While I take a break from the giant glass of wine I’m chugging during the Grammy Awards, I’d like to acknowledge that XL‘s penis deserves an award more than any of these rich fuckers on my television screen. He got a little romantic in his latest scene with Brandon Jones, but in the process, he also pounded his ass very, very hard.
If you like reading instead of watching people stick their dicks into butts, you can read an interview with XL over on STR8UPGAYPORN. I’m going to pretend that I’m not jealous Zach got an interview before us, especially considering both Karsh and Lawrence tried to make it happen in the past… And then I am going to drunkenly jerk off into my own wine glass, because ugh, XL is so fucking attractive that I can’t stand it.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Next Door Ebony
Check out XL and Brandon Jones in action below:
Watch this full scene and similar content now on NEXT DOOR EBONY.
Two absolute stunning men!
Two absolute stunning men!
They both have such delicious butts!
XL is such a cutie. That smile, y’all!
Mmm…can’t get enough of fine ass XL!
Both men are hot and attractive. The video almost made me masturbate. hehe I am trying to cut back on masturbating too much. I read that masturbation can increase your PSA levels.
Talk about being into someone! UM into them deep anyways! LOL
Both good looking guys with nice bodies makes for some hot sex no doubt about it.