Even if the network rarely plays music videos and these awards mean pretty much nothing… the nominees for the MTV Video Music Awards have been announced! Britney Spears, Beyonce and Lady Gaga are leading the pack, leading us to wonder if the same guys who vote on our Song of Summer charts are the ones picking the nominees.
To celebrate the announcement, we sifted through the choices and designated our top picks. In other words, if "Single Ladies" doesn't win Video of the Year and sweep most of these categories… we're going to cut some bitches.
– Dewitt
To check out the nominees and our picks, follow the JUMP:
i could care less about any of this tontería…
how about they go back to the old days when they played music videos? i think they play like a solid 2 hours of videos a day (and thats in the early morning..). they used to have mtv wake up, mtv hits, direct effect, trl, etc. every single day!
congrats to beyonce in advance for sweeping this foolish award show. (might tune in to see some of the performances though..)
BOO!! Single Ladies for VOY?? No way, best choreography, definitly….but VOY or Best Pop?? pssh, it had no substance to it at all.
VOY should be Womanizer, has a substance, story, and video went perfect with the song.
Best Pop should go to Poker Face, great pop video.
Even though Beyonce deserves to win 5, I say that she will win 3, so 3 can go to Britney, even though she really doesn’t deserve to win any this year, and 1 will go to Gaga, because they’d honestly be fools to shut her out. This is the year of Gaga!
boo! beyonce boo. single ladies is one of the most boring videos ever, not to mention the mediocre song that somewhat managed to become popular in america. and what’s with all the POV here? let people decide on their own.
i’d go with simon cowell on this one – beyonce is seriously overrated.
Womanizer? pssh, Britney should go watch Janet’s “Son of a Gun” video to see how that sort of song and video should go.
i thought i was the only one that thinks beyonce is overrated. i’m soooooo done with her and those pussycat dolls. what ever happened to american music? is it me or does it feel “corporate” and not creative? eh, maybe because i was born in the 70’s, was a teenager in the late 80’s/early 90’s when music had that creative and fresh feel.
Why all the Britney hate? This year she actually does deserve to win a couple awards cuz two of her videos are nominated and both of them are good quality videos. Beyonce’s video is a tad overrated IMO. Hope Britney can get a couple wins, she does deserve them.