Barbara Bush Is A Lucky Lady

Barbara Bush Hot Guy

I never though I'd live to see the day where I'd wish I was Barbara Bush. I mean, I just don't think her look would suit me. But after seeing this picture of the former First Lady with a speedo (only) wearing hunk I may have changed my mind.

In a definite "WTF!?" moment, the members of theater production A Chorus Line showed up to celebrate Bush's 84th birthday, and TMZ caught the action. I wouldn't mind a present like that!

Circle of life, anyone?

– Andy

Bush 41 also got lucky, for that picture, follow the JUMP:

Bush Sr. Hot Girl

4 thoughts on “Barbara Bush Is A Lucky Lady

  1. tmz can’t claim credit for this scoop.. it was posted online by the cast of a chorus line a few days ago on facebook. sorry TMZ.

  2. Omg haha I know him, Anyone around Maine should go see him at the Ogunquit play house :p

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