Aural Only: Michael Jackson & Akon

After the controversy and backlash against “Breaking News”, the folks behind Michael Jackson‘s posthumous album campaign opted for a much safer single choice. “Hold My Hand” is a duet Jackson recorded with Akon back in 2007, and it was originally scheduled to appear on the R&B artist’s 2008 project Freedom.

However, when an unfinished version of the song leaked online, it was inevitably scrapped from Akon’s tracklist. Damn you internet! Alas, the “Sexy Bitch” singer has finally completed his vocals on the track, and it’s being repurposed as the first official single from Jackson’s upcoming compilation album.

While there’s no denying this is a more appropriate selection than “Breaking News”, we would have preferred something that’s a little more Michael than Akon. What are your feelings on the new single–hit or miss? Does this justify the release of a new album?

– Dewitt

To listen to “Hold My Hand”, follow the JUMP:

356 thoughts on “Aural Only: Michael Jackson & Akon

  1. this is unbelievable shit. michael was no good – horrible voice, and dirty childmolesteur

  2. A pretty enough pop song but what’s with all the kiddies and adolescent boys in the vid? Whose hand are they holding? And are we sure it’s his hand they’re holding…? Surely an unnecessary reminder of MJ’s unfortunate fixation… what were Akon’s people thinking letting that slip by?

  3. bit too much akon sadly.
    video is pretty well done though
    poor michael :((((((((
    still so sad about it..

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