Anjem Choudary Calls for Stoning of Gays in Britain

Anjem Choudary

Controversial Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary has come out with another batch of controversial statements, this time calling for the stoning of gays in Britain. Oh, he also threw in the all familiar bestiality comparison!

Choudary said, "If a man likes another man, it can happen, but if
you go on to fulfil your desire, if it is proved, then there is a
punishment to follow. You don't stone to death unless there are four
eyewitnesses. It is a very stringent procedure. There are some people who are attracted to donkeys but that does not mean it is right."

Feel at ease my fellow homos, it takes four eyewitnesses for a stoning to occur, so you'll probably be safe. Also, let's not forget Choudary has his own past indiscretions, including use of LSD and lots of pre-marital sex while in college, but of course, he has seen the light!

For our British readers, what is the reaction to Choudary? As much as I've not been a fan lately, wasn't calling for the Pope's execution or pleading with British Muslims to donate to terrorist groups enough to get him silenced? 

– Andy

17 thoughts on “Anjem Choudary Calls for Stoning of Gays in Britain

  1. I wonder what Choudary’s response to the fact that stoning is against the law in Britain would be? He is encouraging his followers to break the law because of their (supposed) religious beliefs. Now, both Great Britain and the US are all for freedom of religious beliefs- until it comes to breaking laws. Is this cleric going to take responsibility for the deaths that would result if his suggestion is carried out by those who follow him?

  2. People who encourage violence should be stoned. Just because I want to eat a sandwich, doesn’t mean I should. I also agree with Randy. Choudary shouldn’t be encouraging violence, and his suggestion should make him an accessory to whatever crime is committed.

  3. I belive he is trying to insert crazy wacky Sharia law in Britain, google it its some crazy stuff. Especially for gays, and women, who can be stoned just for being in a car with a man…

  4. Really!!! Come on I will throw the first stone at any one who lets pubes grow on there face like his, and it takes FOUR EYE WITNESSES!!!!!! Crawl back into the cave in which you dwell
    The only punishment that I am dealing with right now is having to look at pictures of you…

  5. Really though, notice if he tilts that hand down. What happens he has three fingers pointing back at him! Wonder if he was ever taught not to point a finger!!!!! You dummy!!!

  6. now was that “four eyewitnesses” a typo, does he in fact mean four-eye witnesses, and he is just alluding to the fact that he wants to watch two guys get it on and try to fulfill his own desire of homosexuality…i dunno just a thought haha

  7. Another religious zealot spouting out more hate. Isn’t there enough of that already? What happened to “Love thy neighbor”?


  9. Every man has homosexual tendencies and desires. Just some of us have found happiness in giving in to these. I believe Anjem is frightened by his desires. Maybe his desires lean more to the dangerous or obscene–one would wonder why he brings up the donkey? This all goes back to the old adage, “what one does understand, one often fears.” I don’t understand quantum physics, but that does not give me the right to stone quantum physicist. Choudary has just revealed his true nature. He is not intelligent enough to accept different people let alone different ideas, so in order to make people think he is more intelligent he spews forth this garbage which is basically one step away from racism. We may not be a race of people, but homosexuals are a strong demographic. If we take pride in ourselves as individuals and as group, then stupid people can not do us any harm.

  10. it is appalling to see the generalisations posted above – from using the word ‘arab’ in a demeaning manner, via suggesting it is ok to generalise about muslims, to the mind-boggling support for the bnp coming from a, presumably, gay man?!
    it all goes to show that lack of empathy and hatefulness know no national/racial/religious or, indeed, sexuality-related bounds. utterly depressing.

  11. Extremist Muslims are very much like extremist Christians. Both think the entire world should blindly follow their sect’s deity; both reject intelligent arguments; and both actively persecute non-believers while claiming they themselves are the persecuted ones. It’s just a difference in degree. This guy is as big an asshole as the ignoramus now called Pope; he just peddles another flavor of murder. [Gay catholic oxymorons, spare me your predictable froth.]

  12. so then, would it be wrong to call for stoning of muslims in britain – if you had four witnesses? not that i’m proposing it, just asking.

  13. there would be outrage across the world if that comment about stoning muslims was ever spoken in public,but then it seems to be ok for the muslim population to do and say whatever they want, if the extremeist hate living in a democratic society so much why do they seek to live in our countries, if you live in a different country from your own respect its laws and traditons, then we can all live as one

  14. since I’m Christian and the Bible commands me to kill anyone who worships a false idol then I should be allowed to stone him to death. Deut 13:11-17. it’s about time we united against the religious wrong and point out how fake and twisted these nuttjobs really are. fight religion with religion.

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