Zac Efron‘s heterosexuality will never cease to amaze us. Those gay rumors are ridiculous! The former High School Musical star has often been documented doing traditionally straight things in public, like ogling cheerleaders, riding skateboards whilst (not) wearing plaid, showing off his awesome treasure trail […]
Year: 2012
Lianne La Havas: “Forget”
My favorite part about killing the Weekly Top Ten countdown* is that I can write about music I enjoy without you all being like, “Bah, why haven’t you covered the David Guetta, Jessie J, Chris Brown, blah blah blah, shit song?” Look, it’s not like […]
Drawn To You: The Art of Das Einhorn
Paul Bookstaber, a former editor of The Sword, has launched “a new magazine for little fuckbitches” called Das Einhorn. You should check it out! The first issue centers around the topic of pity sex, featuring contributions/interviews with Drew Cutler, Juanita MORE!, Slick It Up‘s David […]
Ben Brown Is The King of Facials
Ben Brown has appeared in at least six installments of The Cock Buffet, yet we haven’t written a post (specifically) about him since October. This is unacceptable! Paul Wagner got two posts within a 48-hour period, and you’ve had to suffer this long through a […]
Quickie: David Mortelecque By Frank Mijares
And we don’t even know his last name! Or his first name, for that matter. Absolu Living sent over these shots by photographer Frank Mijares—taken in various locations around one of their apartments—and we simply couldn’t resist sharing them with you. On that note, we […]
Dean Monroe Is Still Hot (In Case You Were Worried)
It’s been over a month since we last wrote about a new Dean Monroe scene. We felt some strange obligation to share this image from Falcon Studios‘ Point & Shoot, in which the scruffy performer gets impaled by Landon Conrad‘s ever-so-hard rod. Bonus points for […]
I Am In This Video.
You don’t realize how many e-mails we get from people wondering what I look like. It’s kind of weird that you care so much! Honestly, this might be preferable to the people who want to fuck me without even knowing what I look like… But […]
Twink Tank: Kyle Ross Vs. Sencer Keve
Ignore these two guys! This post is actually about Julian Smiles, the slightly-muscular young man who’s going to shove his dick into both of them. We’re disguising this as a Twink Tank meets Fuck Vs. Fuck competition, in which Kyle Ross faces off against gay […]
Jedward: Supposedly Straight Twins, But Kinda Incesty
Well, at least there won’t be any children born with difficulties stemming from their forbidden…whatever is going on with these two. Jedward were a big deal on X Factor in the UK, more so for their queer glam twin troll doll looks and tween appeal […]
GloZell Is Your New Favorite Person
Did you hate Nicki Minaj‘s video for “Stupid Hoe”? Do you have no tolerance for a rapper holding out the same damn syllable, as a strobe light causes you to have a seizure? <– These are basically the same question. If you responded “yes” to […]