Honeybadger revealed! Unless your laptop’s in the shop or you’re still using a flip phone (it’s ok if you are, we’re not elitist, it probably means you have better social skills than the rest of us), you’ve seen the famed “Crazy Nasty Ass Honey Badger” vid. Dude even got himself a commercial! For pistachios! Pistachios don’t care!
TMZ tracked down the elusive “Honey Badger” narrator, and he is EXACTLY as we envisioned. Giant mod sunglasses that belong on a drag queen having a Valley of the Dolls moment, tweed sportcoat, turtleneck, root beer bartender moustache and Florence Henderson hair. GET INTO IT. Here he is giving us his thoughts on the vid, and how we are all honey badgers inside.
– J. Harvey
To meet Randall, Follow the JUMP:
I love the Honey Badger and Randall. More power to him!
love him, i m def a honey badger