Flashback Friday: JUICE (1984)

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Juice has one of the greatest theme songs in the history of gay porn. The 1984 film, directed by Arthur Bressan Jr., stars Michael Christopher as the head photographer for a smutty magazine named, well, Juice. The plot kicks off when he receives a letter from his editor (Eric Ryan) that he needs to turn in some quality work or he’ll be getting the boot.

You can probably guess where the story goes from there! Christopher goes on a quest for new models, fools around with some dudes, and really, I can’t even bother to tell you anything else. I’m too busy humming the Juice theme song in my head.

“Juice! When a guy won’t back off! Juice! When he wants to whack off! Juice! When he has to jack off! Juuuuuuice!”

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Bijou World

Watch the trailer (and hear the theme song) below:


Read more about the film (or grab a copy) at Bijou Video.


12 thoughts on “Flashback Friday: JUICE (1984)

  1. Michael Christopher is one of my all time favorite porn stars. That body is perfect! Anyone know what he’s doing today?

  2. ….


    This is so awkward. Now I’m humming that shit. I shouldn’t have click the link.


    Juuuuice. . .

    Damn it! >_> It’s fucking catchy.

  3. It’s not so much that I ended up there, (NOT THAT IT’S A HABIT OR ANYTHING! I SWEAR!) it’s that I just admitted I ended up someplace like that again.

    Oh well. It certainly was fun. Except humming that song all day at work. That was awkward.

  4. i am one of the unholy-Holy Gatekeepers.

    yes, Kianna.

    well, no one has to know the origin of the tune, unless you volunteer the additional information.

    incidentally, it may be a “bonus points” situation if, by some remote chance, one of your compadres actually recognizes what you’re hummin’.

    (just hearing such an anecdote would make my day complete, by-the-by.)

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