We hope you paid attention during all those elementary geography lessons! As it turns out, the Prime Meridian has more influence on your sex life than you could have ever imagined. We were curious about which countries had the highest percentage of tops versus bottoms, so we crunched the numbers for Manhunt‘s most active markets and came up with some very intriguing results.
The top seven in each category are on opposite sides of the globe! Costa Rica came out as the alpha top, while Denmark proved to be the biggest bottom of them all. Not so surprisingly, nearly every country leaned towards the top side of the spectrum. Does this mean that there are more tops in the world? Or just a whole lot of secret bottoms?
– Dewitt
To view a full list of all countries polled, follow the JUMP:
(Numbers indicate percentage of tops)
1. Costa Rica – 62.37%
2. Venezuela – 61.73%
3. Cuba – 61.48%
4. Panama – 60.93%
5. Dominican Republic – 60.88%
6. Colombia – 59.54%
7. Portugal – 58.39%
8. Italy – 58.18%
9. Spain – 57.92%
10. Egypt – 57.71%
11. Argentina – 57.69%
12. India – 57.45%
13. Chile – 57.31%
14. Switzerland – 56.91%
15. New Zealand – 56.60%
16. South Africa – 56.58%
17. Brazil – 56.08%
18. Greece – 55.95%
19. Israel – 55.43%
20. Ireland – 55.12%
21. Philippines – 54.63%
22. Belgium – 54.46%
23. Australia – 54.02%
24. Thailand – 53.41%
25. Mexico – 53.17%
26. Netherlands – 52.95%
27. USA – 52.80%
28. South Korea – 52.26%
29. Canada – 52.01%
30. France – 51.79%
31. Sweden – 51.65%
32. Peru – 51.05%
33. England – 50.64%
34. Germany – 49.56%
35. China – 49.48%
36. Indonesia – 48.92%
37. Russia – 48.69%
38. Malaysia – 48.51%
39. Taiwan – 46.95%
40. Denmark – 46.40%
Just for fun, a bottom-heavy view of our results:
hehe. cute statistics.
although, naturally, a lot of guys often pretend to be tops or top/vers on their profiles.
i used to have bottom/vers on my profile, even though it’s a lies. i then changed it to bottom.
once i met a guy who’s profile said ‘top/vers’ where as mine was saying ‘bottom’ at the time. so when it came to sex, he asked me ‘do u wanna top?’, he topped in the end, but that wasn’t a really convincing ‘top’.
ah well, my life story lol.
damn, why can’t i proof-read before i post…
Interesting, but makes sense… A majority of the top 10 are countries where machismo and virility are the stereotypical norms for men (absolutely no offense meant to anyone – that’s why I say stereotypical and not just ‘the norm’)… So I’d probably agree with Dewitt in saying there are more than a few secret bottoms out there…
I think that if there are so many guys online saying they are TOP, it has has more to do with levels of public shame and embarassment than what the guys actually prefer in private once the bedroom door closes.
Gasp! You mean people LIE on their profiles!? Average penis is NOT 9 inches??
The world would be a simpler place if we were just honest with each other.
Well as a true Top i find it strange to see profiles posted with guys saying they are top/vers then they aren’t willing to bottom. That’s why i tend to be interested in Bottoms only. Who wants to roll around with another top when all you want to do is fuck his ass lol.
tops are more likely to have multiple profiles….
There are two types of men in the world – bottoms and liars.
Most of the guys lie about it. They feel good on themselves I’d they declare tops. In reality they would rather bottom. So the data is flawed.
most guys are “versatile” tops, which usually means that when it comes to doing the work of fucking, they’d rather be a lazy bottom.
we should ask Dr, Kinsey. might be a survey on liers by country, more than sexual position. Actually, mother nature knows how to distribute sexuality, ask any anthropologist.
Actually makes perfect sense to me. Reviewing the results a large predominance of those countries have a hispanic influence which is known to have large dicks. The bottom half has a large asian influence which has predominantly smaller cocks. Makes a lot of sense to me…
berksorigin: Negative much? My ex was a TOTAL top! Wasn’t ANYTHING going up his butt! They are out there. Just hard to find.
makes sense. obviously there are lots of closet vers/bottom guys out there…I’ve encountered several men who claim to be tops, but get them behind closed doors and they beg you to fuck them. and south american countries are famously insecure and prize machismo.
Indonesia here, agreed!
Hi!I am from Serbia,38 years old,bottom guy!It is not “IN” to be bottom guy in Serbia,when all manhood and machisam are on the stage!Even among gay guys!So,many of them in their profiles declares themselves as vers./top.,or versatile!Althought it is quite clear,that they are bottoms!Personally I don’t mind at all,but it is funny for me to see that someone says that he is a top guy and then show his nice ass!For past two years,gay guys declares themselves as bisexual,which is only another way to avoid being bottom!
Very Funny.
I’m from Portugal and I had no idea…
I bet all the bottoms are in the closet ^^
I agree with Zrenex, people in Portugal want to be very macho, but in the end… Ups.
I strongly disagree… I’m from Panamá and I had to move all the way to Buenos Aires because there were just too many bttms back home… like, seriously.
I think there are more secret bottoms, there seems to be a stigma in the “macho” latin countries about homosexuality on a whole. I live in Portugal (I am not Portuguese) and the amount of dates I have had with sudo tops is quite a few and I have found that in the bedroom they are more than willing to bottom once the bedroom door is shut and discretion is assured.
I’m not surprised at the results for Russia and China – they are so used to being shafted by the State that being bottom is just second nature. I am sure there are loads of secret bottoms everywhere, especially in latin america – kind of borne out by Argpty’s comment above
This is way too funny!!
In my experience, Latinos with their machismo society will first identify as Top. There are also many Straight/Bi Men from Latin Countries that do not think they are gay if they take the Dominant roll in Sex, so it’s OK to get sucked off by a Guy or Fuck a Guy’s Ass.
Of course in the proverbial end, it only takes a Better Top to turn the “Top” into a willing Bottom.
@ furrier very astute observation about Russia and China, those were my thoughts the moment i read that stat.
Isn’t it funny how many so called “tops” most of us have met, that when the lights go out turn over on their backs and throw their legs in THE AIR! I am pretty versatile which is cool with me, but you cant help but laugh.
To whom it may Concern,
DowneMixedBoi is moving to to Costa Rica.
well…Im from Costa Rica… my father has 11 children with diferent wimen… my grandfather 22( as I know)… my sisters’ father has 21…etc… and this is the tendence… I supose its because of our culture… you’re a men as long as you’re like a stud horse… which is a kind of chauvinist( I disagree), same happen with gay population. also there is another issue: youngest people doesn’t have profiles on the website. they flirt on diferent areas like bar or disco, etc. if you ask them most of them will say they are versatil…
thats so interesting. but I dont believe those stats are true for a second!. I’ve met plenty of guys from Manhunt who have had TOP in their profile, but I’ve ended up fucking them senseless.
If there are so many damned tops in the world, why the hell don’t some live in Minnesota!
You have did the world how about the state?
ToddM allow me 2 say on behalf of all the TRUE TOPS ( we R out there ) THANK U !!!
A top does not have fantasies about getting fucked or having things inserted into their ass. At least that’s my take on it. In a relationship, the tags of bottom or top sometimes fade and the top may venture into being a bottom at times but will want to be the top in most sexual encounters. Sometimes the bottom likes to be a top on occasion mainly because of chemistry or wanting to change things a little. 99% top and 1% bottom (rarely-only twice in the last 15 years) here. When I see a guy I like I just wanna take their pants off and stick in there. That is how a mainly top guy thinks.
As a guy that is 100% bottom, the best sex I’ve had is with 100% tops, because they know what they like and they know how to get ‘er done. :)~
Now finding one is a whole other story…
Hey can we get this breakdown for the 50 states next?
Guess I’ll be going to Denmark more often!
BlackJackHammer: Could you move a little closer to me then?!?!?! LOL
No need to go to Denmark, Chad when there are us 100% bottoms in Canada.
totally agree with chad and blackjackhammer and toddm? get together sometime will ya? this isnt the first time you guys wanted each other and holy shit todd m is a total hottie i would send so mich tender loving to him and end it off with him screaming in exstacy woof woof! would love to see that ass jiggle!
1st to be clear, I’m from Panama and I enjoy it either way. Now, I spent 3 months in Costa Rica and could not find a single solitary top. Had sex with several men and each and every one of them wanted to bottom for me. Not one, seriously, not one hinted at the possibility of toping me. GGrrrrrrrrr. Either way, same happens here in my home land, so this is bull.
A ver, por la experiencias que he tenido al usar ManHunt, la verdad, lejos que que sean “full Activos” lo que encuentras en un desfile de “Full pasivas”, “Full traumadas”, “Full inadaptadas”, “Full Made in Taiwan”, “Full Gay Decentes”, “Full Nadie sabe que soy Loca”, osea… encuentras de todo, menos “Full Activos”.
Es más, para remate, yo me tome la molestia de crear un “segundo” perfil, con fotos bien calientes (no eran mías)señalando que era “full Aactivo” y señores, a esa cuanta le escribían reimundo y todo el mundo… en especial “full Activos”.
Cuando preguntaba ¿Qué que haríamos si “yo era activo” y el también”?. las respuestas fueron de lo más ingeniosas, estúpidas y fuera de lugar.
Definitivamente, me inclino a creer que acá en Panamá, no es que no sepan leer, si no que no “saben” lo que significa ser “full Activo”… a no ser que lo entiendan como hacer sentadillas con obstáculo.
I live in Italy, which is #8 on the list. Pffff! But the lines are pretty blurry here on just about everything regarding sex. And there’s a wicked double standard. A man is expected to screw on any possible occasion, while infidelity on the part of a woman is, I believe, still punishible by death by stoning. And a guys considers himself straight as long as he’s the suckee, not the sucker, or the top, not the bottom. Ogni bucc’è buono, they say (any hole’s good). Even then, you’ve got at least a 50/50 chance of getting to a quiet, secluded place and before you can reach into your pocket for a condom, he’s got his legs up in the air. I find these statistics amusing at best, sadly predictable at worst. It means that we’ve still got a long way to go in how we understand and experience our own seuality, even among those who are openly gay.
Hola a todos…
Lo de la estadistica diria que esta un poco sesgado porque creo que aca en Colombia no hay tan poco porcentaje de Activos…creeria mas bien que son como versatiles (no me inlcuyo).
Habria que esteblecer criterios para determinar el significado de activo.
Considero que soy activo porque no me penetran ni con un mal pensamiento (jejejejej) y mi actitud es mas masculina y varonil de lo que muchos creerian… a veces tengo situaciones muy pintorescas en mi trabajo debido a que muchas mujeres se insinuan y me hacen cualquier tipo de invitaciones y comentarios sexuales….esta bien, no soy un adonis, pero todo va en el comportamiento..
Well guys, now that everybody knows that Costa Rica is the top of the tops… I work for a tour operador here in Costa Rica and we have designed a very nice 7 nights gay program for those who want to visit this tops paradise. The program includes San Jose with a party night, whales observation in the South Pacific and of course Manuel Antonio Beach, our gay paradise. Those interested in traveling to Costa Rica can contact me to experiences82@hotmai.com
Taking the data as a true fact : you like to top or you like to be a bottom , no both and or “”versatile”” ( ? ) wtf ? . Somebody wrote here there are two types of men “” bottoms and liers “” , not far from the truth. ( bottoms rule the world and tops are difficult to find )
“”Okay, all the bottoms over on that side and all the …..Come on ! We gotta have some tops in here !!! ( Donelan Toons )
I am from Costa Rica and that is not true
I just messaged the Manhunt Service team
telling them that is totally NOT TRUE
I am from Denmark and mostly top (like 99%), let me take a breakdown on some of my encounters this summer:
1. Costa Rica – 62.37%: Had one from there, he was like 95% top.
4. Panama – 60.93%: He was versatile, maybe slightly on the bottom side.
6. Colombia – 59.54%. He was versatile, but mostly bottom.
7. Portugal – 58.39%: He was top.
17. Brazil – 56.08%: He was VERY much bottom.
40. Denmark – 46.40%: He was top.
So, yeah…
Hey guys!
Haha.. I was really luaghing alot having read this statistic.
I am Russian my self who lives both in Stockholm and in Moscow. I’ve had enough guys in both countries to counclude . Sweden is a paradise for a top guys! Absouletely majority swedes are bottoms! Especially the younger ones)) I had to learn how to be top here in odrer to survive somehow! LOL
Regarding Russians I am really confuced..Are Russians on the lists of ‘ predominantely bottoms ‘ ? Weird. I guess top Russians just didnt bother to do manhunt’s research..At least in Moscow, it’s 100 % easier to get banged than in Sthm dissregarding what the numbers above say.
And I find it silly the way some guys here explained that being oppressed by the state makes ppl to bottom more ..In that case Cuba would be on the bottom’s ‘ top list’..
Filipino pure BOTTOM here!
I guess I should move to Costa Rica!
Hey guys,
Well i´ve lived everywhere. Right now i live in spain and though it says that here you can find a 57% of tops it is obviously not true. Seriously there is some real lack of tops in the world, it´s very hard to be gay, you find the cutest, smartest, greatest guy and oops he´s a bottom. I´m pretty sure people say the whole “top/versatile” thing to feel more macho like but it´s rarely true. Alsi lived in Argentina and Uruguay, in Uruguay there´s actually a lot more tops then here in Spain. On the other hand you can find the ugliest gayest thing and he´s an actual top so i think we´re screwed and not the way we´d like.
By the way, also agree with the phrase on bottoms and liars, really funny dude, totaly gonna steal it at some point lol.
i think the statistics not valid, because we don’t know how many people participate the survey and the sampling method they use…
but that’s nice info for all of us…
I’m 25 years old, and I’ve lived in colombia and italy (my parents are both italians).My sexual life started very young(at 13 ) and I have to say that you guys are wrong, or at least the way percibe things. I have chatted and had profiles in a fe gay webpages and I found out that tops are reallyy easy to find, and i dare to say that there are a little more than bottoms.
If you are a bottom or a top,don’t blame the quantity of your opposite,blame yourself, cause you’re not good enough to find a top or a bottom you need.
As one of you said before:Mother nature knows how to distribuite sexuality
Most Americans are vers/bottoms in oral sex, and top/vers in anal, quick or in public.
Germans and Russians are pretty much versatile but they both go wild in public and take all that much more longer and harder… The reasons are obvious…
There’s no flexible hoses in United States
to clean up your ass! (It takes you a fortune to find any device to do this.)
Germans, Russians and Dutch are much more easy to open and work out their holes if it comes to their homosexuality than Americans. Also, Russia has a lot of old Soviet-raised gays who only can say in the Internet that they are bottoms, but rarely do that in real.
I am a proud, confirmed bottom. And yes, the world is a a bottom-ful place. I was lucky that my first boyfriend at 12-13 yrs old was hung like Christina Crawford’s closet. It actually made life quite difficult. He was 15-16 yrs old so he became the benchmark by which all my future lovers would be measured. Decades later, I still find that penetratedless affair remains some of the best sex I had for two years straight, everyday after school, before church on Sunday morning, etc. And then one day out of the blue, he declared his heterosexuality. I still cannot believe that he doesn’t think of our time together. He said on several occasions that no one ever made him feel as I did. Strangely though, it wasn’t about “love”. It was pure, carnal desire that for a time seemed blissfully out of control.
I am a proud, confirmed bottom. And yes, the world is a a bottom-ful place. I was lucky that my first boyfriend at 12-13 yrs old was hung like Christina Crawford’s closet. It actually made life quite difficult. He was 15-16 yrs old so he became the benchmark by which all my future lovers would be measured. Decades later, I still find that penetratedless affair remains some of the best sex I had for two years straight, everyday after school, before church on Sunday morning, etc. And then one day out of the blue, he declared his heterosexuality. I still cannot believe that he doesn’t think of our time together. He said on several occasions that no one ever made him feel as I did. Strangely though, it wasn’t about “love”. It was pure, carnal desire that for a time seemed blissfully out of control.