President Barack Obama has taped a video as part of gay activist/sex columnist Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign. THAT was an interesting sentence to type. In the video, Obama addresses the youth of America with a message of “you are not alone” and “you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Like all of you, I was shocked and saddened by the deaths of several young people who were bullied and taunted for being gay, and who ultimately took their own lives. As a parent of two daughters, it breaks my heart. It’s something that just shouldn’t happen in this country. We’ve got to dispel the myth that bullying is just a normal rite of passage—that it’s some inevitable part of growing up. It’s not. We have an obligation to ensure that our schools are safe for all of our kids. And to every young person out there you need to know that if you’re in trouble, there are caring adults who can help.”
Obama has been under fire from the gay community for his actions (or lack thereof) in regards to the DADT policy and legalizing gay marriage. Is this his way of indicating he stands with us and change is on the way? Or is he just throwing us a bone? Politics aside, it’s pretty intense seeing the leader of the free world address gay bullying.
– J. Harvey
For the video, follow the JUMP:
Think he only did it as an after thought,someone said to do it so he didnt look bad. not sincere at all.
Let me preface this by saying my loyalty and support for the president is unwavering….
However, this seems a bit cynical. There is no risk in making this video – even the Religious Reich can’t in good conscious overtly support the idea of bullying (despite their tacit encouragement). Although it sends a powerful message coming for the POTUS, Hilary’s video seemed more sincere, given she has actually done something for the gay community within the State Department.
If the president really wanted to stop bullying, he would actively work to strike down policies (DOMA, DADT) that institutionalize inequality and give license to kids to treat gays and lesbians as the second-class citizens their government has deemed them to be.
Luckily we seem to be getting pretty far as a movement without his support. Despite our defeats, who could imagine we would even be having these conversations in 2010. Chin up… gets better!
I don’t know what to write, I’m in shock. First I was in awe from having my President do such an amazing thing. Then in just pure shock of seeing the first comment. Do you have no shame?
I truly wish I could have been a kid during this time. I wouldn’t have suffered so much. It honestly fills my heart with utter pride that the first time I was old enough to vote I was able to vote for President Obama.
Please, can no one else bash our President? Can no else ruin such a momentous event for the rest of us?
The sooner this country is rid of this creep and the rest like him the better off we will be. Bush was bad…but this man is by far the worse thing …along with Princess Polici that has ever happened to the USA. We should demand TERM LIMITS on all…and VOTE ALL OUT OF OFFICE THIS NOV.
Obama didn’t have to do anything.
That he made the tape opens him up to further criticism from his socially conservative agitators and is politically risky.
Don’t be so cynical. This was a courageous and genuine move.
@blue10101: People like you are reflexively mad at Obama because your lives are bad.
When I look at the Obama presidency, I fail to see anything that merits your kind of denigration.
He delivered on a Health Bill, just like he said in his campaign. His response to the recession was qualitatively exactly the same as Ronald Reagan’s. The deficits he inherited from an out of control Republican administration that enacted big new givernment programs and tax cuts … and never paid for any of them.
It is quite possibly that had Obama acted differently, the unemployment rate would be 25%.
I resent people that are mad at Obama because they are mad about their lives. It’s your life. Don’t blame Obama for not fixing it for you.
Although i don’t always agree with his policies, this i do agree with. Finally someone with power made a video standing up for us.
I think it’s equally impressive – and fantastic – that there is now an “It Get’s Better” page on the official White House website that includes links to such resources as PFLAG, The Matthew Shephard Foundation and the Trevor Project. This is the official White House site, people, this is momentous!!
ScottB: As usual…you’ve missed the point, and read your own crap into the comment. Nothing wrong with my life except to have to deal with assholes of your ilk. According to all polls, after Nov. there will be fewer.
I have to agree with Adam. Not even 10 years ago for a politician or political figure to mention anything in support of gay rights would be carreer suicide. Up until about 20 years ago Homosexuality was in the DSM as a mental disorder! This is huge and regardless of one’s political views, we should all be thankful that finally someone in power is standing up for us.
I’d love to believe this is genuine, that the white house actually cares and wishes to extend itself to the gay community…but I don’t. Seems to me the best the party does is dangle a carrot in front of us, usually right before an election, then forgets we exist after they have our votes. Call me cynical if you wish, but the record proves me right.
Dan has it right, nothing that spouts from this man’s mouth is believable in the long term, all it does it to attempt to serve his purposes, not yours.
Now, if he wants to admit to the Larry Sinclair claims, then you’ve got an advocate.
He is a total fraud. He only is doing this because of his savage treatment of the DADT federal lawsuit.
He truly is only doing this to get out our community’s vote for the November election.
He does not care about our community. Anyone who thinks otherwise is truly delusional.
I will make sure my queer money goes to defeat this so called man. With Bush we knew what we were getting with Obama he says on thing and does the other.
Good riddance Bam!
I voted for him, but I am disappointed in him. Sure, it’s a nice idea and a good message. But how can he claim things will get better and still say that he against gay marriage. How can he say that gay youth deserve protection yet stand up to defend DADT? He is throwing a bone out to us, because that is what he does. I don’t trust him or believe that he has the will to anything but the bare minimum for gay and lesbian Americans. This message is nice, even better would be standing up for gay marriage and our gay and lesbian service men and women.
Please note that Jim Buchanan, 15th President of the United States, was openly gay. For 15 years prior to his presidency he lived in Washington with his boyfriend, senator (and later VP) Willie King. Gay rights went downhill for the next 160 years…
Do people not understand how government works? Obama is not a dictator – he cant just undo DADT and DOMA. It’s Congress that has to do it. He has to appeal the court decisions even if he disagrees with it – it’s the law. Otherwise we’d have a president who disregards the law in favor of personal opinion and that’s a scarier proposition. Imagine what conservatives could do with that prescedent with laws they don’t like.
BLUE10101 obviously is one of the uneducated, cynical, divisive people in this country who cannot offer anything constructive or productive. Perhaps due to a very low self esteem he has to insult others, call them assholes, as he cannot engage in a civilized discussion. I’m actually glad he is able to give such a clear impression of the person he is….one not to be considered. Let the looser rant. If he calls me an asshole also – I’ll be proud to be on the level of the President of the Unites States.
Good luck Blue…….you do a good job at bullying!
Boring, late, cynical.
JD is right on. DADT is a LAW passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton in 1993 — not just a presidential policy that Obama can undo with the wave of a hand. He’s trying to get both houses of Congress to pass the repeal; the House did so, but the Senate lags behind. Why is that? Oh yeah — Republican filibuster.
And anyone who says that Obama is as bad or worse than Bush/Cheney — well, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.
This PSA-du-jour was neither courageous nor genuine. Obama was simply pandering to an issue that may score him political points for his failings with the gay community. Nice try, but I’m not buying into it.
I never expected him to place gay issues as a priority given the state of the economy, two wars and the exodus of his cabinet. But I did not expect him to continually dance around gay issues after campaigning to our community about equal rights.
If he has been such a success as some here tout, he sure hasn’t convinced his own administration and their lack of willingness to stay the course. His healthscare bill involved strongarming members of his own Party to vote in his favor, and eked out a “win” that clearly lacked support from the general populace.
Yet, we now see him throw a bone to the gay community based on the media’s heavy reporting of something that is familiar to us, bullying for being gay. You want sincerity, listen to Hillary Clinton’s message regarding the recent headlines, and her compassion for people. All people.
THANK YOU JD!! People fail to realize what you say! He can’t do anything by himself!
uh and what about the fact, that regardless of WHY he made the video, he made one. This video will have the ability to positively impact someones life. Maybe even save it. Or not. Who knows? The point is he DID make one.
wish there were like and dislike buttons on comments here…. was totally skeptical about the whole thing, but now I am actually quite moved….
it just amazes me that people really expect an instant solution to something that was undone by his predecessor……
MARC: So quick to judge people…you think I am “uneducated?” Why? Because I don’t agree with some twisted misconception of what is “right” with this country? No…you are typical of the NPR crowd that had Juan Williams, one of the finest journalist in this country fired because he gave an opinion. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I have to go along with every empty suit that the Socialist backd party throws up for grabs. I’m gay, sweetie…not stupid nor a bully. I speak my mind when I hear other gays (in your case…Lemmings) frothing at the mouth over a fool. Just like the Germans did in the 1930s. Wake up America! These people would be the first to put you in a camp. BTW… I am NOT a Republican. I think for myself. You should try it.
The president made a video. How nice.
Wouldn’t you rather watch a video with impact and hear messages of encouragement from members of your own community who share common ground with those who are going through bullying, rather than from another political figure (even if he is the president) putting his face out there for damage control?
Quit being republican-sheep. It’s ok to support AND challenge your president.
Blue I agree…if I wanted socialism I would have moved somewhere else…Obama had the unique chance to unite Washington and he’s failed. He’s acting like any other politician, very sad and what a loss of potential.
u know, with all this hate here, I fear that some people might think “it actually does not get better, it just continue under another guise”…
life examples sometimes speak louder than words….
@blue10101: It is far dumber to accuse me of missing the point and offering not one shred of discussion about how I missed the point.
I don’t care if you want to throw a tantrum. So go ahead and throw one if you want.
I remember hearing his speachs when he was running for president. i had so much faith and hope in him. After hearing him talk this time i dont even feel like he understands what he is saying. The words seem so fake and contrived, there is nothing there that gives me faith in him. He should of let his wife do it, she would of been alot better and given people faith.
Scott B: I’m not going to explain it to you. Figure it out on you own while you are waiting to get your next welfare check.
Re: Everyone….ah hahaha ah hahahahaha ah hahahahahaha….. ahem. AHAHAHAHAHAHa
sorry Im just laughing at all the wasted opportunity. Why does it always come to this? We have opportunity to have intellectual discourse. To find unity in tragedy, to stand strong, be brave and effect change.
Its obvious that the only thing we have in common is that were are attracted to cock. As a community we have no class. We have no tact. We have no voice. We hate each other, we hate republicans, democrats, healthcare, insurance, drugs, straight edge.
We ask for rights, because we’re self absorbed, we cry fowl, because speech is easier then action.
What are we contributing to society? I mean besides tacky apartment furnishings (ok so that was a baseless comment).
But I mean really, we want people to take us seriously, to award us with the same rights and freedoms that others have, yet we cant come together over the most basic items on our agenda.
We’re fucking hopeless. It will NOT get better, until we are better.
But what ever. Im just a two bit so and so. Probably standing in line for my welfare check.
T: You campaign from black and white; you govern from gray. You are going to have to compromise.
Give Obama some slack….will ya!
I think he’s too skinny maybe needs a sandwich, You guys are so funny You don’t like the porn guys, the President, Hell I hope you have a favorite lube or is that too sticky
It’s election time. He’s trying to save his party’s butt. Period.
Anyone else think that Obama’s the Antichrist? Think about it…:)
I see more of a parallel between Obama and Jesus; with Hillary being John the Baptist. Hillary’s passing on her delegates to Obama similar to Jesus baptism. Now that Obama has everyone’s attention, He’s gonna get crushed (crucified) this upcoming election because impatient ignorant flipflopping American voters didn’t back him up against those (tea party movement) who didn’t believe he was who he said he was.
And I’m a God damn atheist.
Instead of antichrist, can’t we just refer to Obama/Hilliary 2012 as The Two Anti-Profits?
T: He doesn’t fit all of the criteria. He is not the antiChrist.
SimplyJim, your post is laughable at best. No offense.
It was meant to be laughable, peckerwood.
Then I guess it succeeded, thinskinned..
At least Obama has the Noble Peace Prize should the get nominated for the Messiah Award post-humurously. But then again, so does Gore, the Greens candidate.
I believe the word is “Pandering”. Trying to show empathy to gain an ulterior reward. Words are cheap, actions take real guts. This video is well staged, well lit, but pattently lacking in true feeling.
The President does have the power to instruct the Department of Justice to presue an issue or not. He instructed them to argue against the Court’s repealing of DOMA, he instructed them to appeal the repeal of DADT, nad yet he instructed them to issue an appeal the new immigration laws in Arizona. Then he makes this video in the hopes it will impress enough gay voters and their supporters that he cares. Next he will appear on “The View” where a single tear will roll down his cheek (on cue) as he blames the other party of causing all the worlds woes. He is a better actor than Reagan, and twice as slick as Clinton.
I agree with anyone who recognizes how important this is. People say it comes too late, but I think this is almost like the culmination of so many public efforts to express support and take a stand against what so many of us have had to endure for so many years.
I think regardless of any political intentions (not to be naive, this is a fantastic opportunity for the president to cull favor of the gay community), this is indelible, and one of the rare times we’ve had such a public and national response to what has been a personal battle for so many. This is the kind of change the gay community needs.
Any cynicism towards this effort misses the larger benefit of having your nation’s leader rise above the tangential issues and make a blanket statement that everyone deserves their happiness, regardless. That is so important.
Excuse me, but do we really need the president, or anyone else for that matter, tell us that we deserve our happiness? What a load of spineless pc crap. This was nothing more than a self-serving opportunistic moment for Obama to salvage himself. There are reasons why publicists/image consultants exist.
There is no “larger benefit” gained from a “leader” who has campaigned for change, when all we see today is a man digging holes for himself, his failing administration, and low poll numbers. He might as well have been a republican. And save your breath on the healthcare fiasco and the bailouts-for-the-greedy as talking points. Fail, and epic fail.
There are far more qualified individuals who could help spread this message on bullying and actually impact our gay youth instead of hearing from someone using a teleprompter and adding another bullet to his resume.
So yes, obviously I am disappointed in our president, but nothing from what he has done (or not done) thus far has kept me from living a very happy life…even with life’s bumps and bruises along the way. It’s not that I deserve to be happy; it’s that I expect to be happy.
@JD-Thank you so much for writing a message about how Obama can’t just wave a magic wand and get rid of DOMA and DADT. Obama is trying, but other branches of the gov. play a part as well. If you want to see them disappear, then vote for more democrats.
Sure… it would be nice if the House and Senate would overturn it, they are legally able to do so. But they haven’t. Fortunately, that’s the purpose of our Judiciary branch of government (people learn this in like, 3rd grade social studies still, right?). To interpret the laws passed by congress, and strike down those that are deemed unconstitutional.
Good on him! That just saved a lot of kids from a lot of grief and probably a lot of kids from suicide. The President is telling them that it’s okay to be gay. I can’t even imagine any of the Presidents (besides Clinton) ever saying that to the gay youth of America. MORE POWER TO OBAMA! MORE POWER TO GAY PEOPLE!
Has anyone given any thought that he may not be a bad president…it may take a little more than 2 years to fix what Bush fucked up in 8 years.
The three biggest lies in the world
1) I’ll only stick it in this far
2)I won’t cum in your mouth
3) Anything coming out of Obama’s mouth
HMAN; totally agree. This empty suit and the rest of the trash needs to be hauled out of DC this Nov. (Have to wait until 012 to get rid of “He Who Walks On Water.”
Takes 1 to masturbate.
Takes 2 to procreate.
Takes 3 to vote who gets “FUCKED!”
Are you saying that
Ms. “Drill baby drill”/”You can actually see Russia from Alaska” Palin
and John “I’m pro family values but started dating someone while still married and ended up leaving my first wife who stayed by me while I was a POW” McCain would be better?
What about the fact that the majority of people who would be replacing those you want out of congress believe in equality for all, unless you’re gay.
I love how Republicans want to reduce the size of federal government, maybe they’ll make it so small it can fit right into our bedrooms.
To be honest though, Democrats haven’t been much better, it’s about time to move away from a bi-party system into more of a multi-party system that would be more representative of the varying views in our society.
I would agree with your last statement, koolwat3r. Neither party keeps their promises, for the most part. There are a very small few that have. The majority needs voted out and (hopefully) better ones put in.
koolwat3r: Well, I see you want to put words into people’s mouths. Typical! Did I say who should be prez. No! I don’t know anyone who is running for Prez. But in 012…whoever is running against what is in office now…THAT will be the person I am voting for and I don’t care what party they are with. We need more parties in this country to rid ourselves of this stupid two party system with super old, “career” politicians…some who are probably wearing Depends… staggering up and down the hall of the capitol. Now, you will probably have a fit that I have wronged “older” people. I think when you are over 75 years old, you should do something else with you life, especially if you have been in office for 55 years.
I agree, Blue!!! One hundred percent!
I still think he is one of the best presidents we have. Pres Bush would NEVER have made a video like this.
If you had bothered to read my second comment…. a mere 1 comment below my first one, you would see that I said exactly that. It is definitely time to move away from a two party system into a multi-party system that will be more representative of the different groups of thought in our country. Also, who put words in your mouth? I certainly didn’t, I simply asked you a question. Good job getting defensive though. It does seem a bit simplistic to vote for whoever is running against who is in office though, don’t you think?
koolwat3r: Simplistic? What choice do you have if you don’t like who is in office. You vote for the person that is running against them. You can vote for the person or AGAINST the person. I did not vote for McCain…I voted against Obama. And will do so again. I don’t care what party runs.
Im so glad he made this video, but all I hear are sweet words. Hillary came out with her video first, I believe her.
JeeeesUS…I wouldn’t believe old Hillary on a stack of Bibles. She will say and do anything to stay in the limelight. Nothing but a media whore…like all politicians. Be so glad when all the Clinton’s are too old to run for anything…and it won’t be long.
An anti-gay politician who gives lip service to gay issues made a hypocritical video……fuck you, Obama, and the horse you rode in on. Fool me once, shame on you…..