Straight Guys Are Gay: Parking Brake Romance

You sort of want to slap these two at first for being so skeeved out about their hands meeting at the parking brake. But, as they both keep their hands locked together, you notice that they’re slowly coming around to “what if?”

When they finally break, it seems like they both make sad attempts to recapture the magic. But it’s much too late. WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN?!?

– J. Harvey

To watch, Follow the JUMP:

15 thoughts on “Straight Guys Are Gay: Parking Brake Romance

  1. If that is a gay fantasy of how straight people act, then your living on another planet !
    Simple, they would just pull their hands away … and so would most gays !

    VERY strange clip !

  2. Live and let live.

    I find myself wondering why Manhuntdaily runs this column, apparently devoid as it is of any kind of sensitivity regarding sexual identity issues.  Why do the editors want to fan these flames?  Not everyone has an easy journey to self-acceptance and I think we all know what can happen when individuals deny or struggle with these issues.

    If the purpose of “Straight Guys are Gay” is to appear insensitive or bigoted, if the purpose is to exacerbate insecurities that some may harbor, if the purpose is to belittle or to ridicule the very valid identity struggles that some might be enduring … then the editors of Manhuntdaily have succeeded brilliantly with this column.

  3. but what if theyre not straight… dun dun dun

    i thought it was very cute and sad. i enjoyed it.

  4. It had a bitter-sweet quality to it.  You could tell the married guy REALLY wanted to put his hand back on the brake.  And all the thumb caressing!  MMM

  5. my question is why was the other guy holding the parking brake when he’s not driving? is this like a normal thing that people do?

  6. Scott B. ,      while I can appreciate your point and thank the men and women who have given us all the freedom to speak and choose in which we choose to live. Grow up. Repressed mormon or christian al- queda (to be fair religion in general) has scared any and all freedoms we have left. It is sex and it is normal  has been since the beginning of time. someday we will all be perfect as u seem to think that we all should be. get over it if you dont agree be quiet there are many other sites to roam and much more in the world to do and see than the internet.   Just my opinion.

  7. I thought it was cute and even awkward to watch as the viewer, but I had four words running through my mind the entire time- cuticles and nose hair.
    All in jest, of course.

  8. Jeez why is there hate here???
    It’s purely entertainment… It’s saying a married guy that might like the bump bump in bed with another man, it may be not. who knows. Take it for what you want but don’t be make it look like manhunt is some fucked up company. I APPRECIATE YOU MANHUNT <3
    (free membership for a year? :))

  9. oh about a million wot-ifs just flashed through those eyes….there was a sadly whimsical sweetness to it….havin done the “married str8 thing” in my early life i can relate to their sense of terror of “forbidden” touch and the sadness they experience when they realise they’r not quite brave enuf yet to follow through on their impulses…such a sense of lost opportunity…

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