Some sex advice from Michael Xavier – one of the unsung pleasures in life is getting your butt eaten by a bearded dude. I’ve been lucky enough to have experienced it several times, and it’s sublime. (And THAT’S why you should include bears in your “Guys I Fuck Around With” collection.) And it doesn’t matter whether his beard is soft and lush or wiry and scratchy. Having your buttcrack massaged by luscious chin pubes or exfoliated by a manly face rug, both have their singular delights. Oh, and beards are just sexy anyways. Manly men have beards. Sexy hipster doofuses have beards. As long as they’re kept, of course. No one wants to be fucking Duck Dynasty or what have you. Here’s a collection of beards taken from Tumblr. By the way – Manhunt Daily is on Tumblr. Just throwin’ that out there.
– Michael Xavier
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