This Would Make Me Enroll In Obamacare

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to the rest of you beautiful bitches! Here’s a video in the spirit of the season. Out2Enroll is “a coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act — access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage — reaches LGBT communities.” Here’s their PSA urging everyone to enroll. GOP gays think this is making us look bad. They’re all “nay”. My cock votes “yay”.

– J. Harvey

Watch “Get Enrolled” below:



21 thoughts on “This Would Make Me Enroll In Obamacare

  1. sorry if you make me sign up for something that cost more then my health. then i didn’t want it. we all have rent to pay food gas in our cars lite bills car insurance and renter insurance . then add a tax bill to it. then WE DIDN’T NEED IT.

  2. Kevrod is so right…we fucking didn’t need it. It was nothing more than a power grab that is going to cost us a fortune.

  3. Wow, that video really defines tacky, inappropriate, and poor taste. Stay away from politics, J. Harvey.

  4. Yes, you did need it. Your previous health plan was probably complete shit, and should you have gotten cancer or into a car accident, you wouldn’t have been able to afford treatment because you have “rent to pay food gas in our cars.” So, you inevitably would’ve started collecting Govm’t handouts to pay for it and MY tax dollars would be funding the whole damn thing, and I have no interest in paying your hospital bills. You, kevrod, are both short-sighted and completely self-centered. Keep your imbecilic thoughts in your head, where they belong.

  5. sir i work for a living and i pay to much in taxes anyway. and i’m not looking fer any govm’t handout . i’m just saying we all have too many bills to pay in our life we cann’t pay anymore.

  6. You couldn’t pay me enough to sign up for Obama Care! I’ll stay with my company benefits any day!

  7. As you should. The Affordable Care Act is aimed more at people who are not able to get adequate–if any–insurance through their employer.

  8. I won’t argue with you; we all gave bills to pay. However, should you need healthcare, how do you intend to pay for it? A “simple” appendectomy could easily run you twenty grand. Please explain where the money is going to come from to pay the bills? I’m not saying I support the ACA, I don’t. If someone doesn’t want to purchase health insurance, they shouldn’t have to, (nor should they have to pay a penalty). Of course, they shouldn’t expect someone else to pay for their healthcare either.

  9. Kevrod is half-right. We didn’t this piece of insurance and drug industry welfare popularly known as Obamacare. Its complete shit.
    We did, however, need Universal Health Care — Universal Health Insurance is not the same thing, especially when its the kind of joke insurance being mandated under Obamacare.
    Obama and his gigantic ego (“I’m the GREAT CONSENSUS BUILDER! I can get people to work together BECAUSE OF MY EXTRAORDINARY PERSONALITY!”) completely screwed this up. He won election with a massive mandate, and working majorities in both houses of congress, and he gave that all away. What a putz.

  10. not to mention insulting.

    I mean, its okay for A&F (and others) to use sexual frivolity to sell overpriced jeans and t-shirts…fashion itself is essentially a frivolous pursuit. And there is some connection between the imagery of A&F ads and the product — they are selling an image.
    But health care is serious — literally a matter of life and death. Treating it in this fashion says to the world “Gay men are so stupid and shallow that they’ll sign up for a bad health insurance program because we show them pictures of hot young guys.”

    (We have Obama to thank personally for this ad — “Out2Enroll” is another Obama front group based on his election (and re-election) campaign organizations.)

  11. Yes, I’m sure that hefty cable, internet and cell phone bill is far more important than ensuring that you can afford the healthcare you may need in the future.Its not about how many bills you pay, its are you paying the right ones.

    If you work full time, your employer should be providing you health benefits and the law has no direct affect on what you pay. If you are not provided health insurance and already purchase your own, you will now be guaranteed cost free coverage of proven preventative services.

    Last, this is not a government hand out, does not increase taxes. Get an education about what you are talking about before you open your mouth.

  12. The ACA that was passed was not Obama’s vision for healthcare. President Obama really wanted single payer health care, easiest to describe as “medicare for all”. Many other countries have some form of this and it works very well and the only way to make affordable health care. The ACA is the best pile of crap he could get through the house and senate. It is by no way a real fix, the idiots elected to the house and senate don’t have the balls to really fix healthcare. It’s not Obama you should be dogging on, its those in the house and senate that prevented a real solution.

  13. Keyrod I will not proclaim The AFFORDABLE CARE ACT to be the all that ends all but it somewhat boggles my mind when I hear statements such as yours about rent, food, gas & car insurance grant it they are vital however I do not recall the last time that someone had to take a 2ND mortgage to pay for rent, gas, food & car insurance . I am not trying to make lite of the point that you are trying make because I myself cannot afford another added expense but I also do not want to go back to the old status qua of doing nothing which would only benefit the BIG insurance co, the BIG HMO ,and the BIG pharmaceutical companies For the record I think it is important also to state that every president since FDR have tried to reform the health care system of this country president Obama was the only one to prevail . I know that a many of people say or wish that THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is going to fail maybe there right I do not know but I do know this that a many people said that social security would fail with FDR first proposed it just like a many of people said that medicare & medicaid would BANKRUPT the nation when LBJ first proposed it . History has long since dictated that those who opposed FDR A chicken in every pot and LBJ new deal where in fact 100% WRONG as I HOPE for the sake of this GREAT NATION that history will once again dictate that the opponents of the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT ( better known as Obama care ) where in fact 100% WRONG !!! .

  14. What about the 5 BILLION DOLLARS that is handed out to BIG OIL every year free of charge WHAT DO U THINK THATS COSTING US ???

  15. Ace you are correct on all that you have said but one thing that you fail to mention with regards to UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE is this most of the nations that have it Great Britain & Canada and many , many more have a long waiting list for people who are seeking medical attention and a many people from other nation with UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE come to this country for medical care because we do not have long waiting list for medical care The long wait list for medical care is the one thing about UNIVERSAL CARE that I do not want to see come to this country

  16. “Gay men are so stupid and shallow that they’ll sign up for a bad health
    insurance program because we show them pictures of hot young guys.”

    Well, the above statement is true and the marketing crew behind the PSA knows it. They wouldn’t have gone that route if it wasn’t going to be effective.

  17. If you want to be taken seriously in a discussion of health care policy, please stop parroting corporate health care and insurance company propaganda as filtered through Fox News.

    Right now, MOST Americans have to wait weeks to even get an appointment with their “primary care physician”. And if you want to talk about “waiting”, and “lines”, go to any urban health clinic or emergency room in this country.

    Sure, the wealthy can get immediate access to all the health care they want in this country — and that is true of EVERY country in the industrialized world, including those with single payer. But for most of America, the “managed care” system that is now the norm is all about waiting — waiting to see your doctor to get a referral to a specialist, waiting to see the specialist who will provide a referral for a test, waiting to take the test, waiting to see the specialist again to tell you what the test results were…..

    Bottom line — when compared to the US, the rest of the world’s single payer systems consistently have HIGHER approval ratings among consumer, provide as good if not BETTER health outcomes, and do so MUCH MORE CHEAPLY.

    Those are the facts.

  18. The one thing that’s consistently absent from the ACA is the actual cost of the uninsured. As someone who lives in Fulton County GA, there are millions of dollars annually that are funded by the citizens of my county because our primary public hospital has been the place where residents without healthcare come for medical service. Often what happens is people wait until a relatively minor issue becomes serious and then they go to the ER. It’s not the folks with employer-provided insurance that do this but rather the folks with insufficient or no coverage at all. The cost of delivering care in an ER is far higher than the cost of going to your general practitioner but some folks still find themselves going to the ER for things that weren’t originally emergencies.

    One other curious thing we’ve seen here in Atlanta is that the surrounding counties that don’t contribute to Grady (our publicly funded hospital) have been found to dump their uninsured patients because they don’t want to pay for their care. What would happen if everyone without insurance was denied even emergency care if they didn’t have the cash (or credit) to pay for it? These uninsured individuals have caused a significant drain on the financials for many hospitals across the country.

    Can you imagine the public outcry if a hospital or doctor refused to treat a patient because they didn’t take advantage of even the lowest level of coverage offered by their employer or the ACA?

  19. This is White House propaganda; not based in any reality whatsoever – like FACTS

    Obamacare is the worst, most harmful, intrusive, expensive and corrupt piece of shi-t ever to make through the halls of congress and i can’t believe my fellow gays would be so stupid to promote such a disaster – girl – get some glasses and post stuff based on FACTS and SCIENCE – you know – that’s what
    Barry Obummer tells us

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