That guy leaning up against the car is frussam. He’s a Manhunt member whose sexy is so powerful that his Manhunt profile says “blah blah blah …………”. That’s it. Guess he was in a hurry that day.
Hey, we’re shallow as fuck. If you look that good, you can be monosyllabic. We’ll just take you to a fourgy as opposed to a poetry reading. He lives in Chelsea in NYC, so there’s probably a lot of fourgies going on at any given moment.
Frussam is one of the many, many sexy mothertruckers we’ve culled from our weekly Manhunt Now newsletter to feature. Lots of hot pieces (and their profile links) are after the JUMP!
Remember! You can click on ANY link or pic and be taken right to their Manhunt profile!
– J. Harvey
More from the US:
I’ll deffo move on to UK, they’re so fucking gorgeous!!!!
First dude from US and first dude from Aussie–wow!!
but profiles from guys like “frussam” aren’t a good thing
as hot as he is, a “blah blah blah……..” profile is a turn off
suggests he arrogant (huge turn off) or has literally nothing intelligent to say (total deal breaker)
I wonder what all these men will look like in 40 years? Getting old is a bitch and depressing!
You’re a glass half full kinda guy, huh Ken?
OH. MY. GAWD. WCsailor in that singlet…. mmmmmmmmmm!
Without wanting to sound like I’m being picky, but do you have to have a body like these guys to be called hot????? Just thought I’d ask, as we all don’t think pumped up steriod ingetsted muscle is that interesting. And you are really fueling the stereotype that all GAY MEN look like this, plain normal men can be hot too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But you probably wouldn’t consider looking for those type of guys as it wouldn’t create much interest. I am really dissapointed in how you pick out HOT guys, sad very sad.
gwm69gam and OsvaldoAndre
These 2 are absolutely gorgeous guys. There are some great runner ups no doubt but these two caught my attention big time this week.
would really appreciate MHD for picking more common and attainable men
Nice variety pack here – thanks guys!
I just let it wash over me and enjoy the view, cuz judging someone’s true personality from a set a pics and a few lines of text is pretty much a fools errand.
Live and let live.
total agreement. though in this case i would go with the former. if a guy can’t even be bothered to tell me a little about himself, then why should i be bothered to expend any more effort for him?
why? we don’t come here to look at the kind of guys we can all actually get. we come here for a fantasy. to be shown men so hot that we cant believe our eyes. that said, my boyfriend isn’t hot enough to make it on these pages. that doesn’t mean i don’t think he’s sexy as hell, but it is still the simple truth. we should all strive, above all else, to be realistic and honest with ourselves every day. men exist who look like this. the fact that they aren’t in our beds doesn’t mean we don’t like to look at them.
J. Harvey, have you guys taken into consideration that the guys you pick for this post are actually the guys in the pics and the pics weren’t copied from somewhere else? I’ve come across profiles that had pics of guys other than the owner of the profile. And i’m think of the legalities of posting someone else’s pic on here without their permission. Just looking out for you guys.
i would say thomastoxic’s face on startplaying’s body
nah, I’d say he’s a pragmatist, Harv…
This is the hottest list so far… Now I need to bust a nut on all of them unless they will come over and swallow.
Things like “blah blah blah” or “I never know what to say here” or “I’ll fill this in later” are really less amusing than the authors think. If they can’t care enough to tell us what they are about, why do we care? If their profile is full of “don’t do this” or “I don’t like…” stuff that also tells a lot about them.
But enough about that, let’s focus on that rocking bod that Londonmuscle has going on there. YUM!
Well if the rest of my family are anything to go by, I should age well. Besides, older guys can still be sexy!
Thank you Guy.
Thanks I guess.
Great list! The faces have it: ThomasToxic’s smirk and MadridMasc’s lips. GRRRR
Love your smirk. Kinda made me wish I were in Australia for a moment. Not gonna lie.
I’m with you.
If these guys are so “sexy,” including the “blah-blah-blah” guy, then what are they doing on manhunt?
What makes you think that those guys are everyone’s “fantasy?” They’re certainly not mine. Yes, there are men who “look like this,” and they look like they’re plastic. There is nothing sexy about that.
You’re so right. It’s not just about posting false pics – it’s about other stuff on manhunt. I came across a profile of a kid who was under age (in America), and I notified manhunt about it. I even threatened the kid that I would go to the authorities. I told manhunt the same thing. Manhunt did not delete his profile. After I decided to carry out my threat to the kid, he deleted it on his own. However, manhunt, even with proof, did nothing.