Forgive me. I’m already screaming “Bottom! Bottom!” from deep inside of my soul. There’s just something about former Savage Garden member Darren Hayes that says “I like to be fucked gently and cuddled afterwards”. Maybe it’s the fact that he co-wrote songs like “Truly, Madly, Deeply” and “I Knew I Loved You”. I don’t even know what I mean by this, but those are such bottom songs. Like, if those songs were people, they’d love it up the butt SO MUCH.
But I digress. Hayes recently chatted with Pink News about his latest solo album and the most recent single “Bloodstained Heart”. For whatever reason, this made me think, “Hey! Since he’s an openly gay musical artist, we should have a ridiculous discussion about whether he’s a Top or Bottom.” Why?
Well, why not?
– Dewitt
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Definitely a bottom…
I really like his solo music and it’s sad that American stations don’t even attempt to play any of it. Luckily most of his singles get remixed and make it to the clubs.
God. Dewitt. How sad it must be to be you. Sad pathetic shallow vile gay man. Youre an embarassement to tthe gay conmunity.
Bitchy commentator say what, dewit is awesome.
I think you have him confused with Perez Hilton?
Speaking of Pathetic Toratora by any chance where you looking in the mirror at the time when you wrote your comment ?
Total bottom, claims he’s 100% vers.
I like his jacket… and I’m a bottom…. so there’s my proof that he is, too.
I’m sure he’s versatile. From the sounds he makes in his music, he’d be a hot as hell bottom. But I bet he could fuck the shit out of you if he wanted to…
he can be on top or me
or he be on the bttm and I’ll ride it
I’d do him!
To me he looks like he would enjoy being a bottom.
agh…can we please not the use of the term “fck the shit out of”, on gay websites. lol. just the wrong place for that shiii…use of language. 😛
Sad. Pathetic. Shallow. Vile. Gay Man. Seriously? Actually what is sad here is the fact that you have at least three misspelled words, your sentence structure is non-existent and you make yourself appear to be uneducated.
on top or me? he be on the bttm and you will ride it? (theme song from deliverance starts playing).