What’s the difference between fucking and making love? We’re sure most of you would answer that question very differently, but from what we’ve gathered after discussing this topic with our colleagues at Manhunt headquarters, there’s a minor discrepancy about whether you have to be in love to “make love”. Some of our dear coworkers thought that it’s more about passion and intimacy than an actual romantic connection. Others argued that an emotional bond is essential for sex to fall into that category, and a smaller minority thinks that rough, raunchy sessions can be classified as making love (if they’re with the right person).
What are your thoughts? Is love a necessary component to making love?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Lucas Entertainment
Watch a free preview clip of Vito Gallo and D.O. “making love” below:
Check out the full scene now at LUCAS ENTERTAINMENT.
Fucking is simply satisfying your physical need using another person to assist and if they happen to get off also, oh goody. Making love to someone is transferring the emotional and physical sensations and fantasies you want to experience to another person in deference to your own enjoyment. You are attempting to give to another those kisses, touches, caresses, and feelings of guilt free pleasure that you only experience in your dreams. Do you need to be in love in order to do that? Naaaaa, but doing that can sure make the possibility of a loving relationship a bit more promising.
From 7am-11pm (local time) it’s making love. From 11pm-7am, it’s fucking. 🙂
Without the images and videos above, the answer is no, you do not have to be IN LOVE with someone to share the intimacy of MAKING LOVE. fe106 has it head on. Passion can be expressed anytime, anywhere if the inspiration is there.
Dewitt: If these are the conversations that you guys get into daily AND you get paid to look at hot guys all day, would you please let us know when there are staff openings? Hell, I’d be a coffee guy. Would you like cream with that? lol
I really hate that term… one cannot make an emotion, one can only express the feelings from it. I prefer sensual sex 🙂
No, I think you do not…but I think it is all dependant on the individuals. I have been with men I have jut met who I connected with on more than just a sexual level that could be described as “Making Love” ( and this is not about the emotion but the verb Love!) On the other end of things I am in a LTR where, even though we are very much in love, my partner has certain barriers that make it rarely seem like we are “making love” I think one has to be in tune with yourself, your body, and your emotions to feel that instnat connection with someone without the actual love aspect entering into it
The ideal is to make love with someone you love. But in sex, sometimes passion can be mistaken for love and viceversa. I’ve been with a couple of guys where the sex was so intense that I made the mistake of saying that we were making love and that freaked them out. maybe it was too much passion and intensity, but I wasn’t in love with them. And for the record, those were two guys in two separate occasions, not at the same time.
‘porn’ lovers paradise?
I don’t think you have to be in love with someone to make love to them. I always try to make love to the one I’m with as opposed to just having sex. Even if it’s just a hook up. I’m much to passionate to be any other way.