The Locker Room: Eero Westerberg

Normally I only feature professional athletes here in “The Locker Room.” But it’s been suggested to me that I should also feature civilian athletes who fit the bill of “hot, fuckable, and make that REALLY, REALLY hot.” Case in point – Eero Westerberg. He’s a fitness trainer on Instagram, and I first came upon him (so to speak) when I was researching that “Taken From Tumblr” post about dudes in tights.

?How to master the muscle up. Muscle up is a demanding exercise for the whole upper body. Wrists, elbows, shoulders and core all need to be strong and mobile to do the exercise. I have a free guide available that goes through the necessary preparation to achieve the muscle up. The guide addresses the common sticking points that might keep you from progressing and has all the progressions and routines to master the muscle up. ? Download link to the guide is in my bio @eerowest ___ @Movement20XX (Online course to learn movement, build mobility and get fit) @Abs.20XX (Abs & diet guide) ?YouTube – Vahva Fitness — #strength #muscleup #calisthenics #fitness #fitfam #fitspo #bodyweight #bodyfitness #crosstraining #mobility #core #shoulders #crossfit #gymnastics #health #pullups #dips #streetworkout #athlete #sports #conditioning

A post shared by Eero Westerberg (@eerowest) on

Watching him work the rings like that, made me want to get him to work MY ring I knew he was definite “Locker Room” material.

Eero Westerberg ? Vahva Fitness Instructor, Myprotein Athlete ? Snap: eerowest ✉️ Coaching : ⬇ Download free Muscle Up guide

Check out more of the long, blonde Mr. Westerberg below. You can follow him on Instagram here.

– Michael Xavier

Plank thrusts with two legs and one leg. Suck your stomach in and keep your core tight. This will greatly work your rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis muscle (TVA). TVA is important for core stability and it helps to pull the abdomen in giving you a thinner waist. — For more, @Abs.20XX is my complete core and diet guide to develop defined and powerful core muscles. It contains many workout routines to train all parts of the abs and obliques. It has instructions for all the exercises and it shows the best methods to train the core to it's maximum potential. ___ @Movement20XX (Online course to learn movement, build mobility and get fit) @Abs.20XX (Abs & diet guide) ?YouTube – Vahva Fitness — #abs #core #coretraining #obliques #planking #plank #movement #fitness #fitfam #training #fit #lean #health #performance #abdominals #calisthenics #bodyweight #bodyfitness #fitnesslife #fitspiration

A post shared by Eero Westerberg (@eerowest) on

I don't have a special diet to stay lean. Over the years I've built a lifestyle that is very easy to maintain. I started by experimenting and by making gradual changes to my diet. Little by little these changes became habits and nowadays my eating is completely based on intuition. — I've collected all my best tips about how to build a healthy lifestyle into @Abs.20XX guide. It has a 7-step ladder to change your lifestyle, several menus and my favourite recipes. In the end I also answer to many commonly asked questions about nutrition, popular diets and supplementation. ___ @Movement20XX (Online course to learn movement, build mobility and get fit) @Abs.20XX (Abs & diet guide) ?YouTube – Vahva Fitness — #diet #eating #health #healthyeating #lifestyle #healthylife #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #paleodiet #iifym #intermittentfasting #calories #fatloss #lean #fat #fit #abs #core #calisthenics #fitness #fitnesslife #fitfam

A post shared by Eero Westerberg (@eerowest) on

I might spent close to three hours at the gym at once. I don't watch the time, I don't count my repetitions or sets. All I care about is that after I leave, I've made a difference in my body. I don't set arbitrary limits to tell me when I'm done. I listen to my body. – You too can listen to your body, and you can trust yourself. You don't need to wish for something to happen or wonder whether your going to make results or not. You have the POWER to make it happen! ? ___ @Movement20XX (Online course to learn movement, build mobility and get fit) @Abs.20XX (Abs & diet guide) ?YouTube – Vahva Fitness — #training #fitness #bodybuilding #motivation #fitspiration #fit #abs #core #muscles #body #goals #movement #aesthetics #inspiration #health #athlete #physique #workingout #gym #fitfam #fitspo

A post shared by Eero Westerberg (@eerowest) on

I might spent close to three hours at the gym at once. I don't watch the time, I don't count my repetitions or sets. All I care about is that after I leave, I've made a difference in my body. I don't set arbitrary limits to tell me when I'm done. I listen to my body. – You too can listen to your body, and you can trust yourself. You don't need to wish for something to happen or wonder whether your going to make results or not. You have the POWER to make it happen! ? ___ @Movement20XX (Online course to learn movement, build mobility and get fit) @Abs.20XX (Abs & diet guide) ?YouTube – Vahva Fitness — #training #fitness #bodybuilding #motivation #fitspiration #fit #abs #core #muscles #body #goals #movement #aesthetics #inspiration #health #athlete #physique #workingout #gym #fitfam #fitspo

A post shared by Eero Westerberg (@eerowest) on

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