Has Fraternity X gone too far this time? The gay porn “reality” site released a new scene this week in which two horny, dick-wad frat boys roofie Matthew Keading and take turns fucking her ass. While it’s no secret that some men fantasize about rape, there’s something to be said for a site that actively incorporates date rape drugs into their storyline… And that something is, “No. Stop it.”
Keading is a gorgeous young woman, and the guys fucking her aren’t too bad to look at either. However, I would argue that this scene would be approximately 5,000,000,000 times hotter if she were conscious for the duration of the action. We could have seen her pushing back on their cocks, taking it in both ends and, most importantly, consenting to servicing her two partners.
Instead, we just have rape. Just plain rape.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Fraternity X
Watch a free preview clip of Matthew Keading’s tag-team fuck below:
LOVE RAPE? Watch the full scene now at FRATERNITY X.
Oh, and look! You can get your rape for a discount.
lowest common denominator
Wow…a new low…who the hell runs this site? I mean are you guys that desperate that you’ll resort to something like THIS to get hits and views…..grow the f up.
I’m surprised it’s even legal for them to show that scene. Very bad taste.
Completely inappropriate. Manhunt needs to end their partnership with whichever studio is producing this.
This is really sick!! Rape is nothing to laugh about. Let the kid just get drunk and then play with him while he is stumbling drunk. Guys did have nice cocks, but was a turn off with the way they used them
Cameraman’s laugh…annoying.
The kid wearing aviators indoors…annoying.
Fake dirty frat house…annoying.
Simulating the use of date rape drugs & following through with it…shameful.
Overall impression of Fraternity X…
Poor quality.
Poor delivery.
Eat shit.
I consider this as nothing more than fantasy. I have confidence that all parties involved are either acting, or entered into the scene fully aware of what would happen. The actress involved reads this blog, let’s let her chime in.
WTF???? Did we HAVE to see the proof of your outrage? Or were they prurient pictures? A picture may be worth a thousand words but when dealing with nonconsensual sex the honorable thing is have RESPECT for the assaulted.
And this is only Part 1…seriously lacking in taste and judgement.
Dewitt, do you mean, ‘I just can’t GET with this’?
Just because something may be fantasy doesn’t mean it’s not sickening, disgusting, and with no redeeming social value.
I watched the clip, and I gotta say it all looked staged to me. I don’t believe for a second this was real. If it was, posting a video of it online is the last thing they would do, as it is illegal and everyone involved would be prosecuted. Just like Parole HIm is staged, so is this. No question about it. Publicity stunt at it’s worst.
While obviously staged, this is seriously sick.
No. It’s an expression. It may not be correct in the most traditionally grammatical manner, but we live in a world where “twerk” and “selfie” are recognized as real words.
Oh, and look ! you can get your rape for a discount is that M/H PATHETIC attempt at humor RAPE IS NO JOKE and the fact that M/H is promoting RAPE is DESPICABLE with in itself !!!
well i think its fine. unconscious sex is a fantasy of mine (with me being the fucked or fucker). porn is a fantasy, if the viewer is mature enough to realize what is right or wrong in real life, i dont see what the problem is.
They woulnd’t have needed to roofie me. I’d have willingly taken the entire frat.
Even if the parties involved were indeed fully aware and just acting out parts, including the passed out/unaware part, it SCREAMS of rape which isn’t ok.
At the same time, I much prefer “rape FANTASIES” instead of actual rape if that’s what you’re into.
At what point do we hold media distributors responsible for not merely satisfying an audience, but, rather, feeding or creating such an appetite?
On a lighter, and more comfortable for me, note: Wake up! it’s more fun that way
Hot scene! do any of u dicks realise this is all an ACT? Get a grip really!!
I’m pretty sure it’s not. I kept asking if I got to wake up and they were pretty happy in the way that I looked passed out the entire time.
Part 2 they redrug me, but I actually wake up halfway through.
Really only part that pissed me off about the scene were the people. Ripped the button off of my shorts and they were all like, “WHO WEARS SHORTS THAT TIGHT” But thats what you get when you work with straight guys. And the fact they kept using my real name really irked me.
Was the “victim” actually unconscious? Or just faking it?
Was it really unconscious? Or just pretending to be drugged & pretending to wake up?
Seeing as another of their videos starts with a guy doing a line of coke before they tagteam him, is this really surprising? As for the guy who runs the site, it’s the guy that isn’t shown much anymore but is clearly way older than the rest of them. Big shock there. He’s always one of the cameramen, though…you can hear his feminine voice saying the corniest of bad porn phrases in every FratX video. And they wonder why gays don’t have equal rights yet.
I felt kind of bad that you had to be in a scene with these jerks lol Also felt really strange about the whole rape thing… :/
Matthew actually said, via his Twitter, that this scene was awful to film and that the guys were complete assholes. I feel sorry for him/her, because he was only doing porn to try to earn money for his transition from m to f and for school. I think all the porn companies take advantage of kids in bad situations, befriend them and encourage them to basically become a porn factory. I worry for Matthew, when I see a company like FratX, encouraging unprotected sex. When a company films a scene like this, they obviously don’t have very high standards, so how can they be on the up and up, when it comes to testing for disease? I wish Matthew the best, but I fear he/she will crash and burn at a very young age.
Completely douchey site just hit a new low
I am confused! Was he taken all by surprise or was all that just part of the script or how much of it was part of the script. Or Keading just didn’t know he was being raped! Was he aware that he was actually getting drugged by a real rape drug and not a fake-drug? I mean if he actually was raped, i don’t know if i’m being stupid about this but, he could have filed charges against them, right??
pretty easy. proof is all there. just dl it.
What a bunch of sissy women posting here. No wonder “gay male” porn studios like Cocky Boys are RUN by women and supported by women fans. The wuss-ification of MAN2MAN porn. I’m done.