Shit got real in my household during Friday night’s Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Those new Apple ads aired, and my partner became incensed. He’s a complete and total MacHead. He could talk about Apple products until you got the gas can and a match to use on yourself just to make it stop.
He referred to the ad (and the ones that followed) as a sign that “Steve is really gone.” Steve Jobs wouldn’t have enjoyed these ads? Why? Who knows? They just blended into the rest of the usual commercial bullshit for me. They were only there to prevent me from catching a possible Ryan Lochte cock shot. IT COULD HAPPEN! In between Mary Poppins attacks and Paul McCartney’s face falling off onto his piano.
Apple did one thing right. The guy playing the beleaguered Mac genius is NYC-based comedian Josh Rabinowitz. He’s cutesy! Here’s what they should do. They should feature him nude, but with his bits artfully hidden by a laptop. He can keep the lanyard. My partner would forget about what “Steve would have wanted” at that point.
– J. Harvey
To watch the ad, Follow the JUMP:
I agree, he is a cutie, would love to see him shirtless
“Meh” should be illegal by now. Shut it.
I completely disagree, these ads are great.
He’s okay let’s not go crazy throwing around “cute”.
Got to love J.Harvey.
Does Apple really want people to think that, if you buy one of their products, you won’t be able to figure out how to use it (or how to function at all) without the help of a know-it-all “genius?” Didn’t anyone see that when they were coming up with this concept?
My kinda guy – cute in a nerdy, geeky sort-of-way. I’m in love.
i would fuck the shit out of his sweet ass all night long!
Totally agree, J. Harvey. Stupid ads, sexy little guy, though.
Sadly, apparently they do want you to think that…because it’s the message they are promoting. Well played, Apple, well played. Total FAIL.
Not quite as insufferable as the “I’m a Mac” guy, but pretty damned close.
What happened to Justin Long? He was the best, but this guys cute as well. Just not feeling the commercial, or Apple as a whole- the directio they seem to be going, since Jobs passed.