Don’t Be An #Apphole: Behavior To Avoid On Manhunt, Jack’d & Beyond

Our loyal sidekick Jack’d has a viral sensation on their hands with the video “If Guys Acted In Real Life The Way They Do On Gay Apps”, in which they urge every gay man on the internet to avoid being an #APPHOLE. It’s an outstanding video that calls out some of the more unsavory aspect of post-cruising LGBT culture, and for the record, that’s coming from someone who generally has no patience or tolerance for clips of this nature.

If you enjoy the video, I’d encourage you to head over to the Huffington Post to read an extended piece by the CEO of our company. These tips aren’t just relevant to Jack’d, but also to Manhunt and your general hook-up endeavors. The major takeaway is, if you wouldn’t do it in real life, why would you fucking do it online?

– Dewitt

Watch this hilarious viral video from Jack’d below:



16 thoughts on “Don’t Be An #Apphole: Behavior To Avoid On Manhunt, Jack’d & Beyond

  1. Who is the very first guy in the video? He looks really familiar to me, but I cannot quite place him.

  2. Jack’d should check their servers for spambots. They’re annoying! I get at least 5 a day. Usually a pic of a very hot guy that doesn’t match the physical description the name would be all caps and a regularly capitalized last name and stats/height and weight as ranging from 5’5 to 5’7 and 122-130 lbs. Very fishy.

  3. If a guy ran up to me that looked like the runner in the first bit, told me I was cute and then dropped his pants… We’d need to find a bush or secluded area nearby–STAT.

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