Random Question: Do You Keep The Lights On During Sex?

Pierre-Yves Monnerville, dark, light, on/off, gay sex, erotic, questions, debate, discussion

When you're getting down and dirty, does your light switch fall to the ON or OFF option? It's been said that men are very visual creatures, easily drawn in by flashy marketing and… well, porn. By that logic, most of us would prefer to see every little detail of our naked rendezvouses. But that's not the case, eh?

Some of us prefer the intimacy of darkness, or perhaps they find comfort in the fact that it hides our imperfections. In my experience, most guys prefer some middle ground–just enough light to see your partner and what he's doing to you. Where do you stand?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Pierre-Yves Monnerville

9 thoughts on “Random Question: Do You Keep The Lights On During Sex?

  1. Why isn’t “sometimes” an option. There times when I like the lights on, and times when I like the lights off. Of course, there are those times when you don’t have much of a choice because it noon-ish, and the light is going to be there whether you want it or not. “Nooners” are a good example.
    Depends on the man, the time and the mood. Same dymanic as with music during sex.

  2. Low lighting enough for them to see you, but only because it enlarges the pupils. creating the “bedroom eyes” effect, when you look at your lover in the eyes under low lighting it will increase the chances of realeasing phenylethylamine or PEA, and that’s the chemical that makes us fall in love. and whether you mean it or not, you want your partner to release that chemical, it makes the night even hotter.

  3. it really depends on the person, and the situation.
    if this is the first time you’re sleeping with the person, i’d say start with the lights on so you can check for bumps/sores on their genitals, and if everything looks okay, turn the lights off.

  4. If the guy is hotter than me, I want the lights off so I look better. If I’m hotter than the guy, I want the lights off so HE looks better. Either way, lights off.

  5. “By that logic, most of us would prefer to see every little detail of our naked rendezvouses. But that’s not the case, eh?”
    It’s definitely the case with me. I often use indirect lighting just because my bedroom lights are right above the bed and shine in our eyes, but I definitely want to be able to see the guy I’m doing. Seeing his hot body as we make love can be as much of a turn-on as feeling his ramrod plow my ass. Personally, I like all five senses stimulated when we have sex.

  6. Definitely a lamp/couple of candles burning.. nice to see what’s happening!!
    if it’s full light, and my partner can see himself fucking me… i can make him blow pretty quickly. fun to play around!!! 😛

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