With the premiere of the eighteenth cycle of America’s Next Top Model right around the corner, I thought I’d bring you this lovely picture from CFNM (Clothed Female, Naked Male). The featured model—not the one with the hairy ass—bears an odd resemblance to Cycle 15 contestant Rhianna Atwood, no? Just making an observation!
– Dewitt
Click through to see the full picture from CFNM:
Dewitt, you really must stop sharing your mental masturbation.Â
WHY is this “news worthy”????
Because there’s an awesome hairy ass in the picture. Duh.
hairy assess are a dime a dozen nowadays…..this is no headliner!
it’s probably not even a gay hairy ass…..this is a gay website, no….
OH NO! Heaven forbid you look at a STRAIGHT HAIRY ASS!!!
why feature straight stuff in a gay website….?
If I wanted to see women with men, then I would go to a straight porn site…. or a lesbian bar. BUT(T), being that I am a gay male. I really do not care to see women on here. Nothin’ wrong with them, it is just not necessary to have them here. I would much rather see another man spreading his cheeks.
 I agree. There is no need to feature straight porn on a gay website, — or are you attempting to convey that our lifestyle is incorrect?
::rolling my eyes at this entire comment thread::
i totally agree with you Nuny….this is a gay site….therefore lets talk about gorgeous gay butts…not hairy straight asses….
in previous headlines here , goodlooking STRAIGHT guys have been featured too often….can’t they just feature gorgeous goodlooking gay guys….?
::continuing to roll my eyes at this entire comment thread, including the part where I first rolled my eyes at this entire comment thread::
gorgeous gay hunks….ricky martin, anyone?
just my honest observation, dewitt…..keep rolling 🙂
Well since this is a site for gay men, and a lot of
gay men get into fashion and modeling, this may be appealing to a lot of guys who read this. If you see a post that you don’t care for, then IGNORE IT, SKIP IT, MOVE ON!!!
As for me, I like ass. I like ass on gay men, I like ass on straight men, hell I like ass on women. So, take a fucking chill pill and stop bitching about insignificant shit!
Ricky Martin’s here too!
This is a gay site for gay men… right, because bisexuals don’t exist and don’t use manhunt. This isn’t a site designed for gay men, it’s blog dedicated to the users of manhunt which include bisexual as well as curious straight guys. Don’t like the content of this post, then move on to the next one. This isn’t your blog and it doesn’t have to post content that only you approve of.
It’s really appalling how narrow minded some gay men can be.
cool it gays….it’s just his honest opinion about things he noticed in this blog….and it’s true that many headlines here are about straight asses who won’t ever shoot a glance at us gays no matter how long and hard we oggle at their gorgeous abs.
 that’s exactly why it is called a blog…..you blog your opinions whether others like it or not
Getting back to the basic premise of the post… These two girls have absolutely nothing similar, feature-wise, except that the are both girls with brown hair. Â You need glasses. Â Stupid post!
I’m with you 100%
It’s just not turning out to be a good week for ya, is it Dewitt? First there was the severe take-down that you got with the “Top or Bottom – Hot military guy” post and now this. Perhaps it’s time to review the Manhunt Daily Mission statement…or make one up. You’ll never win “best big GAY blog of the yea” if you keep these shenanigans up (even if you do deserve it for all of the other stellar posts you have done).
Blargh, I’m not concerned with the haters (though I would like to win a damn award for once).
because this is dewitt’s blog.
well, maybe technically it’s manhunt corporation/online buddies‘s blog…
…but, well, F.A.I.A.P., dewitt( and any other contributor here)’s the one in charge of the content, such as it appears.
for better, or for worse.
I actually think Dewitt deserves one, c’mon, my daily fix of Manhunt Daily posts keeps me entertained! 🙂