My (Apparent) Neanderthal Fascination.

This post really comes down to one big, potentially life-altering question… What does it say about me that I’d do (nearly) every man on this list?

– Dewitt

18 thoughts on “My (Apparent) Neanderthal Fascination.

  1. Tells me that you like real masculine looken  guys and if you were a broad you would be a real slut. Im with you on this

  2. I concur good sir.  Every specimen on that page gave me sufficient arousal in my nether regions.  

  3. tells me that you are a slut of the highest order –   BTW  —   are  you doing them all at once!!!!!

  4. It tells me that you and I have very similar tastes in men.  Key word there being “men.”  Not waxed, plucked, and spray-tanned porn models.

    Also, I need to sit on bearded Jon Hamm’s face.  NOW!

  5. I had many wet dreams about number 11 (Vin diesel), 12 (adrian Grenier)  and 13 (Daniel Craig). Those are REAL men i want to fuck. Although, Vin Diesel will absolutely fuck me, no doubt about it whatsoever.  Number 6, Kris Humphries, is cute and tall but i’m not sure if i want him yet. The rest of the list just can take a walk and never look back at me.

  6. I guess I’m a neandraphile too, that’s a very fuckable list. Mmmm…Jon Hamm with or without the cumstache.

  7. I’d do 13 of 15. Kris Humphries is kind of scary looking, and I have never found Tom Brady even remotely attractive. That is not the best look for Channing Tatum, but whatever. And the one I want most is the one at the top of this post. Sorry, Dewitt, Mark Ruffalo is MINE!

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