The history of Madonna‘s love life could easily be pitched as a college course. She’s dated so many men that we’ve lost count! And while a few of her boyfriends turned out to be total duds, there’s at least one who’s remained hot to this day–Tony Ward.
He appeared in the music videos for “Justify My Love” and “Erotica”, as well as 1992’s controversial SEX book. On top of that, he even appeared naked on the pages of Manhunt Daily! Now, the forty-seven year old model is sporting an unusually clean-shaven look for the latest Dolce & Gabbana ad. Which leads us to ask–would you hit that?
– Dewitt
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And here’s a recent one with the beard:
hell no!
crooked noses don’t do it for me
I think the angle of this picture makes his nose look horrible. I thought he was really ugly until I looked at the previous entry regarding him.
Yes! I would! I definately would! He has a certain masculinity to him that says, “Im confident”.
Men with confidence is sexy. You can see it in the eyes in the D&G ad.
Sometimes the flaws bring out the attractiveness in ones appearances. I find him to be very HOT!
Oh yes, I’d like to add that looks dont interests people of tastes, Talent does.
Would you hit that … totally sounds like a hookup question, yes without a doubt I’d hookup with him. I would have to get to know him to know if I’d do more, duh, but I find the tats to be distracting, but they’re seldom a deal breaker.
Not in a lifetime actually when u c the naked pics its simply a matter of size lol
Mayyyyybe with the beard. Definitely not without it.
His head looks bigger than his bod in the naked pic plus he has chicken wing shoulders (from Seinfeld), NJ high hair and that Planet of the Apes beard
I wouldn’t kick him out of bed. Maybe even have a relationship. But that’s not going to happen anyway…. lol
Well he’s an interesting guy and perhaps he doesn’t look like my roid handsome ‘superstar’ ex who looks and acts like all the plastic unreliable selfish divas whom are sooo common these days…I would want a nice supper with him and hear all the interesting life stories and then go into the woods and build a nice bonfire and lie down on a comfy sleeping bag and look at the stars…we’ll see what comes next
Nope not for me
i can’t believe he’s 47, doesn’t look it
btw guys, he is married with children…. u may remember the friend who helped out Santino during the Project Runway finale? that dinner with Tim Gun?
that was Tony Ward…..
I am surprised with the DG ad, as he does not look that great there, he looks like a real person, like that was a snap shot….. but, like most good models, he can look totally gorgeous under the right circumstances…
he looks like a retarded person
@Jarvis: You sound like a retarded person.
Ugly…with a capital U!
When I saw Tony Ward, I thought it was the guy who played The Beaver’s brother Walley from Leave it to Beaver! He had such great beautiful eyes! Would love to see nakid pics of him!
Hard to believe he’s 47…