Geek Out: Angel and Spike Get Gay in Buffy Comic


Joss Whedon is pretty amazing, no? In the online anthology Dark Horse Presents, Buffy Summers has a nightmare in which her two greatest lovers, Spike and Angel, show some love for one another. The moment was inspired by all the slash fiction written about the two characters. Does anyone else wish David Boreanaz and James Marsters would act this out in real life? Preferably naked.

– Dewitt

5 thoughts on “Geek Out: Angel and Spike Get Gay in Buffy Comic

  1. make a movie based off the comic and have it mostly be a pretty terrible movie because of that but gogo anyways gogo!

  2. Read this when it came out and laughed my ass off.
    Joss? Best writer out there.
    Jo Chen? Best artist in the comics business.
    Combined? Well, you saw it. It was fucking amazing.

  3. If you like the idea of Spike making out with a dude, watch the second season of Torchwood (the Doctor Who spinoff on BBC)
    The actor is playing a different character, but it’s still pretty fucking hot to see him make out with John Barrowman.

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