Manhunt Daily Wood: Stephen Amell

As Dewitt noted this week, neither of us are watching Hung. Initially, the avoidance stemmed from when we learned that Thomas Jane doesn’t show off his crank despite the fact that the show’s title is HUNG! Oh, and he’s a women-gratifying only type of gigolo. But, as we’ve BOTH admitted, Thomas Jane is hot naked or clothed. And today I saw these screen-caps of actor Stephen Amell. He played a competing gigolo on the show. Stevie has BODY. One more show to add to the DVR recording schedule. It’s ok, Charlie’s Angels got canceled so there’s room.

p.s. Why the bowtie pic? I’ve realized I have a fetish.

– J. Harvey

For picture of Amell’s bod, Follow the JUMP:

380 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Stephen Amell

  1. HOT! The last (x3) pic is from the first season of “Dante’s Cove”. He got replaced in Season 2 by Jon Flemming. In my opinion, Amell is MUCH hotter!

  2. Judging by that fashion ensemble in the second to last pic, I definitely prefer himWITHOUT clothes on…..

  3. If I were going to hire one of these men it would definately be Amell

    sniff sniff WOOF

  4. Best part of his character, he doesn’t have the hang-ups Thomas Jane’s does. Apparently, the series is supposed to show he’s gay for pay. Hence the competition but I’ll believe when I see it.

  5. Looking at his hideous outfit with the mismatched clothes/ugly bow tie and considering the word “gay” at the same makes my brain hurt.  He needs to stay nekkid and leave it at that.

  6. Why do HBO call this show hung? They never show frontal nudity. I want to see some cock. It’s HBO for heaven’s sake. Why call the show Hung if they don’t show the cock?

  7. Sorry, but Jon Fleming is far better than this guy lol.

    He finally showed his junk on a recent episode of Femme Fatale, I think it’s called. It doesn’t disappoint.

    He plays a stripper in the show, and his on air performance made me cum more than once.

    Feature that!

  8. As a  TRUE  ( total ) TOP  I am complete satisfied  with all the hot ass shots !   BTW  Stephen played Adam in the  first season of Dante Cove . on the HERE network ……………………

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