Unlockables: Add More Michael Bay

Are your Manhunt profile pics lacking in the realm of explosions, fast cars and Shia LaBeouf? Perhaps you should run them through the Bayifier. This highly sophisticated piece of technology takes your images and adds special effects that the Transformers director would be proud of.

Okay, so this isn’t a legitimate photo tip at all, but I’ll make it up to you with a picture of my cock. There’s just one catch–I ran it through the Bayifier. Hold onto your desk chairs, boys! My dick’s about to get upgraded in the bad-ass department, and I don’t want you to get blown away in the process.

– Dewitt

To check out Dewitt’s cock shot, follow the JUMP:

14 thoughts on “Unlockables: Add More Michael Bay

  1. I’d need to see the real thing, in order to make a legitimate comparison. ‘Cause what I’m seeing is a real buzz kill.

  2. LOL Dewitt I always thought U where a loaded pistol ….. Alright more like water pistol but a pistol never the less !!!

  3. I almost feel like this is a legit tip. It’s really nice to see guys who have either A. a sense of humor or B. interests in life beyond sex. Anything that says “I’m more than just a piece of meat” is always good in my book…

  4. And there is definitely something hilarious about putting Shia LaBeouf’s face over your own rather than eerily cropping your pictures. At least there’s a bit of humor and absurdity going on. I mean, guys who take Manhunt seriously more or less just indirectly make fun of themselves.

  5. Diorgasm, i agree!! Humour in a picture gets me noticing a guy. My picture where i’m covered in mud gets a few comments!!

  6. So, Dewitt, is it always like that? Or does it only transform for battle situations? 😉

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