You are probably going to watch this hotness multiple times like I did. I can’t believe there’s no wires and in many cases not a net to speak of! Parkour is that sport(?) in which dudes run around jumping off of buildings, and flipping over things and just generally being acrobatic daredevils. Hot model Benjamin Godfre has this vid on his official site, so he’s not only very sexy but he’s into cool shit.
Damien Walters is a former competitive gymnast turned stuntman. He might also be a superpowered mutant. Don’t try this at home!
– J. Harvey
To watch, Follow the JUMP:
As though that stuff wasn’t already sexy enough, then he happened.
He should hang with this dude….
Where were the good pix? Nice discussion about daredevil acrobatics, but no pix.
Oh, I was supposed to turn the newsreel on!
Well…why didn’t you say so in the first place!?!?
wow, thanks for sharing this, very cool.
Damien is going to be my new bodyguard.
i’ll pay him with hourly blowjobs.
I had seen that section where he strips down before and of course wished that it had ALL come off but the rest…DAMN! Thanks for sharing this hotness!
PS…can I nominate him for The 10?
This guy is fucking amazing! Wonder how much fun he’d be in bed? 🙂