Real World: Brooklyn cast member and fitness model Scott Herman has taped a PSA for The Trevor Project, the crisis and suicide prevention hotline for LGBT youth. Herman, who is straight, has been a gay rights advocate (dude knows his audience) since he came into the limelight. The Trevor Project is named for the 1994 Oscar-winning short film about a Diana Ross-loving tween who comes to terms with being gay. You can find out more The Trevor Project here. A worthy cause, especially considering the number of kids across the US who are being bullied for that very reason.
And not to eclipse Herman’s charitable work, but DAMN. RAW is even spelled out on his shirt! And the Boston accent, and the body…and to make up for being distracted by him, here’s the Trevor Project link again. It’s tough being shallow.
– J. Harvey
For the video, follow the JUMP:
Kinda cute? It’s for a good cause anyway…
hmmm… how does Scott know that being gay isn’t a choice? Hmmm… i’m kidding. It’s great to see a straight person standing up for the rights of gays! Assuming Scott is straight! lol
and we care about the group or who provided the PSA…..been told im a self hater aka anti gay guess i am. oh well.
Good job Scott… We need more advocates like you
“raw” shirt?
looks like he’s cleverly also supporting the barebackers aswell.
I subscribe to his youtube channel, too…
he gives a great…um..workout ;-P
Dude is straight? He looks pretty gay in that top picture. Just saying…regardless he’s fucking hot. I’ve got a project for him!
It’s about time we give ‘straight allies’ their due. Their work on behalf of GLBT issues is important to show people that equal rights means EQUAL RIGHTS. Admirable, considering they will likely be met with criticism both from sides. And great job Trevor Project!
That’s exactly the reason why so many straight people don’t support gay causes. Because stupid people think they are gay too.
Can’t you just accept straight people support gay people too?
@Michael: Maybe we could work on that “project” together…. lol.. Mr. Herman is more of a turn-on than most of the models we see on here.
Just once guys, just once…look at the positive side of something, and take something at face value…I don’t care what his motivation is…I take it as serious and appreciate the hell out of it.
I can see the humor and sexual undertones in most anything, but whenever a straight person puts themself out there and takes a stab at being sincere and standing up for the gay community…I think we should just applaud them!
Thanks Scott! If that message saves one life it was well worth the critism that you will endure from both sides of the fence. And if just one more celebrity stands up for gay righs because of this message, then maybe another and another and another will.
Just as there are still and will always be those who hate blacks, jews, asians and so on, there will always be those who hate gays…but damn, let’s help those who try to help our cause, and not try to out and/or fuck them!!!
I love this guy no matter if he is straigth as an arrow…. not only cute but also doing charity….
great advocate of LGBT people…
And ur rigth he knows his market…
Scott is both adorable and inspirational! I admire him for using his celebrity to speak out for a good cause.
Even if he is straight as an arrow? Ummm. Aren’t the straight people supposed to accept us? I think it is supposed to go both ways.
Thank you for all the kind words my friends 🙂
I will always do what I can to support the community and help others know why it is so important to be a vocal “straight allie” for TRUE equality to finally be reached!s
Be careful if you go to Scott’s website. Malwarebytes anti-walware software just detected qa trojan horse (like a virus) that tried to run when I loaded his site, via the link when I clicked on his name in the comment above. It might have been in an ad on his site, since that’s often how viruses and trojans propogate. Hopefully, someone at his site will fix that big problem.
That said, thanks to Scott for the great PSA!