Is Gay the New Black?

The issue of gay marriage is a hot topic right now and Tyra recently aired an episode of her show titled "Is Gay the New Black?" Tyra invited people for and against same-sex marriage to talk on her show and things got heated. One quote that stuck in my head was "you can stop being gay, you cannot stop being black." Anyways check out the videos and let me know your thoughts.

– Andy

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14 thoughts on “Is Gay the New Black?

  1. i belive we are all free to belive what we belive but also not to shove it in someones face. so let gays marry and let str8 people bitch. it will happen one day and guess what the earth will not stop spinning. we will find something else to bitch about. hell 150 years ago no one would have thought obama would be president

  2. 150 years ago?
    are u kidding?
    50 years ago black people were not allowed to do half of the things that white people could in america.
    yes, gay is the new black, but guess what, we’ll push our way up.

  3. i do not believe in fighting. its stupid and pointless. with the marriage issue, why dont we just do as they did with prop 8? create a new form of marriage that is open for all ppl and call it something else? and gay is the new gay and black is the new black. as he said, as a white gay male i have no idea what they went through. but when that woman said we dont get hung from trees for being gay, she obviously hasnt stepped out of her suburban home into arkansas or alabama where, omg im from, they do shit like that. or as they told me they would do, drag me behind their truck by my legs. fun times right. no we are not going through what blacks went through but we are going through stuff nonetheless we shouldnt be going through. in religion, i have my own beliefs however, from what history has taught me, religion brought on war, despair, pain, anguish and fear more than hope and faith. also, if im not mistaken arent churches the most wealthiest organizations on this planet? i guess not. i dont see anything but people and i dont feel we were meant to fight unless it was for protection of personal harm. so why are we fighting if no one is going to die over this?

  4. So what if you’re black and gay?
    Michael Jackson proved you can stop being black if you want to.
    I think the issue with gay marriage isn’t so much that two same gender individuals can get married, it’s the perception that homosexuality is wrong and that by allowing nationwide recognition and acceptance of something that’s “wrong” will eventually lead to the demoralization of the nation and end badly. Which if homosexuality were a bad thing they’d have a point but they don’t so it’s moot.
    It’s sad tho. Millions of happily married heterosexual couples will soon fall out of love with their spouse because of homosexuals getting married.

  5. “You can’t compare slavery to being gay, because you’re not being hung from trees because you’re gay”, just fences.
    I hate people who don’t think before they speak. That whole panel of ‘for’ the prop 8 were completely ridiculous.

  6. maybe someone should tell the religious black woman who kept interrupting people when they spoke that – yes, gays are not lynched in America but gays are killed in horrible ways in many, many countries in the world. She seemed insulted that anyone should be comparing the gays struggle to the black struggle in America. Yet human on human violence has nothing to do with the colour of your skin or your sexual orientation – it has to do with the evil in peoples’ hearts. And could someone told that religious zealot to ‘shut up’ when other people are trying to get their point across. Nobody was interrupting her when she talked – she should have shown the same respect to others. If you go back in history – many conflicts and inhumanities have – at their core – religion, ie Spanish inquisitions, witch hunts of the 1600s, persecution of the Jews throughout history and during WWII.

  7. Erg the points that singer makes are wrong. There are 1,100 rights that come with marriage. But even in states where gay marriage is legal, we only get 38 of them because the rest are federal rights. This is thanks to Bill Clinton.

  8. What people are missing is the point. When saying that ‘Gay is the new Black’ people are comparing the 1950’s and 60’s civil rights movement for Negro-Americans to the current movement for LGBT equality. No where is ANYONE implying, or involving slavery. Although, I’d be willing to bet that, just like homosexuals were mass-murdered during the holocaust, they were also sold into slavery.
    As for the current rights of homosexuals in this country, yes we can blame Mr. Clinton for the DOMA. . .which is kinda ironic seeing as he then started to cheat on his wife.

  9. well, you CAN stop being gay… sorta…
    you also CAN stop being black… MJ much?

  10. J-C, where do you think the evil in people’s hearts come from? You cannot simply remove prejudices against one’s skin color or sexual orientation, when it is the very reason these people are being persecuted. You also failed to mention that among those being victimized due to their skin color and sexual orientation are those who practice their religious beliefs. Then again, you did quite a number ripping on that group, as most gays do, while displaying intolerance and vitriol and blaming it on other groups that don’t agree with us. Nice job.

  11. navymscle, Bullshit. Wanna talk about choices? Can’t choose not to be black, can’t choose not to be gay, but you can sure as shit choose not to be Christian. The Christian belief system is hateful…or at least the Christianity they’re advocating.
    Do I think Christianity should be illegal? Hell no; you’re free to practice whatever stupid shit you want. But that’s precisely what these freaks who are fighting gay marriage tooth-and-nail need to do; let us “astray” folks be, and stop trying to influence governmental matters. They can think whatever the hell they want about me, but they cross a line when they try to legislate their beliefs.

  12. Hey John. You should get off your high horse for once, and realize you are in the minority here since a majority of Americans do have a religious belief system. Why should Christians offer any respect or change their minds when all they are hearing from the gay community is hate against their beliefs. There is indifference on both sides. You may have thrown a bone by saying Christianity should not be illegal, but the community only marginalizes the fight for equal rights when guerilla tactics, and Christian-bashing becomes the status quo in the gay community.
    We can’t win this fight without the support of the people, and this includes the religious community. When people in the gay community generalize all Christians in one basket as being hateful, we risk losing support from the very religious groups that do support our issues….and that support is growing. So this “stupid shit” name-calling you preach is fine….just remember that there is strength in numbers. And the more support we can get from the religious community the better we are at actually living the tolerance we preach among ourselves, and winning more voters.

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