. He’s 18 and will be sentenced, tried, and convicted as an adult. Believe me when I say he’ll be held up as the poster child for the anti-child-endangerment campaign.
    My family knows another young man who, at age 18, had collected nude pics of teenage girls and tried passing them on to buddies he chatted with online. One of the people he encountered was an undercover cop posing as a teenager (entrapment?). The kid is now 21, and he is branded for life as a sex offender. He has very strict restrictions on where he can live, where he can go and for how long, what he can do… finding employment is going to be difficult. What really sucks about this for him is that he had barely crossed the line into adulthood at the time of his “crime”. He made a mistake that I would think many males of his age could easily make. And that one mistake has tremendously impacted his future permanently in a negative and destructive way.
    He and others have appealed to the courts for leniency to no avail. Nobody is interested in even considering giving him the benefit of a second chance let alone a second hearing. He can’t even find a lawyer to represent him because no lawyer wants to be known as a “child molester protector”. This sex offender stuff is a real hot potato right now. It’s a crying shame when one considers that so may other criminals get probation and shortened sentences on far more serious offenses. Our system is totally screwed up. I’m so glad I’m not a teenager in today’s world!

  26. Note to Christopher: Perhaps fortunately, the law does not differentiate between gay or straight in these teenage sex offender cases that I know of. It simply says that if a person is 18 years or older and he/she has any kind of sexual contact with anyone under the age of 18 he/she is a sex offender. You don’t even have to have sex with them. All you have to do is have in your possession a reasonably suggestive photo of them. THAT’S where the law gets scary. You wouldn’t have to know the person, nor have met them, nor engaged in anything remotely sexual with them and you could still be branded a sexual predator for life. It’s bordering on the irrational.

  27. THAT! Is vile. To the extreme.
    That’s 31 guys who’ll be scarred for life. Forget the “They sent him pics. They asked for it!” argument. One lapse of judgement and you’re a rape victim? That’s just not on.
    This is pure malicious, meditated and vindictive abuse, and there’s no other way to spin it. He deserves every year he gets.

  28. Oh yeah, let’s put him in jail for 300 years while we have murderers and rapists cutting deals with DAs to serve light sentences for their crimes. Give me a break! The kid is acting on his sexual urges. Did anyone get hurt? I think not. Besides, what about the horny dopes who went along with his enticement? Where were the parents? Our society is so fucked up! The law wants people to conform but does nothing to address the root issues relative to why people act out on their sexual urges in the first place!!

  29. “Did anyone get hurt? I think not.”
    They call it sexual ABUSE for a reason, you know?
    These boys who this guy screwed are going to have some serious mental problems as a result. Heck, they’ll probably even develop a violent phobia of homosexuals.
    And you wonder why they beat us up?
    “Besides, what about the horny dopes who went along with his enticement?”
    That I can deal with. What I can’t ride off as the fault of “horny dopes” is a guy saying “Hey. Let me fuck you or I’ll show the entire school these pictures you sent me. Your life will be ruined!” to blackmail these kids for sex.
    And yes, they are KIDS. They may know right and wrong, but they legally aren’t allowed to do this stuff for a reason. On the whole, they can’t make informed decisions and mentally, developmentally, they’re in bedlam.
    In a social environment as savage as high school, the threat of having naked pictures shown to your peers is unfathomable.

  30. PS: It wud be interesting if Manhunt did a “follow-up” and reported back on the final outcome of the case when it becomes known.

  31. lol this is pathetic. Rapists and murderers dont get this fkn much.
    Its not like other people havent done it.
    It serves them other guys aswell proving that it can be anyone behind a computer screen. He shouldent get punished. Theyre the dumb fcks who posted.

  32. Hey guys, i believe he did this as a reason, a sort of retaliation for being bullied, you know its the smart kids way of not going and shooting up the school, i think it was a stupid move for him to do but he put thought in this and how and what to do. I also think that 300 years is a little excessive i agree with the points there are murders, drug dealers and other people out on the street that have served much less harsh of a sentence. I am not excusing what he did but you have to feel sorry for him when you think about it.

  33. what the guy did was wrong just plain old wrong but on the other side of the coin people sending pics of themselves nude to a “girl” what do you think they were looking for are they looking at the kids that sent the nude pics to get some kind of punishment?

  34. Well here i am in wisconsin land of serial killers,and sexual dievents.I am not amused with the way this boy smiles on TV here.Let’s let him get a trial.I hope prison will help him.I douht it he is obviously a subruban kid who had way too much time on his hands,and not supervised

  35. seriously? yes it was bad, and yes he’s 18 having forced sex with underage kids….but seriously? those kids are kind of at fault to…if they would stop thinking with their dicks for two or three seconds and realize that there are posers everywhere (including here) then that entire mess wouldn’t have even happened. Yes he deserves jailtime, but a lifetime? no…make him suffer in public, like he made all those kids suffer in private. Lets put him in jail, re institutionalize him back into the system, make sure his wacked out little mind is working the right way, and then let him serve the rest of his life in public, having to acknowledge the fact that he is a sex offender everywhere he goes, every job he applies to and everywhere he will ever wish of moving to and living. 300 years should go to someone who has taken life, not abused it.

  36. I say the kids are the fools for letting themselves get into the situation – when they went on the cam or were asked to send pics, wouldn’t one immediately think “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”?
    Yeah, the guy was wrong – but let’s face it, would the kids have complained if he WAS a girl? Look at it from that point of view…

  37. Too bad we live in a society that fosters this kind of activity. Wouldn’t have been any blackmail happening if the boy victims hadn’t experienced the “gay panic” syndrome. God, it’s disgusting what the Calvinists have wrought in this country. And there are plenty of posters on this site who are ready and willing to hang this kid. Was he wrong? Sure. Does he deserve to be labeled a sex offender (and all that that implies) for the rest of his life and do serious jail time? Don’t think so. I’m on the side of the counseling and rehab folks. Question is, who’s going to rehabilitate the puritanical psychos who are frothing at the mouth in his community right now?

  38. He’s an idiot, I’ll agree with that.
    We’ve all had crushes on people in high school, this knob just took it a step (or 20) too far.
    I doubt he’s the first (or last) guy to pose as a girl on the Internet for mischievous reasons. He’s just the first one to be caught.
    The sentence is ridiculous.
    I think the shame of the worldwide coverage of the story + a spot of counseling would be plenty.
    Imagine being outed like that!
    I feel sorry for him and sad/worried for his family.

  39. that is crazy if he wanted something he should just ask instead of making himself look like a girl to trick them

  40. I’m shocked at some of the responses I’ve read on here. What this kid did was wrong any way you look at it. Many people find embracing their sexuality difficult, possibly even most people. But they don’t make victims out of others along the way.
    Assuming the charges are true, this kid lied to numerous people, took advantage of people’s trust, and coerced them into things they probably would not have otherwise done. Make no mistake: this boy knew fully well what he was doing, and what he was doing was unlawful in numerous ways. Blame it on his struggle with sexuality, his young age, or whatever factor you want; it doesn’t excuse it.
    This boy clearly has problems that are far beyond those related to his sexuality. Again, if the charges are true, he lies, he takes advantage of other people, he makes victims of others to get what he wants. And knowing that there are 31 victims here, it’s clear he has no remorse for it.
    This is not the kind of person that needs to be free to continue committing crimes, nor is this someone who should be embraced by the LGBT community as either victim or hero. We have enough problems without adding the terrible mistake of making someone like this into a martyr.

  41. i think he is sick. if he wanted to hookup with a guy y he just didnt do like everyone else get online n find one instead getting guys younger than him. he deserves what he get. if no one knew he was gay now everyone knows. sick nasty pervert

  42. Any of you ever heard of the Term Innocent until proven guilty?!
    Here’s a few Facts for you to look at! objectively, if your able?!
    #1) This Case Sets a level of president.
    In Legal Jargon, It Means we are all “FUCKED”
    If this isn’t crystal clear to each of you every state will use this case against all of us!!! As the legal aid for OJ (Jerry Spence) put it “you just don’t get it do you?”
    #2) In Exception, of about three of you you’d all sooner Convict him than see real help for him or his peers/victims.
    #3 America Is Sick!!!
    #4 Would you incarcerate?! a sick person?!
    #5 If you would then there is little reason why any of you should have any complaint when they round us all up for the gas chambers like Hitler did to the Jews!
    If you think my comments are a little Extreem please feel free to drop me a personal note here on man hunt
    Oh and take a good hard look in the mirror! and look at what he’s being accused of!? In the Heterosexual community each of you at one time in your life fits the legal definition of deviate behavior simply by belonging to a site like this.
    It should be our goals to Educate and rehabilitate and forgive, as this is the only way to find inner piece, and lasting happiness.
    What do you think!?

  43. Regardless of the “statutory rape” laws people think should be ignored, this fellow blackmailed his classmates. That’s still a felony.
    Nail him to the wall!

  44. The people that read this article and make comments like that’s hot, and he was resourceful are the exact reason why we as gay men and women are still discriminated against everyday of our lives. Why is it such a struggle to get the respect that we deserve? Well because when we portray ourselves as ingrate perverted human beings, that’s exactly what other people are going to portray us, on TV, radio, movie’s, we are typecasted into these stereotypical rolls as one of the girls, and basically queers. So until we can speak and act as decent human beings that demand respect, we will always be…..just another queer.

  45. Yes, he needs help and understanding… but he broke the law in a number of ways, and should pay. He was aware of his actions and did it several times to innocent victims. Why should we forgive his actions, but not those of the foolish boys who fell for his trick? They did not “deserve” it. And I don’t call deceit, rape and blackmail “resourceful”, but just plain cruelty.

  46. Clear signs of someone that cannot be rehabilited or cured so I say just fry the evil little bastard.

  47. At Christopher Belt: Has the US education system gotten so bad that one cannot differentiate between “allowed” and “aloud”? Yes, we were all 18…but the internet is still a relatively new media; one with very few limitations, for now.
    And where in the article does it even mention anything about conservatives being responsible for his actions?
    This is not retaliation. This ADULT wanted guys that he knew he could not otherwise get by using manipulative and premeditated methods. Yeah, the guys who gave in are also idiots. But hopefully, they learn a huge lesson from this.

  48. I think that there’s a big huge elephant in the room nobody is addressing here. Our society has been rather quick to embrace certain technologies that have contributed to this kind of thing happening without any regard to the consequences or how to deal with them. So the easy answer is to simply throw the Stancl kid in jail. But what will that solve?
    When I was this kid’s age there was no such thing as digital photography. About the closest thing to that was a Polaroid camera. But unlike now, when anyone can drop his trousers and take pictures of his privates with his cell phone and send them to an anonymous (fictitious) person, such displays would have to be made to each other in person. You’d KNOW who you were showing your nudie pics to. And unless you had access to a Polaroid camera, you’d never have been able to have graphically nude photographs developed. Processing houses pretty much across the boards would not develop risque photos. In fact, they would hold them and report them to the police. So kids did not have the ability to do what these children did.
    Likewise there was no internet. No face book. No Myspace. No chat rooms. No places for adults to pose as children for the purpose of misleading others into believing they were someone other than themselves. Again… it was a face to face world. I’ve long been an advocate of restricting the internet to adults only, and had that been done from the start these kinds of problems would not be nearly as common as they are today. But the genie has been let out of the bottle. Our society needs to work at finding better ways to deal with the ugly side of our technological greediness.

  49. continued…
    My first sex partner was 26. My second was 37. I was 17. And our sexual encounters were completely consensual on both sides. I doubt that either man would have been jailed and branded a sex offender had it come to light back then. But society has changed and I would argue that it’s not for the better. We’re not talking about a priest or teacher taking advantage of a much younger person. These kids are peers. And some of their behavior is indeed coming to terms with their sexuality. Yes, what the Stancl kid did was inexcusable. And yes the other kids involved are no less at fault. As are their parents, not only for not monitoring their kids on the internet better, but for putting things like digital cameras and cellphones with cameras into their kids’ hands.
    Regardless of what the courts decide for Stancl, I think that the 31 other boys and their parents should face court-ordered punishments as well. Take the cell phones and digital cameras from the kids. Take away their internet privileges. Slap the parents with child endangerment charges. The kids abused the technology their parents foolishly entrusted to them without restriction, and the parents put the electronic tools for this folly into their hands just as if they had put guns into their kids’ hands. Literally everyone related to this case is guilty on some level. It’s about time that parents start facing the music for their part in making these kinds of scenarios possible.

  50. This guy is clearly a sleazeball who deserves to be slapped around and pissed on by his “victims”, but first and foremost, one must question the legal system where teens snapping naked pictures of themselves on cellphones and sending them to friends can themselves be procecuted as sex offenders and have their lives ruined as a result, which is what makes them susceptible to this sort of blackmail in the first place. It’s not that dumbass little loser that had these guys over a barrel, but the whole monstrous legal machine that will now be sanctimoniously procecuting the crap out of him for the rest of his natural life. If it weren’t for such draconian laws, he wouldn’t have had anything on these kids and would have had no way to blackmail them. This is a clear example of how the law actually works to put kids in danger, instead of protecting them.

  51. Well, he won’t have to blackmail anybody in prison to have “sexual acts performed on him,” that’s for sure… :-/

  52. he’s a foolhardy evil genius. i cannot ever imagine being at that age and having the chutzpah to force others into having sex with me by using extortion like that. i still can’t imagine it. he needs to be removed from society at large and then be given help. to exploit at that age is a sign of some serious brain aberration, whether physiological or psychological. it wasn’t ever about the sex, it was about the power over another human being and getting that other human being to engage in acts that ran counter to their natures.

  53. These boys are minors, and Anthony is legally an adult. Those of you who are trying to point a finger of blame to these boys are missing the entire point. If Anthony had not devised this little scheme of his in the first place, these boys would not have been in the predicament they found themselves. And Anthony would be just another young adult wondering about his future. Instead, he’ll be looking over his shoulder in jail….as bubba forces his 300 pound hairy self into the poor kid’s pooper.
    For those of you attempting to make a point by wondering how the outcome would be had Anthony been an actual girl is a moot point. The facts are what is presented in this case…not on a “what if” scenario. And even if it was to make a point about a double standard, one need only look into the recent string of female teacher-male student sex scandals making national headlines. These women are also being tried and convicted. Anthony should not be treated any less differently…well, save for the deceptive measures he took in getting MINORS to have sex with him.
    You should’ve thought about the consequences before you acted on them, Anthony. I hope your actions were well worth the trip to prison.

  54. This boy fell thru the cracks. Where are his parents. Those responsible for his upbringing dropped the ball. This happens to often to too many children in our country today. While there should be consequences for his actions, 300 years is absolutely absurd. Murders have had lighter sentences than that. Until our country realizes the importance of counselors in schools and allow them to counsel children instead of pushing paper this will continue. This is not about gay or straight, This is not about sexual identity, This is about a lost child.
    So before passing judgment, ask yourself what’s worse. This boys actions, or the hundreds and thousands of men on manhunt who lie about their status. I have personally met guys online who say they are negative but in reality are positive. How about the thousands of guys who won’t get tested just so they can lie to themselves and others, causing them to have huge viral loads which in turns puts other at a much greater risk. what’s worse?

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