Kanye West and Jay-Z just released an album called Watch The Throne. It’s the hip-hop version of when Gaga showed up to Britney’s concert, except this produced some tracks. Both of these gentlemen are at the top of their game, and innovators in their field. They can also dress. Kanye has his own posse of edgy fashion gays he rolls with and look at that suit on Jay-Z!
Personally, I occasionally find Kanye to be sort of hot but then he opens his fool mouth and says something ridiculous and it just ruins everything. Mr. Z turns me off automatically just for being best friends with hyperpretentious Gwyneth Paltrow. How about you. Which one of these rap icons would you stan for?
– J. Harvey
For more pics and to vote, Follow the JUMP:
Are you serious? Kanye West is a disgusting, no-talent, foul-mouthed egomaniac, and Jay-Z is just plain ugly.
Kanye would just want you to blow him and I doubt he would stop talking the entire time. I bet Mr. Z can fuck pretty hard, though, and he raps about his balls all the time so they’re probably at least worth a look. So, him.
I agree with Jimmy
I’ll give you foul mouthed egomaniac, but he is extremely talented.
Neither… both are too full of themselves to actually make sex with them fun. They’re the type of men who scream out their own names when busting a load. Totally obsessed with their own self image and worth and do not give a damn about anything or anyone else except when it affects them.
obviously neither… both gross
are they even human?
I really think that these kind of polls should always include a neither option. Because frankly, I wouldn’t touch either of these guys with a used dick if someone was pushing from behind!
Can’t you add a “neither” or “who cares” choice??
I agree with Rick. He’s wicked annoying, but saying he is not talented is just insane
Kanye is a douchbag, needs to get over himself, and his mamma.
No Way
Neither, both represent a section of humanity I have no wish to associate with.
I’d let Kanye fuck me hard
I’d say Jay-Z.
Seriously, if the guy has a woman like Beyoncé, that only can mean he must have a BIG, FAT… bank account :p
I like Black men also, but neither of them appeal to me , no matter how much $$
Im trying to figure out why there is no option for NONE OF THE ABOVE???
Don’t care that Kanye’s talented, he’s too much of an egotistical douche to find attractive.
Jay-Z on the other hand I would sleep with in a heart beat if I wouldn’t have to feel the remorse of helping him cheat on Beyonce. They are a really endearing couple.
Um, not really a good idea to ask a bunch of white Lady Gaga/Madonna fans how they feel about black rappers
I think I would sooner fuck Gwyneth than either. Besides if you were fucking Jay-Z we all know Kanye would burst into the bedroom and throw a tantrum that he wasn’t picked instead. Where is the option to throw Kanye off a building? I would vote for that.
neither… I would rather fuck myself w/ a dildo than touch these two!
if kanye weren’t aloud to talk during, i’d go with him — dunno why, but i like his face a lot ——– jay-z is just plain fugly – absolutely physically repulsive
J harvey! What an asshole! Couldn’t help but skew the votes toward Kanye Worthless West. What a fucking joke. He just turned the “Who Would You Rather?” into a personal column to fit his personal perverted taste!!!!OU RATHER?:
both are fugly, why dont you give us a neither option when voting especially when you have a couple of choices like these two
I would fuck both men… in a perfect sense, I wanna be sandwiched between Mr West and Jay Z.
For all the racist queens : You can go and fuck yourselves.
There are some extremely handsome and sexy black men on this planet but Kanye West and Jay-Z are NOT amongst them. Can you imagine either of these individuals hanging over you getting ready to cum? Eeeeew and then double eeeeeew! I wouldn’t touch either with a lock of Byoncé’s fake hair let alone her vagina.
I guess when God was handing out ugly they were amongst the first to step forth to claim their share and to make sure they had enough they returned for a second and a third helping! If it wasn’t for their money and celebrity I’m sure neither would EVER get laid, at least not by anyone with a smidgeon of taste and self respect.
In this case you really ought to have added a “None of the above” option.
Aww, a taylor swift fan. Talk about a no talent…
Both of these men are ugly and disgusting. They look like the Apes in the new movie, ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’. I didn’t vote for either of these men.
that much should seem like common sense.
I like all kinds o chocolate…but both of these choices make me ralph…