As far as I’m concerned, James Franco is so obsessed with gay people that he must be straight. It never even occurred to me there’d be “rumors” about his sexuality, because I thought the world had a common understanding that he’s just a dude who’s really, really fascinated with man-on-man action… But not in a sexual way! In an academic, artistic sort of sense.
Apparently, this idea of a common understanding isn’t 100% accurate. There are still people—gay men included—who believe Franco is playing for our team, and he recently shared with MTV News that you’re all shitheads for thinking this:
“In high school these girls got mad at me, and so they spread this rumor that I was having a gay relationship with one of my closest friends… And they even made up a little dance they would do in the girl’s locker room about me being gay. I still don’t know what the dance was.”
Um, I know what the dance was. Those chicks were fanning their Cindy Lou Va-Who-Whos, ’cause they were so wet at the thought of James doing it with another dude. He continued:
“It wasn’t like it was anything new. And in fact, it wasn’t something that frightened me, like if people think that, it’s fine. I really don’t care.”
Did you hear that? James Franco doesn’t care if you think he’s the mayor of Gaytown! James Franco doesn’t care if you Photoshop cum onto his face! Or write fan-fic about him getting gangbanged alongside Daniel Radcliffe at a sleazy leather bar! He’s tired of rumors starting! Except he isn’t, because he really just doesn’t care.
“Sex and sexuality are such big parts of our lives — the ways that we define ourselves, the ways that we interact with each other. Everyone thinks about it. Everyone knows about it. Even if you insist on living an incredibly chaste life and you’re chaste in your thoughts, that’s a conscious and concerted effort to keep sex from your thoughts. So you’re still engaging with sex even if it’s in a negative capacity. … It’s a huge part of our lives. It’s part of being human.”
Why can’t we just let James Franco be human? Why can’t we back up off him? Why can’t we let him live? Why can’t we let him do things his way, and take it for just what it is? Discuss amongst yourselves.
– Dewitt
• Um, Did James Franco Tweet His Dick Pic?
• If James Franco Weren’t Hot, He’d Be Highly Annoying
• We Interrupt This “Quickie” To Bring You James Franco’s Butt Cheeks
• Fucking Yourself With Dave Franco
• Three Ways Daniel Radcliffe Could Eat Your Ass
I would prefer to just let him be a naked human.
…who just happens to find his naked self in my bed from time to time. Yea, I’d definitely prefer that.
I’d rather enjoying sharing that
Nice Lilo reference, Dewitt.
I’m glad someone acknowledged that!