Justin Timberlake Knocked Me Out With His Huge DICK!

Y’all ain’t EVER gonna believe what just happened to Ms. Boulangerié Knowles! I was getting my nails done UP at the salon owned by my cousin’s hairdresser’s cousin Pâtisserié Rowland‘s hairdresser cousin, Menagerié Williams. We were talking SHIT as usual, throwing shade at Justin Timberlake for releasing a follow-up to the 20/20 Barbara Walters Extravaganzerience (or whatever the HELL he called it) full of songs that sounded like DAMN afterthoughts. Our conversation went a little something like THIS:

Claire Huxtable throwing shadeClaire Huxtable throwing shade 2

Then this prissy ass MOTHERFUCKER rolled up in some glossy-ass designer shades and DEMANDED to get his taint waxed. Now you just KNOW Ms. Boulangerié Knowles was like, “OH HELL TO THE NO!” I had a date with Enrique Iglesias later that night, and I was not about to show up to get FUCKED with my nails looking all ratchet. He started talking about how he was gonna see Joey and the other boys later that night, and he needed his pussy to look FIERCE as fuck.

I wasn’t mad at THAT! Boulangerié knows a thing or two about keeping things FRESH for the fellas, so I offered to style his ass hairs at HALF the price if he let me suck his DICK in the back room of the salon… Then he took off his glasses, and it was that stuck-up ASSHOLE Justin Timberlake! I was about to be like “NAH”, but he whipped it out for the rest of the girls, and I was like, “YAAAAAAS!”

throat fuck with Colby Jansen and Duncan Black

He showed NO mercy slamming his gigantic DICK down my throat, but Boulangerié swallowed down EVERY inch like a real bitch should. His balls were tensing up, then he pulled that HUGE ASS shaft, pulled it to the side and SLAPPED me in the face with it like THWACK, THWACK, THWACK.

I saw fucking stars and probably DAMN near got a concussion, but when I woke up from being unconscious, he was still ROCK hard, stroking his DICK and asking me where I wanted his WET HOT CUM… And, hell, you KNOW Boulangerié took it all up on her face and LOVED it!

Boulangerié Knowles

See how Justin DICK slapped me, then listen to his WHACK song down there:

gay cock slap

gay cock slap

gay cock slap

gay cock slap



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