UFO Sighting….(Cool Stuff)


Ever since I was young, I was always fascinated by ‘UFO‘ sightings or field cropping.
When I surfed my cyber way onto this story, I just knew I had to blog about

So, allegedly a UFO had been spotted over the historic town of Gdansk, Poland,
on July 4 2008. The UFO flew in along the coast from the nearby town of Sopot,
and then circled the centre of Gdansk.
The UFO made its startling and surprising appearance soon after sunset. It
appeared to be covered in lights displaying a series of geometric color
patterns. However it was not a UFO at all

Check out more pictures courtesy of Peter Turo and a video as well as the real story behind this UFO after the jump:

Project “Untitled (UFO)” was created by New York artist Peter Coffin in collaboration with London-based Cinimod Studio. Coffin had for a while been wanting to create a public UFO flight performance, but it was not until he met Cinimod that he had the confidence to proceed with making his vision a reality.
After an intense period of structural and electrical design, and fabrication, the UFO made its inaugural public appearance on 4th July 2008 as a part of the Gdansk Festival of Stars.

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