Pastor Eddie Long In All His Two-Faced , Homophobic, Self-Hating, Lycra-Encased Glory

Hypocrites with iPhones! Pastor Eddie Long, head of one of Atlanta’s biggest churches and outwardly a naysayer of homosexuality, is currently embroiled in a sex scandal guaranteed to blow the doors off the vestibule. Long is accused of sexual abuse in two separate lawsuits by three different plaintiffs who were former members of his church. All of his accusers are men who claim the abuse began when they were underage.  Isn’t this kind of a rule by now? If someone you know has foam coming out of the corners of their mouths when psychotically braying about how being gay is wrong, well, chances are that isn’t foam.

Evidence in the lawsuits consists of receipts for alleged gifts to his victims (which he was reportedly paying for out of church coffers), e-mails, texts and (most thrillingly) camera phone pics! Not only does Eddie allegedly have a thing for young boys, but he also seems to definitely have a spandex fetish. This is not the sort of spokesbody that Underarmour clamors for…

But fear not, Eddie, you have a supporter in the gay community! Ted Haggard, the Colorado minister who got bounced from his congregation for admitting he hired a male hustler for sex, went on Anderson Cooper last night and tried to explain away Long’s incredibly sexy bodyshirt photos (is this really someone Long wants in his corner?).

– J. Harvey

Check out the pictures and Ted Haggard’s defense of Long, after the JUMP:

36 thoughts on “Pastor Eddie Long In All His Two-Faced , Homophobic, Self-Hating, Lycra-Encased Glory

  1. Ok, I think I love pastor Troy Sanders.
    Not in a sexual way (and not that he isn’t pretty), but because of the arguments he used and the peaceful and respectful way he addressed the other, i’m sorry to say, disgusting dude.
    “Everybody gets up and decides to be inclusive or exclusive…”! That sums it up.

  2. Who is J. Harvey? Why don’t you tell us how you really feel! He’s no different really than all the old fuckers in DC who oppose gays but are sucking dicks in private.

  3. “You can’t use your religion to Tyrannize others.” is still the best thing that video had to say.

  4. DAMN….the bishops got a rocking body….he been hitting the gym big time…wonder if he was hitting the showers as well…wink, wink.

  5. Ted Haggard says “You can’t use your religion to terrorize others”, but essentially he’s in support of people who, like Bishop Long, are using their religion to terrorizing others! well that statement alone shows that he is a hypocrite.

  6. I don’t think you should call him gay in the same paragraph where you point out that he’s attracted to “young” boys. Pedophile=/=gay and you shouldn’t perpetuate that lie.

  7. He’ll just end up saying the devil made him do it and his sheep, much like those young boys, will swallow what he gives them.

  8. Wait wait. Just because you say you are against it does NOT mean that you terrorize them! That’s simply not a valid statement, Bkiddo.

  9. You know, I don’t agree with what he did, but these posts come across like a school boy moment of “na na na na boo boo.” Instead of thinking about the pastor who once again screwed up, I think of the innocents that were affected, and I find NO place to rejoice in that. These kinds of posts really get under my skin. Shouldn’t we be better than this?

  10. It should also be noted (since the majority of the media isn’t pointing out all the facts) that the guys who are accusing him of these things are also involved in a separate lawsuit with Long, where they are accused of stealing from Long’s church….lets allow all the facts to be put out before we make a rush to judgement, shall we?!

  11. I think that anyone who tries to control others by using God or the Bible as a reason is sick!
    Power is a drug, you can be addicted to it, and that Bishop is a very powerful man. I am sure he would hate to lose all he has!
    He “allegedly” gave a young guy a car!? (WTF!!) apparently this guy gets many perks to his job, and I am sure they are also on the list of things he would be sad to see go! So for him to go preach and lie to people, and YELL that homosexuality is a sin and on top of that, than steal money from the church, for buying off young men, makes me sick!
    Any human who knows right from wrong, which is what the Bible is meant to teach right?, can see that this man is not to a good person!
    If anyone is “going to hell” it’s surely the Bishop!

  12. 3 gay men talking about gay men….lol. hate that ted haggard is still so self hating. at the end he said u can’t use ur scripture to terrorize others, but he wasn’t talking about all the clergy who preach hate, he was talking about clergy who actually preach the truth. sad

  13. ALL organized religion gives God a bad name…these men are in it for power…to have wealth and to control people…wars are fought for them and they are liers thieves and fakers…and another one bites the dust!…good…

  14. Thanks for sharing the details on this guy. Bring ’em all down. If you need to hate yourself and your desires, leave the rest of us out of it!

  15. @wheelie81 – only one of the boys is accused of stealing so rather than question their reasons let’s remember these are 3 very young men who may have been abused. To stand up to a very powerful person and lose lots of the benefits of going with the flow is a very brave thing to do.

  16. ……your Anderson Cooper is very, very, handsome – wow ! could someone in America please ask that lovely Oprah lady to put him on her plane and fly him to Sydney as well?

  17. aww.

    too bad, eddie.

    too bad, indeed.

    hopefully you’ll face ostracization from hetero- and homosexuals alike, now.

    another case of “the lady — she doth protesteth loudly.”

    (she doth so, to call away attention from the fact she partakes of that very Vice, herself.)

    edward, using religion to terrorize Gays, and would-be Gays, like he did.

    for shame.

  18. such a shame! another really bad news story; more young men hurt, big church full of peoples hurt or going to be hurt, pastor hurt…. it is a LOSE-LOSE situations

  19. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? He denies the claims. How do you know that he really did this? Why are people oh so happy to jump on things like this without knowing if it’s true or not? Because you want the Christians attacked, that’s why. But what if it were YOU that was being accused of this and it HAD NOT happened? And everyone believed the ones who accused YOU? Put YOURSELF in the PASTOR’S shoes!
    I say a little bit of premature celebration (which I don’t think should even happen if it were true) is going on here. Makes me a little angry, to be honest. I don’t agree with his beliefs necessarily, but this post is just wrong. Really wrong. Shame on you, Manhunt daily for posting this.
    And one more thing: The word homophobic is stupid. A phobia implies having a fear of. Christians don’t fear gays! And the vast majority don’t hate them either. It’s just the stupid idiots like Westboro that get the attention. Quit using the word homophobic. It doesn’t even make sense!

    /rant (maybe)

  20. And as a Quaker, Impatience, you didn’t say it right! It’s not protesteth! The “eth” does not belong! Sheesh! Guess you didn’t do well with Sheakespeare, did you?

  21. Most of the anger that people describe comes from two sources. First, as a leader and defender of faith, he was expected to be cautious enough to make sure that he does not end winded up in the mess. He is known for overspending, a preacher own a $350,000 Bentley. I bet people in his community are still on welfare and food stamps but he can afford to buy his male companions cars, a birthday trip to New Zealand and throws expensive gifts to his male companions.

    Second, with his anti-homosexual teaching and accusation of homosexual acts, he brought bad memories to a lot of gay people. I bet you know someone (if not yourself) who was used or abused my so-straight-authority-figure (brother/big brother/cousin/step father/ teacher/ preacher etc).

    People tend to have sympathy and empathy to victims because either they directly (or indirectly) relates to victims feelings or they do not condone the actions.

  22. If this is what happened, then I most certainly do have empathy for the victims. But why not wait until it’s actually proven to post this? What service does this provide? That’s my question.

  23. Nope! Not in the least. I just think fair is fair. What if you were accused and it wasn’t true? And then someone posted it on their blog for everyone to see? We don’t know if it really happened or not!
    Crush? Absolutely not! His doctrine leaves nothing to be desired.

  24. This guy Reverend Eddy is a JOKE a sad self loathing closeted gay man, are you all surprised, have you forgotten about Tedd Haggard the former head of the evangelical church that was smoking meth and smoking cock on the side? Eddy the Ass clown used his position and clout and bull shyt religious Mumbo jumbo to manipulate guys into having sex with him, its that simple, say what you want to say about who he is and what or who he has done, it doesn’t change the big picture at all. The reality is , at the end of the day this Eddy Long should NOT have trashed gay people so many times in his sermons then go back and engage in sweaty man sex with these guys lol Its the hypocrisy that burns my ass the most , I could care less that he likes the cock, as long as the guys are 18 or older do what you want man, just don’t be a GOD damned liar and a hypocrite,get real with your self, so you like the baloney pony, who cares OWN IT man, don’t be a LIAR, and a skank and preach hate then go take the dick. But seriously whats even worse than this joke of a man, is that some fools believe that HE IS INNOCENT lol come on people stop covering your eyes with your prayer book when the shining light of truth is in right your face. Speaking of GOD thank GOD for Anderson Cooper lol he is like a gay knight in shining armor caring the gay flag lol YOU GO COOPER! Expose these self loathing hypocrites I LOVE YOU ANDERSON! Keep them bitches honest!

  25. Anyone in position of power runs the risk of corruption, plain and simple. However, every one deserves to have ALL the facts come out. Unfortunately in today’s internet, blogosphere mentality, we get snippets out there and rush to judgment long before facts are checked and stories investigated.

    I would like to see a blog post once this has been through the courts and all is settled. And remember, if the accusers accept closed deals, that does not even come close to indicating guilt, simply a calculated cost to end this. However, if the bishop truly is innocent, then I hope it goes to trial just so it will shut up every one of your homophobes.

    ToddM — I think the word homophobes is fine … this thread shows it’s a bunch of hating homo’s with a phobia about anyone not like them.

  26. This really is just polarizing politics at work once again … anyone not FOR every left cause there is, today’s hot topic being gay marriage, is a hater and an enemy. So a conservative who strays is beat up by his own team and then held up and vilified by the left.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing too far left, too bad that the left will ever reject their own over – it’s all about that critical vote on issues that really truly don’t matter while we let the country go to hell with the idiots we put in place like Barney Frank, singlehandedly responsible for the mortgage meltdown. But he’ll vote for your next boutique issue.

  27. come.

    what “pastor” do you know takes pictures of himself in Lycra?


    it’s fine if he’s on his way to his gym with that kind of attire..

    ..but i don’t know of many guys, in general, who’d feel the need to publish those kinds of images, for “others” to see.
    (not unless they have the intention of trying to attract Mates, anyway.)

    moreöver, i just simply have a fixed image/stereotype of Pastors, and similar religious figures, in my mind; and it likely wouldn’t matter if it’s 2010, or 5010 — those people should never be “sexy.”

    they can put on muscle if they’d like; but, i also feel, that kind of Beef should never be put on display to anyone besides the individuals they’re married to, or to the people they’re helping Physically Train.

    in the case of mr. long, it seems that he’s already guilty of promoting fear & hatred against homosexuals and/or homosexuality; so, tm and carter, please pardon those of us who are as quick to condemn him as he had been condemning these “practitioners of homosexuality.”
    (call it an emotional response, if you’d like.)

    if it can be proven that edward has, in fact, been “protesting too loudly,” then please understand it if some people celebrate his defeat.
    (but.. ..what would become of him, afterwards?

    who could embrace him, after his betrayal of the heterosexuals, and his alienating the homosexuals?

    talk about ‘penitence’!)

    but if it’s a mere case of some malicious individuals seeking to discredit him..
    ..well, never•the•less: for me, edward will still be that guy who has done his part to promote the general discomfort of Gays.

    so, no sympathy to be given the fucker.

    now, i won’t look upon his would-be discreditors favourably.. ..but i won’t be bothered to care about them for very long, either.

  28. So.. Let me get this straight.. Others shouldn’t stereotype us, but it’s ok for us to stereotype them… Hypocritical. That’s a fact! You said it, not me. You make me want to go straight, St. Impatience. You preach tolerance all of the time, yet you don’t live it! You have no credibility. NONE!

  29. Yep – the radicals in the movement, yes those seeking political protection, not just equal acceptance, tolerance, and treatment, are the true hatemongers.

    St … I am a Christian and gay, there are plenty of us out there. Okay I don’t know enough personally but if the gay leaders can make up statistics about the % of gay people, then I can too! 🙂 But seriously, the difference is you are happy this comes up and hope the outcome to be ruin to this man’s life … how exactly has he even indirectly ruined your life? I and many like me do not take delight in the left’s tactics of attack and destroy … should someone from the right do some liberal, I would think it a travesty and would hope the perpetrators were called down and expunged from the organization. This is why we have such a political mess … it gets hard to want to clean and purge your side of radicals when the other side simply embraces them and celebrates the outcome of their lies.

    Did I mention I hate politics … now who brought up politics …

    And please read carefully, despite my use of “attack” words to which most liberals have a pavlovian response, I am equally critical of both sides.

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