Would You Hit That?: Scruffy Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves has always been kind of an eccentric actor. Sure, he’s clean cut in a lot of his films, like The Matrix trilogy and Speed. But during his downtime, he tends to let his hair grow long and he wanders the streets of LA looking rumpled. There’s even a Sad Keanu Tumblr! Unfortunately, it kind of dulls his sexy.

Here he is at a signing for his new book Ode To Happiness. Is that a response to the Sad Keanu meme?

Neo manages to muster a high-wattage grin, but why kill the hot, Keanu? What do you think? Would you hit bedraggled, bearded Keanu?

For more pics of hairy Keanu and some hot Keanu pics for comparison, Follow the JUMP:

19 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Scruffy Keanu Reeves

  1. The hairy Keanu is a mess! He looks much hotter when he’s cleaned up and well dressed.

  2. He’s still the same sexy guy underneath the clothes and the beard..hell yeah! I hit on him….

  3. I’ll take him on any way he want to look…which is always…SUPER SEXY.  Yummie!!!!!!!!

  4. “Scruffy” Reeves is a hot mess – but Ta200d1 has a good point; he’s the same guy underneath all that….that…..madness.  But initial ‘judgement’ = heck no.   Cleaned up he’s a SUPER cutie!

  5. Infinite amounts of yes.
    I dig guys when they look kinda…homeless, like Keanu here?
    Is it bad to say that…
    Whatever, it’s kind of true.

  6. Normally, I do like the “rough trade-bad boy” look, but in these pics, he looks like one of the Charles Manson followers.

  7. I have been a staunch Keanu Reeves fan for as long as I can remember. Therefore the only thing I can say is: Seriously! Are you kidding me?
    If he chose NOT to cut his hair or shave for a year I’d still take him! And God knows I don’t like beards at all!!! But as so many have said before me: UNDER ALL THAT HAIR, IT STILL IS KEANU REEVES! The only deal breaker for me would be the absence of personal hygiene.

  8. ran into him at a play in NYC – let’s just say he is somewhat opposed to showering – oh an moody!  i much prefer the clean man!

  9. I love Keanu Reeves no matter how he looks!  He has that certain sex appeal that make almost every one want to get on down and eat him, and never have it end!!!

  10. Yes, I’d hit that…probably ask him if I could tie him up and be kinky…and then give him a shave, haircut instead and fuck his lights out.

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