What are the alternatives to oil? I've heard about the potential of electricity, soybean or corn oil, and even algae, but how about all the flabby thighs and jiggly love-handles out there? All those lonely, pale behinds secretly yearning to be tapped?
A Beverly Hills doctor who specialized in liposuction used all the sucked out fat to power his SUV and his girlfriend's car. The lard needs to undergo a second treatment that vegetable biodiesel does not, but it is possible to use animal fat to fuel automobiles.
According to Forbes, "Poultry companies such as Tyson are looking into powering their trucks
on chicken schmaltz, and biofuel start-ups such as Nova Biosource are
mixing beef tallow and pig lard with more palatable sources such as
soybean oil."
Unfortunately, the Lipo Doc isn't quite the energy pioneer he imagined. Harvesting human fat for fuel is illegal in California, and the doctor is facing a lawsuit from patients who claim they were over-sucked, leaving them asymmetrically skinny.
– Wilbur
Picture courtesy of Thinkorthwim.com
This is Christmas, not April Fool’s!