If you watched MTV's True Life last night you know it was all about polyamorous relationships. One group of young twinks with shaggy hair had a particularly interesting three-way relationship that was full of drama and jealousy, just like you'd expect from having an odd number of people in such an arrangement (they eventually added a fourth).
Let's just say there was some awkward jealousy and even more awkward crying. I can't even blame them, I'd be constantly jealous if I were in that situation. I like to keep my three ways in the bedroom, and that's it! But I'm not judging, if that's what makes them happy I applaud them for speaking out.
These North Carolina boys even got a segment on their local news Fox affiliate. Check out that report and let me know if you watched it.
– Andy
Kinda wish I would’ve caught this.
Those two are hella fuckin’ fugly though.
Where’s the third? The only one that was actually good looking, haha!
All in all though, I have no problem w/ polyamory. Let people do whatever they want, who cares. It’s nobody’s business but their own.
It’s a shame this actually made the news.
And its even more of a shame neither one of these guys is even good looking.
i actually watched this episode last nite; it was awkard, and weird.. the idea of dating two guys at the same time just doesn’t appeal to me..
they were wearing those same tired clothes on the episode of [true life] last nite as well.
jeremy was trying to bring in a fourth guy (the fourth guy was actually kinda cute).
these guys were tragic on the show and didn’t represent our community well.
and they aren’t attractive at all! not even the one who wasn’t in the interview!
okay, honestly, who cares what they look like or how they live their lives. if they’re happy who are we to judge them? that’s just as bad as all the judgement that we get from others.
it’s just a shame that a community that has so much judgement put onto them, can judge others so quickly.
sometimes, it makes me ashamed to be gay.
i used to have two similtaneous bfs… it was all okay and there was no problems with the poly-qualities of it, there was just other problems and neither are bfs now due to the usual reasons :s
They are not attractive whatsoever. Ewww. And was it me or did “Jim” looks like Clay Aiken. Not cute..and the poly thing is lame.
yeah he looked like clay aiken with alot more makeup . its pretty disgusting they are the reason why gays get such a bad rap with the straight community. they look at us like we are all about unprotected multi partner sex. and these idiots go on tv to half ass prove them right. if you cant find happiness in one partner then u need to stay single