Who doesn’t love a pub crawl? The laughter! The spilled beer! The hot drunk guys looking to hook up! Manhunt sponsored a pub crawl in London’s Soho section and no one died or got pregnant. We call that a success! We were also at an event in Bournemouth called 2Gether and, apparently, the gym bunny convention was in town because look at those bodies.
For information on future Manhunt events, strut that ass over to our Facebook page and click on the Events tab.
– J. Harvey
Check out pics from our Soho Pub Crawl and 2Gether below:
Can somebody please tell me the name of the black dude in the middle of the top pic? He looks awesome – it’s the second time I see him ( asked in the previous article too) , surely SOMEONE must know…? he seems to be working for the event!
Yum hot men with Euro accents.
Guy in Pic 3&4 (3 shirtless, 4 blue tank) wholy key-rye-est, he’s amazing.
Nick Cheney looks awesome!
i agree, he looks really great
But it was in Bournemouth….. I mean that’s the aesthetic equivalent of the Jersey Shore.