With all the layoffs in this economy, you might find yourself looking for a new job. Gay friendly companies can be hard to find and if you have a partner, getting equal benefits is crucial. Well every Fall the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) releases its Corporate Equality Index which ranks companies based on their commitment to give equal benefits and protection to gay employees.
In 2002, just 13 companies got a perfect score but this year 259 were deemed ideal workplaces.
Nike, Google, Apple, Campbell's Soup, Kodak and Levi-Strauss are among the standouts.
Nike wouldn't have gotten the A+ if it didn't fold to pressure from the GLBT community regarding an arguably homophobic ad. Remember this?
When looking for a job, do you research an employer's policies toward gays? Has that ever been a deciding factor for you or your partner?
– Wilbur
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