Mateus Verdelho For Butch Swimwear

We’re not sure how actually “butch” the swimwear is, but if fiercely cute, tattooed love boys are your thing – here’s model Mateus Verdelho. The shoot is by photographer Cristiano Madureira and we love the contrast of the tats with the briefs and the skater shoes. Mateus’ hot body helps, too.

– J. Harvey

For more shots of Mateus Verdelho (get that pompadour!), Follow the JUMP:

65 thoughts on “Mateus Verdelho For Butch Swimwear

  1. Can we add a “Dislike” button on here?
    Douchey hair? Do you a Jersey Shore boy hiding in one of these photos or something?
    Mateus is beautiful. He looks very kissable.

  2. perfection. And as Mel said…that is the most beautiful man i have ever seen in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Say, is that a pistol in your bikini briefs or you just..oh wait, that’s just another hideous tattoo there! This guy COULD be so handsome…he has a great face and wonderful toned body…but that nasty hair-don’t and those absolutely ugly tattos ceompletely ruin him…guess he is better in the complete darkness and using “braille” to see him…

  4. Gorgeous guy–love all the contrasts: long /short hair, tats/pale skin,direct eyes/hint of smile..

  5. No… Tell us how you really feel………. Geez! If you don’t like him or his tattoOs, move on! Don’t put all the hate out there for the rest of us to have to wade thru. Some of us actually like tattoos! I know! I know! It’s hard to comprehend! But it’s true! So for those of us who do, give us a break and quit hating on them. And I really do say that all kindly.

  6. another Brazilian…….. went out last night in Sao Paulo, the most beautiful men ever, everywhere…..

  7. Welcome back ToddM. I see you haven’t changed but thank you for adding somethng to the blog. You toltally know how to rock it. I am your No.1 fan.

    I think I should start a fan page for you.

  8. I love reading these comments from you homos who keep ripping on guys because of how the photo shoot stylist did their hair, or because you don’t like the guy’s ink.

    Keep raging you silly gays.

  9. The patterned underwear clashes with the pattern in the tats – best he just wear nothin next time

  10. Not a fan of the tats, but he is very hot. Tats aren’t a deal breaker for me, but IMO his are a bit on the overboard side. However, I still wouldn’t kick him out of bed.

  11. Here’s a pic, pre Tats. [url=””]Pre Tats[/url]

  12. A symbol here..a Chinese character there, that’s one thing. When does a fashion statement become a cry for help?

  13. I really like the pic where he is in white with the skateboard behind him – really like his facial expression there.

  14. I think the tats are seriously sexy…but, they are super polarizing: you either love them or despise them. Me? Love.

  15. man, you guys make me feel like I’m on the outside lookin’ in. I got to say .. I don’t think that is in NO WAY sexy, and I have tats. If you fall asleep in a Tattoo Parlor, you deserve it.

  16. God forbid we actually get ONE model with character, style, expression on his face, a hot body, fun sexy hair…
    I mean where do all the whiners and boring queens in these comments come from anyway? Even the swimsuits are fun, quirky & retro inspired…and THAT’s cause for MORE endless complaining?
    This guy is so fuckable…I am sure you bitches wouldn’t turn it down if you were lucky enough to interest him…LMAO

  17. God forbid we actually get ONE model with character, style, expression on his face, a hot body, fun sexy hair…
    I mean where do all the whiners and boring queens in these comments come from anyway? Even the swimsuits are fun, quirky & retro inspired…and THAT’s cause for MORE endless complaining?
    This guy is so fuckable…I am sure you bitches wouldn’t turn it down if you were lucky enough to interest him…LMAO

  18. I object to the swimwear more than anything about the model. I wouldn’t be caught dead in anything I see here. ;-)~ yuck

  19. I object to the swimwear more than anything about the model. I wouldn’t be caught dead in anything I see here. ;-)~ yuck

  20. i tend to agree with the most.
    he is a BEAUT!
    tats not too much either, they are perfect, but no more! great tat/ muscle proportion (bulge too!)

    Dear Santa……!!!

  21. he’s adorable with a stylist trying some different things in the shoot. what a great smile, youthful body. I’d just lick off the tats that distracted me from his other adorableness. @all the bitchy queens on here…no date Sat night?

  22. One word, yuck. Seriously, all around not a turn on at all. Time to surf over to the Aussiebum website …

  23. I agree, I have nothing against tattoos, in fact I have two, but his are a bit too much. But he’s got a cute face, he’s actually smiling in one of the pics, and he’s got a hot body, I wouldn’t turn him away!

  24. The tats are too much for me,he looks awful with those so called swim suits. Not sexy at all.

  25. I don’t get the whole I look like to look uneducated, unemployed, hypermasculine, fake tough guy, tatooed thing. He might be a good quick f@#k but where are you going to take him. Please give me more clean cut handsome, not worried about what I look like 24/7, real men.


    This is probably one of the very most attractive men you’ve posted. He is stunning, tats, hair and all.

    And I bet none of the negative posters here could hold a candle to him.

    ‘Nuff said.

  27. He looks uneducated and unemployed cause he has tattoos? I don’t get it. You clearly are dumb to the process behind photo shoots as well.

  28. I LOVE tattoos but none of those suits work with this guy. He’s hot and I like his tatts and the suits are good too, just the two together don’t really work

  29. Really? Uneducated? Unemployed? Fake? I certainly hope you aren’t one that screams “Judge not” all of the time! Or “Have an open mind”…. And for pete’s sake, since when is “hypermasculine” a bad thing??? Give me “hypermasculine” any old day over a limp wristed effeminate “man”. (I know. That’s an oxymoron.) And what is wrong with caring how you look 24/7? I’d rather have that than a guy who doesn’t give a care about how he looks. That last statement is actually very contradictory. Clean cut usually means that they care about how they look….. TWENTY FOUR SEVEN. I’m sorry, but I don’t get where your kind of thinking comes from. I ask this very kindly (honest!). Would you mind posting a pic of yourself so we could see what you are talking about. Maybe then I could understand from where you are coming.

  30. really? “clean cut, handsome, not worried what i look like 24/7…” you do realize what a hypocritical douche you sound like saying that, right? you say he looks uneducated because of ink, and then say you want someone who doesn’t care what he looks like… as long as he looks like what YOU think he should look like…. that, sir, is completely ridiculous, and sounds more than slightly uneducated.

  31. Jeez talk about cheap and nasty ( thats the undies not the guy )…Would like to see him work a really good edgy shoot.

  32. I believe everyone has a right to their opinions and if some voices on here that they think he is ugly with tattoos or a wierd hairdoo that is their right! If you like what you see, that is your right. Don’t tells us to keep our mouth shut! That is what this site is all about, our opnions! Move on yourself if you don’t like it, dumbass!!!

  33. Interesting that you have to use names to get your point across. You’ll find that I have more likes on this site than any other person. I post kindly. And I get my point across. I don’t and won’t use names like you do to do so. I’m far from dumb. And there is no donkey in my lineage.

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