Paul Bookstaber, a former editor of The Sword, has launched “a new magazine for little fuckbitches” called Das Einhorn. You should check it out! The first issue centers around the topic of pity sex, featuring contributions/interviews with Drew Cutler, Juanita MORE!, Slick It Up‘s David Mason and Bookstaber himself.
There’s a great series of interviews about street art as well! And some other stuff too!
For today, I’ve decided to highlight my favorite illustrations from the magazine (along with a few other bits). You can view a more substantial preview over here.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Diego Gómez
Click through for more art (and other stuff) from this issue:
Joey DeRuy‘s illustrations for “Our One Night Stands’ Bodies, Ourselves”:
An excerpt from “Our One Night Stands’ Bodies, Ourselves”:
A picture of Drew Cutler:
We’d post more about this article, but damn really? No screenshots of MH?
Finkle and Einhorn… Einhorn and Finkle