When we weren’t too busy taking pictures of former On The Hunt model Angelo licking beer out of Deviant Otter‘s hairy ass crack, we asked attendees at a recent Manhunt pool party what’s the first thing that comes to mind when they hear the name of our site. The results were predictable in most cases, but notably, we had at least two folks give sweeter answers like “my fiancé”.
So, yes, while we may specialize in “hot men with hot dicks” having “hot sex”, let’s not forget that the man you bang today might be the man you meet down the aisle a few years later. Manhunt means different things to different people, and since these guys already got the conversation rolling, we’d love to hear what it means to you. Let us know in the comment section.
– Dewitt
See more pictures from the party, watch the video and tell us your answer below:
Be vewy vewy quiet, Im hunting gay men, huh huh huh
How do you get invited to a MH pool party?
Ancient grindr
Dewitt’s hot ass!
The clinic
Photo 7 and on the right…OMG what a hunk!!!
Oh look…. clones in their natural setting…
Adam Wirthmore’s husband Woody Fox wasn’t there?