What drives you absolutely wild? And I'm not asking this question in a sexual context. Of all the things in the world, we'd like to know what makes you want to pull out your hair or punch a whole through a wall. In other words, what's your ultimate pet peeve?
I'm generally a pretty laid back person, but my trigger goes off when someone uses the N-word around me. It's led to some pretty messy situations in the middle of bars, and I'd like to justify them by saying that they used the word in a blatantly racist fashion. Let me tell you… I totally snapped. And you don't want to see me when I snap.
– Dewitt
I actually have two of them: republicans and stupid people. But I repeat myself.
dirty people in general but mainly when you’ve arranged to meet a guy and you get there and they know its messy (or a bomb-site) and haven’t even made an attempt, pisses me off, if you have a messy place fine, come to mine, I’m not a neat freak, my bedroom is usually testament to that but if I have company, I make the effort to make a comfy and inviting environment, is it too much to expect the same?
I can think of a couple as well…
1) Guys that don’t have the courtesy to say “No thanks” or “Not interested”, especially when they boast about how nice/down-to-earth they are.
2) Guys that have completely ignored you in the past but are now suddenly very interested in you after you have posted a new pic.
Asshole drivers!!!
If you’re not going to GO, then move the hell over in the right lane where you belong!
Also, hang up the fucking phone and drive – way too many distracted morons doing idiotic things. Even if you think you’re Superman, the human brain is still not capable of talking/texting while driving.
I text just fine when I drive, or when i did (haven’t much since new years).
I HATE when Men wear flipflops. Something about it drives me crazy, I can’t even find them attractive. to me its the most feminine thing a man can do is wear flip flops.
As a huge fan of the Human Calf muscle, I hate socks that interupt the leg. Either wear the tall soccer socks, or keep them below the ankle.
Worst of them all is MOUTH SOUNDS. I hate the sound of other people making out, eating with their mouth open and worst of all SLURPING food. hate it, hate it HAAATE IT. I almost left class one day because the teacher was eating so sloppily during the class. I had everything packed up and ready to leave when THANK THE LORD he finished!
So annoying
I have a list.
1) People texting and driving –
2) People who act superior –
We’re human, and some of us are better at some things than others, but that doesn’t mean you’re any better than anyone else. Reign it in, Fabio.
3) Stupid People –
Now, I can understand being forgetful, or something slipping your mind, or even simply NOT knowing, but just being an idiot? That makes me want to shoot people, and I’m NOT joking.
4) Racist people –
People who, intentionally, insult another race make me want to practice medieval torture techniques on them. I admit, I use the N word. However, I was raised to think that the N word means a dumb or ignorant person of any race, gender, orientation, or location.
5) Right Wing Idiots –
People who have their head so far up their ASS that they don’t realize that we can’t do shit the way we use to. For an example, watch Fox News, at ANY point during the day.
I have several more, but I’ll stop there.
I cant stand dates when the guy just rambles on. I just glaze over and stare at the wall thinking how to get out of it.
I hate to hear someone eat. It drives me absolutely insane. If you eat politely, no one will hear you, and don’t chew with your mouth open.
erm… whose pic is that?
walking on gravel. (no idea why, just hate it… >.> )
Michael W cracked me up. So true. I agree with Dewitt about the N word. Some big city peeves are the people who walk on the left side of the side walk instead of staying right. Typically when they bump in to you they will swear at you for being rude. So stupid. This is annoying on crowded sidewalks. The other is the people who make right turns on right light where it is prohibited. Why not just run red lights? It is no more illegal then right turns on red. I just don’t get it. And finally talking on your cell phone while driving is illegal in Chicago. But the law does not seem to apply to women. What do they talk about all the time? LOL
i have to agree with the people talking about loud eating – but more specifically loud eating scenes in movies. it just drives me nuts. i think it goes back to being a child and naturally being grouchy in the morning and then having to listen to my older brother and sister smacking their cereal. phew, gettin’ all bothered just thinkin’ about it.
5. People who talks or play when you are watching a movie,specially on theathers, but does apply on my home too. Hey, I came to enjoy a movie, so shut the fuck up!
4. Drop dead gym male divas! Well, I’m kind of ugly (search potblessed at MH for more info) and I admit it. I know I’m not an adonis. But when I walking around and smile or say hi to a cute boy, instead of seeing it as a nice gesture, some act like is an offense if it comes from someone who’s not that attractve. They even act rude at you, and laugh and call you ugly. That’s just mean. All the beauty of that guy turn into ashes as he opens his mouth.
3. Ultra conservative people. Those who insist to treat creationism as a scientific theory, who protest against equalty laws, who treat people of other races or beliefs differently, who ban the freedom of speech, homophobes, xenophobes, aporophobes, all-phobes…
2. Violent events. I’m from a very conflicted city from Mexico, wich top issue is violence. And I hate it. But most of all, I hate that the people and the guberment aren’t willing to do something about it. Hope is useless if Will is not present.
1. Right know, our fuck’d up president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, who actually believe that all the problems can be solved by the use of military forces and their use of violence, between other stupid policies. I HATE THAT IDIOT!
— I have a question I hope you don’t mind, but I’m not really good with english popular talking… what’s “the N word” about?? Cuz many of you seems to dislike it.. =/
My biggest pet peeve is when my roommate doesn’t clear the time off the microwave! I dunno why it irks me so much but I hate walking into the kitchen and seeing the microwave on :02 or some shit. Cuz then I have to clear it and enter my food time.
When you post pictures of hot models like the guy above and don’t give us his name.
Seriously Dewitt, I’m still waiting for the name of the guy who’s the ‘poster boy’ for the Manhunt Drinking Game.
Come on mang!
Unless of course they’re just random models/pictures from the interwebs. If that’s the case I’ll go sit in the corner and cry myself to sleep.
I can’t stand when people use the word FAG.. gay or straight it doesn’t matter. I consider it too hurtful of a word to ever use.
man that pic was so hot i wanted to kiss and spank the naughty man all over those stairs did anyone else find this pic really hot?
I agre with everything above. I really hate people while I’m out shopping who are oblivious to anyone else who might be shopping too. Heaven forbid you move your ass out of the way so people can get by!
Also people who fucking put in their profiles, “looking for friends” then when you message them and say hi or whatever, nothing. Like, just admit your looking for “hot” friends and stop pretending.
When Dewitt or Andy make it sound like there are hot naked pics and it is only a method to increase their click rates.
When they fail to disclose what they are talking about it a paid endorsement or getting something out of it.
People who suddenly want to talk with you on MH when you post chest pictures and they realize they have ignored your hellos..
WINKS, I hate them DAMN THINGS! Grow some balls and say hello. You want me to say hello because you took so much effort to click WINK.
People who Block you after asking you to unlock.
people with bad cell phone etiquette, on the road, on the bus, shopping, and in bars and restaurants. talking, or texting. trying to hold a conversation with someone busy texting is really annoying.
and…people who “hate” others because they don’t understand them.
Animal suffering. Animal torturers (unfortunately, a very recent loud case in Mexico).
Unpunctaulity, as well. Hate waiting even ten minutes for anyone or anything.
Drivers who have the right of way, but think they are being polite by waiting for you to go first. So you wait for them, because they’re supposed to go; but they wait for you to be “nice.” GRRR! (And, yes, anyone who talks or texts on their cell phone while driving.)
I cannot believe no one has mentioned unruly children. I hate going to the grocery store and especially out to eat and someone’s product of love is having a total meltdown and they just sit there, tuned out. But if I make a loud enough comment, then I am the asshole! What is up with that?
You know I’m a lot like Dewitt and that I’m really a laid back kinda guy, at the same time pretty realistic so racism isn’t something that bothers me at all because I hand it out equally to all parties.
That being said my biggest pet peeve is accepted stupidity/ignorance. An educated man automatically becomes sexier than his body may tell. On the flip side a guy who is dumber than a lump of bricks irritates me to no end. We are in the 21st century where education is a necessity in the American eye to be successful. Someone who accepts any kind of stupidity or ignorance makes me want to me yank out the Stihl chainsaw and pretend like I’m in Texas. Not having any kind of intelligence, or not caring about it, will be an automatic write off.
Democrats and stupid people… But then, I repeat myself! My pet peeve about democrats? They are supposed to be so open minded and love everyone, but are always calling names and criticizing! Hypocrites! Don’t forget there are some gays (more than you would think) that are republicans. Give me a break!
My biggest pet peeve, tho, seriously: People who don’t get their, there and they’re. Or as in the above blog, “whole” in the wall vs “hole” (correct)in the wall. Is it really that difficult to figure out?
Bad spelling drives me insane. The occasional slip-up is totally understandable and happens to everyone, but when you can’t make it two sentences without completely butchering a word it shows a lack of knowledge. Come on…there’s spellcheck
1.when people are always LATE!!!!!!! i cannot stand it. if i can be on time,so can you. if i was your boss and you were consistently late-i would fire your ass in a heartbeat.
2. ppl who use with the word “fag” in their daily vocabulary.hate it.hate it. hate it.
Smacking while a person is eating! I seriously feel like punching them in their smacking face!
#1. People who do not respect others cars in a parking lot by hitting it with a door or a shopping cart!
#2. The total lack of common curtesy people have now a days like saying please and or thank you or even the lack of returning a hello.
#3. The jerks who correct your spelling and or grammer when they totaly under stood what you said or wrote without difficulty. Some of us have imparments that effect what we say or type.
LOL @ desmon. 😛
One of my biggest peeves is people who treat/talk to me like im stupid. I may not understand something or may be confused about it, but dont slow down your speech and use small childish words to help me understand. my hearing works fine dumbass you just suck at explaining things to me i do not know.
Another thing i absolutely cant tolerate: someone telling me something i clearly already know and /or STATING THE OBVIOUS. when i was younger i used to play video games alot…….this is where it all started. Telling me not to get shot or drive off road is so fucking obvious and does not need to be announced. shut the hell up if you have no more vital info to share. kthnx.
other drivers. I hate people in suvs on their phones…i drive a little eco car and suv suck. Also I HATE, AND I MEAN HATE when people ask me to say “park the car in havard yard”….OMG I HATE IT and it happens all the time.
i have too many pet peeves to list, mostly bc i’m a hateFILLED person with not alot of patience. so right now, my pet peeves are guys who do the front shirt tuck thing? you guys know what i’m talking about? it’s fucking hideous! maybe if you’re in high school or college, u can get away with it. but if you are in ur 30s or 40s and are still trying to pull it off or if you have a gut and still do the front shirt tuck…OY! makes me hope to see you in a cross walk while i’m running a red light is all i’m saying. the front shirt tuck thing and hung guys who only btm. what a motherfucking waste! air kisses, the pope
when someone doesn’t do something that would take little to no effort on their part, when dishes aren’t cleaned, when people chew with their mouths open, republicans, sarah palin opening her mouth in general, glenn beck….and being let down repeatedly.
The word FAIL
OMG, that’s embarrasing!! XD I never tought that by posting my Id. would have many visits!! Now I feel weird!! Thanx for those who said pretty things. Yet I never believe that people were ACTUALLY going to seek it, I’m freaking blushed!! Oh my.. XP Reminder for me: never do that again!! lol!
i hate facebook fan pages(or now the “like” pages)…ughh
My peeves are simple. I can’t stand people that don’t have manners.
the intentionally ignorant, close-minded people, open-mouth-chewers, and Toxic by Brittany Spears
I cant stand when someone comes into the bathroom when I am in there even I am just shaving or brushing my teeth. Or men who talk to other guys in public washrooms when they are in the “stall” drives me crazy!!!
gay people… just kidding 😛
anyone who is shy
anyone who is afraid
and anyone who believes in shame or embarrassment….
When people talk to me while I’m in the bathroom. I’m not talking about the guy at the next urinal, I’m talking when you’re at home, sitting on the pot and someone asks you stupid shit like “Have you seen the corkscrew”. Something about it just drives me up the wall like nothing else.
Open-mouth gum chewing. Disgusting!
i’m just dropping in to commend DeWitt for feeling so strongly about the individuals who use that “n-word” in its worst way.
keep up the good fight, man!
and though we might not always agree on everything, at least you are acting more like a human than those racist scumbags.
as for my own Profound Pet Peeves: i’ll get into those, some time later.
anybody know the name of the hottie in that pic? i have to know!!!
I hate when guys you just meet online keep wanting you to bareback them. It’s not gonna happen and the fact they want to fuck everybody online bare just means they’re a breeding ground for STDs to me. It irritates the fuck out of me when I explain I don’t know you or what you have and you don’t know if I’m clean and they keep bringing it up.
I cannot stand when people say “that’s so gay” when they don’t like something. Expand you’re vocabulary, fools.
I hate when people use the word “retarded.”
1: political correctness, most of the “politically correct” terms aren’t. If you were not born in Africa or have duel citizenship in an African country and America you are not African-American, I had a friend who WAS African-American and he was white and got the Shit beat out of him when he said he was.
2: loud eating enough said.
3: people who have Medicaid and/or Medicare and said the government needs to stay out of health care.
4: shoes in the middle of the floor or commonly walked paths of the house *evilly stares at boyfriend*
Manhunt Daily posters who think they’re photo experts.
one pet peeve i’ll mention regards Shopping Establishments:
i hate when people throw things anywhere and everywhere, but where that item actually belongs.
how hard is it to pick something up and keep it on your person until you get to the checkout-counter?
and if there’s something you’d changed your mind about and don’t want anymore, there are people who work at where you’re shopping who will gladly put it back where it goes, for you — just take it up to that same counter and tell the cashier “i don’t want this.”
“oh, okay — no problem.”
you might think it’s cool, or funny, or inconsequential, to chuck some shit arbitrarily: but when you have 10, 20, 50, 1oo people doing that same thing..
..it adds up to some pretty serious wreckage in that establishment.
and then other patrons come in, talkin’ about “oh my, look at how messy these people are: those employees must not care at all!”
well, no.
ultimately, it’s the individuals who stock the shelves who will have to deal with whatever wasn’t put back in its place.
(the *very* underappreciated Shelf Stocker.)
one more peeve?
Adobe Flash Player.
i’m serious: i cannot go even half-a-day without my browser’s becoming impaired, and sluggish, because of The Flash.
“the Flash.”
more like “the Slug”!
when will Adobe get its act together??