Gangbangs: They’re Not Just For TWINKS

Were you concerned that the only people allowed to get gangbanged are hairless twinks and muscle jocks? While previous posts about Jizz Orgy have catered to that type (as seen here or here), we are pleased to inform you that the site has hired a few hairy, beefy lads hairier, non-twinks to play personal cum slut for their horny costars.

(EDIT: Happy now? I changed the title and crossed out the text above. This is ridiculous. David Chase is an absurdly attractive man, and you choose to complain about my misuse of the words “hairy” and “beefy”? Stop! As I mentioned in the comments, Marko Lebeau also bottomed for a scene on Jizz Orgy… Are you going to try and tell me his ass isn’t hairy? Calm the fuck down, and just enjoy the damn porn.)

Today, we’re focusing on bald beauty David Chase! He’s forced to act as a sex slave for the attendees of a mysterious card game, including Luke Hass, Brenden Cage, Jeremy Stevens and Robert Van Damme. We’re not sure if that counts as winning or losing the game, but we’re happy to watch either way.

David’s first command is to give them all blowjobs. He gets down on all fours atop the table with his ass sticking up in the air, and goes down the line, taking each players’ dick all the way down his throat… Then, surprise! They all take turns fucking him, eventually coating him in a thick layer of cum.

Um, where do I get an invite to a game like this?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Jizz Orgy

Click through to watch David Chase get stuffed:

Watch the full scene NOW on Jizz Orgy!

862 thoughts on “Gangbangs: They’re Not Just For TWINKS

  1. I would argue that these guys are neither hairy or beefy. They are twinkie and muscular. Maybe i am wrong but it is my opinion. 

  2. Um, yeah.  So that’s your idea of “hairy and beefy?’  And you’re statement:  ” we are pleased to inform you that the site has hired a FEW hairy, beefy lads [emphasis added]” says it all.  A few, yeah, a few.  And there weren’t even a “few” “hairy and beefy” men.  Well, I guess we should say a word of thanks to you, Dewitt.  You meant well, even if you don’t know the meaning of “hairy and beefy” (which, I would dare say, constitute a huge proportion, and even maybe the majority of manhunt members, and we all know what is meant by true “hairy and beefy” – you know, normal guys who don’t fit into the gay stereotype being perpertuated here).  You did try to throw a bone (pardon the pun) to us.  And for that, I suppose we thank you.  You may now return to only posting stuff involving 19-year-old skinny kids who are all fluff.  That is, after all, what all gay men want and what all gay men are?  Isn’t it?

  3. Not quite what I would call hairy and especially not what I would call beefy!

  4. I think if anybody reads Dewitt’s tumblr or the other 85% of the posts he makes, I think they can rest assure knowing that Dewitt is familiar with “beefy COMMA hairy.”

    Also, he makes it perfectly clear in the second paragraph of the post that he’s ONLY referring to David Chase and not to whoever else the site hired and will be filling with penises. Lol.

  5.  If you want to see what hairy and beefy really looks like then look at my pics.  You can’t call that spattering of hair on David Chase hairy.

  6. Feel free to post your pics.  Or a link to said pics. 

    Laddie’s choice.

  7. Dewitt has proven, yet again, how stupid and out of touch she is!  Yes, SHE, because DeTWITT is nothing more than a big ole girl who posts the dumbest shit, EVER.

  8. Hair?  No.
    Beef? No.
    Truth in advertising?  No.

    Y0u know, this posting was simply off.

    Makes me wonder if there’s a camera on me since I was (I am not making this up) with my hairy beefy 5’7, 185 fuckbuddy that I was coming with while this was posting.

  9. The “hairy” bald guy has some hair on his chest, but he is not “hairy”…He’s moderately hairy at best.

  10. What is up with Dewitt lately?  Men fucking women, and  now he’s calling this hairy? WTF?

  11. The entire sequence is so posed! And no hair & no beef! WTF? Not exciting at all…

  12. not hairy and not beefy. instead we bunch of hot guys fucking each other >:[

    oh wait, i suddenly dont care 🙂

  13. ::shrug::

    For the record, David Chase used to have a bit more meat on his bones, but he’s slimmed down and toned up recently. SORRY FOR CALLING HIM “BEEFY”.

    Also, he’s fucking hairy. I don’t care what any of you say. The man has hair on his body. He’s not a shaved fucking twink with skin as smooth as a dolphin.

    To add to all of this, Marko Lebeau also got gangbanged for the site, and his ass is basically a magical forest of fuzz. So, while “beefy” may not be on the site, they’re not just catering to people who want to see Johnny Hazzard and Tyler Sweet get stuffed like tiny sluts.

    That’s all I was trying to say. Geez.

  14. I would just like to chime in and say that you are incredibly hot, Terry.

    If there were a video of YOU getting gangbanged, I might have chosen to post it over this clip.

  15.  Why thank you, Dewitt.  Find a studio desperate enough to make that video and we’ve got a deal!

  16. This is horseshit. Not one handsome guy…just desperate queens looking for a bit of limelight…Oh and your definition of hairy and beefy needs a thorough rethink…Hug Jackman is hairy and beefy..these guys are smooth and fugly…and the bottom has a smattering of hair….whatever..I don’t even fucking know why i’m commenting. The gay community just keeps taking one progressive step after the next doesn’t it..

  17. You call these  guys beefy and hairy ???   LOL   not in my book  .   come on you can do better than this to find beefy and hairy guys

  18. I always dig your posts and I like all kinds of men so I thought this one was hot as well. I’m not sure when gay guys became so queeny about their porn nomenclature, but it’s rather hilarious to hear them get them get all in a dither about “hairy” and “beefy” like they’re the fucking Margaret Mead of gay porn.

  19. Thank you! This isn’t here for a detailed analysis. It’s here so you can whip your dick out and bust a load.

  20. Can we please make it a requirement that if you’re going to post a comment that you take a nice mix of Lithium, Ativan, and Xanax first? It’s porn people,  regardless of how correct or incorrect Dewitt has been with slapping labels on guys that are getting paid to fuck. I’m finding it really hard to understand where all of this hostility is coming from, especially considering the trivial nature of this post. In 2 months you’ll have forgotten all about this post and will have moved on to being a giant douche towards some one else for some other reason. If you don’t like what Dewitt posts, don’t read it!

    In the words of Chris Crocker “Leave [Dewitt] alone!”

  21.  Bitch, HE IS HAIRY. LOOK AT HIS PICTURE. Ugh, we’re going to start banning the stupid from reading this blog.

  22.  First off – inferring someone is a woman as an insult shows what a numbnuts fuck-up you are. What’s so bad about being a girl? Second, the only dumb shit here is you, dickus. If you’re so unhappy with the quality of the writing, start your own blog. Actually, fuck that. Just kill yourself.

  23. Holy shit, Ladies!  Calm your tits! I know quite a few bitchy queens, and you all are beating them by far.

  24. We do know, Dewitt, from what you post.  There is rarely a normal guy to be seen.  Having a husky guy who’s over 25 thrown in here or there once every few months doesn’t make what you post “all-inclusive.”  When you try (and miserably, might I add), you will only do – as you admit – a “few.”  There are how many profiles on manhunt?  How many of them look like the overwhelming, vast majority of guys you post about on here?  I would dare say the overwhelming, vast majority of guys DON’T look like that.  Am I saying that the overwhelming, vast majority of normal looking guys (unlike the pics of the ones you post) aren’t shallow and bigoted against all other overwhelming, vast majority of guys and want to have the abornormal looking guys you post?  Not at all.  I dare say a huge percentage are discriminatory and hope to get laid by one of your hunky-hunkies.  Of course, odds are it won’t happen, but they won’t settle for less and whine and complain that no one will hook up with them.  Of course, they mean your hunky-hunkies.  When their “own kind” contact them, they get the big brush-off by the lonely whiners.  There are plenty of profiles that read:  “58-y-o, fat, flabby guy with numerous surgery scars, 5’6″ tall and 280 lbs, more hair in my ears than on my head, wheezes and huge pit stains, seeking ONLY slim, athletic, smooth, six-pack guys who are under 24.”  You know, they want only the type of guys you promote here. 

    The problem (and it is a huge sociological problem within the gay “community” – lookism and ageism) is that one really needs to look at this problem without considering it a chicken-or-an-egg coming first.  Do so many guys drool over your Ken doll caricatures you promote because it’s really what everyone (you think) wants, or do so many go only after them because it’s what’s promoted as the gay “ideal?”  Maybe if somebody, somewhere, would start promoting that the 58-y-o who’s flat and flabby with numerous surgery scars and is 5’6″ tall and weighs 280 lbs with more hair in his ears than on his head and wheezes and has huge pit stains can be and also is “hot,” then maybe socio-wrecked gay men will start seeing beyond the stereotype you keep promoting (and J. Harvey – oh, is he bad and even worse than you at promoting, supporting and bolstering the gay stereotype) and find that “hottness” is a wide variety, including that 58-y-o described above.  Maybe if someone started fully including guys like him (and at a percentage that reflects reality), then maybe the gay “community” would stop shooting itself in the foot because of its narrow, shallow, prejudiced lookism and ageism and be the inclusive community it demands others should treat it.  Maybe someone.

    I’ve got an idea.  How about you?

  25. Well, aren’t you just the most pleasant person.  Do you suck cock with that filthy mouth?

  26.  Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you for doing what you do Dewitt, I thoroughly enjoy reading MHD because for the most part it’s fun, light hearted, somewhat raunchy/sleezy, and entertaining with a healthy dose of cock. I’m honestly amazed that there are people on here who don’t have anything better to do than write scathing comments and personal attacks towards you and J. Harvey especially when they claim to dislike what you do and how you do it. I’m sure all of their precious time and energy could be better directed into other outlets that don’t make them come across as raging twat faces with butt plugs wrapped in rusty barbed wire lodged in their crusty assholes.

  27. Awesome comment I agree the gay “community” has become so warped with what it fetishizes, and gay men have champagne taste with ass face, it’s got to stop. But the sad truth is it won’t.

  28. David Chase is sexy, but I don’t like seeing him get gangbanged. I wish the skinny dude show at the left of the top photo had been left out — and that the other four had fucked each other — including Van Damme. These JizzOrgy scenes need to include more than one bottom guy!

  29.  That was sweet of you, and totally rad how you worked “crusty assholes” in there.

  30. Kidding, kidding! I read your comment Jerry, and I don’t necessarily disagree that the perception of what the community finds “hot” is warped towards a certain demographic of “Ken doll caricatures”.

    However, this is a blog. We cater to what works for our audience,
    and the most popular posts tend to be those about the “Ken doll
    caricatures” you seem to be deriding (as if they’re not human beings too).

    Fat guys are hot. Old guys are hot. Short guys are hot. Imperfections are hot.

    I’ve emphasized that over and over again in my posts. If you read
    them consistently (despite the fact that they don’t appear as
    “consistently” as you’d like), you would know that. I make a conscious effort to break the mold of what’s considered hot.

    On that note, have you considered that maybe WE’RE not the problem? There are limited resources for sites (particularly porn sites) that feature “the 58-y-o who’s flat and flabby with numerous surgery scars and is 5’6″ tall and weighs 280 lbs with more hair in his ears than on his head and wheezes and has huge pit stains”.

    Where do you expect us to find these people? Should we steal
    pictures from their profiles, post them without consent and let readers tear them apart, thereby causing an even bigger gap within the community?

    You’ve got an idea. But do you have a solution?

  31.  What can I say, I have a way with words and stupidity pisses me off! 🙂

  32. Sheesh, just read some of these comments. There’s absolutely no reason for the rudeness some of you have shown these two nice bloggers. I come back to this blog time and time again because of what Dewitt and JHarvey write. They have fun, sexy commentary that’s a nice break from the day. Everyone needs to calm down and learn some respect.

    Dewitt and J.Harvey – please don’t let other people’s immaturity get you down. You guys do a great job at keeping things entertaining for a large variety of tastes/fetishes. <3 you both

    That being said….I love this feature! Guys with bulkier, butch muscles and hairier bodies are the best. Thanks for sharing Dewitt 🙂

  33. I don’t get this. Are we really that insecure, that we are hiding behind a fucking computer and bashing each other. Doesn’t the straight community do that to us enough already. The fact that you take time out of your day to visit a blog that you obviously don’t enjoy reading or looking at (I just assume this because you have yet to make a positive comment that I’ve seen) is really fucked up. It is your ( i spelled this incorrectly to piss you off.You seem like the type of person that would go all fucking grammar nazi on my ass so…) prerogative to go wherever you want online, but why waste the time and effort? Your time could be so much better spent.  If it was my blog, you would see men of my taste, but this isn’t my blog, its Dewitt and J. Harvey’s, and guess what? They can, and usually do, post about whatever is popular, and there really isn’t much one or even a few insignificant voices can do. This site is free. What would make you think that you should  affect what they blog about.
    P.S. “Fed up with DeTWIT” you may want to think about a creative writing class or something, you comments are a little lack luster, IMHO.

  34. a lot more cock than you jerry, when was the last time you saw a cock? let along your own?

  35. dewitt, you will never be able to make these guys happy.  yes, most of us do not look like the beautiful models you post.  that’s why we aren’t models.  i’m a 23 year old, but i weigh 240 lbs.  hardly a ken doll.  but you know what, i still like to look at them.  its part of why i come here.  as do the majority of your readers.  that doesn’t mean i turn away anyone who isn’t model-beautiful.  i know what i look like and what i can get.  but the thing is, the men you post are not supposed to be representative of what i can get.  i go to my inbox for that.  i come here for a fantasy.  the simple fact is that to most people, old fat and hairy is not the ideal of beauty.  it never will be.  and the people who complain about the posts are just sad because they no longer fit those standards.  we all know the type, the boys who love being the center of attention because of their looks.  well we’ve all wondered what happens to them when they’re 50, and now we know.  these complainers are actually exhibiting a psychological illness known as “ideas of reference,” which is where people think that general things in daily life are directed at them.  in this case, they think that posting beautiful guys is the same as you pointing out that they don’t look like this, and they are less than these guys, or that they can’t get these guys, or whatever.  anyways, the point is, it is a mental illness, and they need behavioral therapy, not placation. 

  36. i always get a good laugh out of people who use phrases like “gay community” and “straight community.” really? are we a community? i want nothing to do with most of you.

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