Then Don’t Write a Blog Post?
I’m disappointed this morning. These Guys in Sweatpants scenes had really built up some momentum for me, so when I looked in the ol’ Porno Inbox today and saw there was a new update, I was pretty jazzed.
And then I watched it.
Aaaaaand now I can’t stop making this face
My intention with this blog, as we build towards what it can/will be one day, is to not need to have negative shit here. To not have posts complaining about this studio or this scene and definitely not about this or that performer. If I don’t love something, there’s just no reason to talk about it here. There’s plenty of other places to go for that.
But. This scene is the polar opposite to all the things I was championing about this other scene. Maybe you should just watch it so you know what I’m talking about:
My first hesitation came when that Randy Blue logo rolled in and sort of foretold what this would be. I don’t know what their partnership is, but I’m praying it’s just for leasing actors and not some harbinger of something worse.
When my friends and I go to movies that wind up being bad (or worse than we expected) the first thing we do when we leave the theatre, instead of just complaining all the way back to the train or to dinner, is to come up with three positive things to say about the movie. As a away to sort of earn our complaints. Like “see? We managed to notice good things too!” So this morning, instead of moaning about all the things I’m sure you also weren’t that into, here are the three best things I can say about this scene:
The opening titles make me think of a Wes Anderson film.
Michael Del Ray and Brett Beckham are both very cute and I have said so before.
Brett’s bouncing erection while he’s getting pounded was very enjoyable and made me say “oh, good.” out loud.
But that’s about all I can say. These guys did ok. And everything was mostly in focus the whole time. So that’s good. But the throwdown – the passion – the GIMME! of other GISP scenes is just absent here. This is just two skinny guys going through the motions. And while I like watching the motions, there’s no second layer here that makes me want more.
I’m sure GISP will be back to form next week, and I’m hoping that Randy Blue logo won’t be popping up to blaaahhh my day when it does. In the meantime, watch this way better scene and check out all the other cool things Guys In Sweatpants is doing.
I’m curious to hear what you think in the comments. You guys surprise me so often.
– tyler
Even Shakespeare had his off days, I also like Brett but sometimes the chemistry is off, as you said hopefully GISP will back to their best with the next scene
This post and the last post are being flagged as containing malware by Chrome. Thought I’d mention it
I’m getting that too on my end the last two days. It’s weird. So random. LET ME JUST SEE PENIS INTERNET!
Same thing on Firefox as well only went through okay when I pushed the read more button instead of the caption link.
All I have to say is the pictures you posted is better!
Hey everyone. There was a little hackage here, but it’s been repaired and google has swept the site and removed that warning. IF YOU SEE IT AGAIN – PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY: Tyler AT manhunt DOT net.
Yep I saw that. It took about 24 hours but we’ve got it square now. Please lemme know if you see it again though. I can never have enough eyes on something like that. Scary.
I wanna put that on a shirt and sell it on MHD.
All fixed now. Promise.
I’m sure that’s all it is. I’m not worried they imploded overnight.
They can’t all be winners.
This is a scene actually shot by RB and is part of the collab between RB & GISP that had been going on for months.
mine as well CT…..several block pop ups saying firefox crashed?? what a pain in the keyboard!!! lol Later my friend. Hugs, John.
Yeah I have no crashing but I have not gone back and looked at this for over 15 days now either
TY sir